Troubleshooting: Fixing Error Messages

If you are having issues, carefully review whether you have followed all the steps in the guide. You can also go to the troubleshooting section for guidance, or send an email to the TME team ( with as many details as you can.

This table contains troubleshooting steps for specific error messages:
Table 1. Troubleshooting Table
Error Messages Troubleshooting Steps
No login page or guest redirection failure When a wireless client connects to the guest service set identifier (SSID), a browser pop up window opens and the browser is redirected to the login page.
If the page displays an error:
  • Review your process to ensure you followed the correct instructions to create the splash page
  • Ensure that the splash page is assigned to the correct location and guest SSID.
Login page does not display all the time If the client is connecting to a new SSID, the access point (AP) performs a new authentication sequence. But if you try to connect the client to the same guest SSID again after a previous successful session, then the AP does not prompt re-authentication until the client has completed the session timeout or the idle timeout.

Perform these steps to clear the AP cache:

  1. In ExtremeCloud IQ, select Manage Icon
  2. Select Clients.
  3. Check the media access control (MAC) address of the wireless client.
  4. Go to Devices.
  5. Access the advanced command line interface (CLI).
  6. Select the access point.
  7. Select Actions AdvancedCLI Access
  8. To clear the access point cache, run these commands one by one:
    clear auth station mac 001325b161f1
    clear auth local-cache mac 001325b161f1
    clear auth roaming-cache mac 001325b161f1
    clear auth roaming-cache hive-neighbors
    Note: Replace the MAC address in the command (001325b161f1) with the actual mac address of the wireless device.
  9. Reconnect the client to the wireless network.
The login page displays an error after entering all the details

If you get the login page, but do not get a welcome page or an error displays after entering details, onboarding rules are not properly defined.

  • Check the onboarding configuration rules to ensure there is a matching onboarding policy for the guest SSID and the location
  • Ensure that you defined onboarding policy rules in a way that reflect the desired workflow.