Create a Listener Policy

Follow this procedure to create a listener-policy, which is used by an egress to combine interfaces and perform post-processing actions.

About this task

Note the following naming conventions for name identifiers:
  • The name cannot exceed 64 characters.
  • The name must start with an alphabet character or an underscore.
  • The name must contain alphanumeric characters and special characters (underscores, hyphens, or periods).
  • The following reserved keywords cannot be used as name identifiers: all, ingress-group, egress, egress-group, match, list, access-list, route-map, and listener-policy.


Sequence ID is required when you create a listener policy; it defines the order in which it is to be processed (see the Extreme 9920 Software Command Reference, for more information).


  1. Enter the Config mode.
  2. Create a listener policy.
    device(config)# listener-policy lpl 10
    device(config-listener-policy)# match ip access-list v4_jumbo_traffic
    device(config-listener-policy)# truncate 512
    device(config-listener-policy)# end
  3. Verify that the listener policy is created.
    device# show listener-policy lp1
    show listener-policy lpl
    listener-policy lpl 10
    forward-action permit
    match ip access-list v4_jumbo_traffic (pending)
    truncate 512
    Policy matches: 0  packets, 0  bytes, 0 Packets/sec, 0 Bits/sec