Configure the Splash Template

A splash template contains various captive portal web pages like the landing page, the registration page and the welcome page. You can clone multiple splash templates to customize and assign to a location or network. To create a splash page for this simple AUP guest configuration, you need to select the Splash Template and clone the Accept_and_Connect template.

Perform these steps to configure the splash template.

  1. From the Configure list, select Splash Templates.
  2. To clone the Accept_and_Connect template, select Clone Template Icon.
    Click to expand in new window
    Splash Template Screen
  3. In the Clone System Template field, type Guest-AUP.
  4. To edit the welcome message, select Settings Icon.
  5. Select Save Contents.
    Click to expand in new window
    Edit the Welcome Message


    You can experiment with other settings to change the color of the text, the background and the font.
  6. To save the Guest-AUP splash template, select Save Icon.
  7. To assign the Guest-AUP splash template to the network in San Jose, in the Location field, select San Jose.
  8. In the Network field, select XIQ-Guest.
  9. Select Add > Apply > OK.
    Click to expand in new window
    Apply the Splash template


    When a user connects to the XIQ-Guest service set identifier (SSID) in San Jose, the captive portal pages from this template is presented to the user.
  10. To push the updated configuration to the access point, go to the Configuration > Manage > Devices view and select the access point.
    Click to expand in new window
    Device Update screen