To create and enable BGP auto-peering, use the command:
create auto-peering bgp routerid ipaddress AS-number asNumber
To delete BGP auto-peering, use the command:
delete auto-peering
To show the status of BGP auto-peering and the learned auto-peering interfaces and corresponding remote peer information, use the command:
show auto-peering {bgp | ospf}
To add dynamic BOOTP relay servers that the DHCP relay agent uses to forward DHCP traffic received from host attachments, use the following command:
configure auto-peering one-config bootprelay [add | delete] [ip_address | ipv6_address] vr vrname
To configure a list of OneConfig dynamic Auto-peering static routes, use the following command:
configure auto-peering one-config iproute [add | delete] [host | hostv6] [[ipaddress {netmask} | ipNetmask] gateway | ipNetmaskv6 gatewayv6] {vr vrname }
To specify a list of OneConfig dynamic auto-peering services, use the following command:
configure auto-peering one-config nsi-id id type [nsi | vrf] [add | delete] [[ipaddress {netmask} | ipNetmask ] | ipNetmaskv6] {vr vrname }
To configure a list of unique values that identify the remote Auto-peering devices to which this device can also automatically form an adjacency, use the following command:
configure auto-peering one-config remote id [add | delete] id {password [none | {encrypted} tcpPassword]}
To configure the auto-peering TCP MD5 password devices will configure in the TCP MD5, use the following command:
configure auto-peering one-config password [none | {encrypted} tcpPassword]
To configure the ID used by each device when automatically forming an adjacency with an BGP Auto-peering neighbor, use the following command:
configure auto-peering one-config id [none | id]
To show auto-peered OneConfig information configured on the device, use the command:
show auto-peering one-config {remote | service | route | database | bootprelay}