Uploading and Editing Files

You can upload files directly to the switch from your local. You can upload any file that the switch can read, including configurations, policies, Python fies, and scripts. This is especially helpful when wanting to transfer files to another switch.



File storage locations are:
  • /usr/local/ext—Files uploaded to the USB drive plugged into the switch.
  • user/local/cfg—Scripts and configuration files uploaded to the switch.
  • /usr/local/tmp—XMOD and XOS images sent directly to the switch

You can also upload ExtremeXOS images and XMODs for upgrades and maintenance. For more information, see Upgrading ExtremeXOS Using the File Manager.

  1. If uploading a file to a USB drive on the switch, select the USB.


    If no USB drive is present, the checkbox is not visible.
  2. Click the Browse button to add the file.


    File upload is slower over wireless connections.
  3. To edit a configuration file or script directly, click Edit next to the file.
    The file editor page displays.
    Click to expand in new window
  4. When editing is complete, you can:
    • Save to Switch—Takes the content of the current window and saves it to the switch, replacing the existing file.
    • Reload from Switch—Pulls what is currently saved on the switch and replaces the content in the current window.