A stack might have a failed node even though the show licenses command shows that
all nodes are running the same license and/or feature packs.
To fix a license mismatch, do the following:
At the master node's console, enter show slot
slot_number repeatedly until you find the
slot node that is failing.
When you are creating a stack, a blinking orange
MGMT light usually indicates a license mismatch on a master-capable standby
Enter unconfigure stacking at the
master node to unconfigure the stack.
After making a connection to the failed switch's slot, update the license
information for that node:
Run clear license [{software} | port-speed] command without the software or
port-speed keywords.
Select revoke.
For universal platforms, licenses can be uninstalled orrevoked using
the following command:
uninstall license
[{file} | {product}] {filename} | {productname}] [{withhold} | {revoke}]
Enter reboot
Obtain the correct
license information for the failed switch, then enter # enable license
license_key (where license_key
has the format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx).
Enter show stacking
and enable stacking to
re-enable the stack.
Only those switches that are master-capable require compatible licenses be