Chalet will now add VLANs to the MLAG ID set up previously, which will create a VLAN and tag, add the ports on the MLAG device, and add the ISC port.
Assuming Add VLAN was clicked for MLAG ID "1," Chalet will create the VLAN on both peers, add the LAG to the MLAG device, and add the ISC ports to the VLAN. VLANs created using the wizard are prefixed with auto_mlagtag.
In this example, Chalet pushes the following configuration to each peer:
## Peer 1 ## create vlan "auto_mlag3" configure vlan auto_mlag3 tag 3 configure vlan auto_mlag3 add ports 1,17 tagged ## Peer 2 ## create vlan "auto_mlag3" configure vlan auto_mlag3 tag 3 configure vlan auto_mlag3 add ports 1,17 tagged