Draw the Inner Walls

Wall materials affect the propagation and estimation models. Accurate representation of walls is essential for the accuracy of the model.

We recommend that you can draw inner walls for a custom environment and configure material types, such as concrete around stairwells. It is important that, at minimum, you draw inner walls that are made of concrete or brick because these materials have a strong affect on the propagation. If installation requires that an AP be placed within a walled area, then define both walls on either side of the AP.


If you do not want to create a custom environment and draw the inner walls, you can select basic inner wall types from the Environment drop-down list instead, such as office drywalls or cubicle walls. Office drywall has minimal impact on the RF Planner propagation.

You can also draw exclusion zones. For example, you can exclude AP placement from stairwells and washrooms/lavatories. The concrete walls for these areas will still be included as part of the RF calculation, but APs will not be automatically placed in the excluded zone.

To draw inner walls for a custom environment:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Draw Tools.
    The Draw Tools dialog opens.
  2. From the Draw Tools dialog, under Environment, select Custom from the drop-down list.
    Click to expand in new window
    Environment Options
  3. Under Draw Walls, select the material type from the drop-down list (Drywall, Brick, Concrete, Glass), then select ../_Graphics/draw-tool-button-1.png.
    The pen tool is enabled.
  4. To anchor the line drawing, double-click a corner of an inner wall.
  5. Click each corner of the inner wall, as needed, to anchor the line and progress to the next corner.
  6. When you are reach the end of the inner wall boundary, double-click the last corner to anchor the line and disable the pen tool.


    To change a wall type or to delete a wall, right-click on a wall and choose the appropriate option from the menu that displays. To modify a wall, ../_Graphics/move-button-1.png under Draw Walls.
    Click to expand in new window
    Inner Walls Drawn for Concrete and Drywall
    In this example, the concrete inner walls have black lines and the drywall has red lines.
  7. Repeat steps 3 - 6 for each area that you want to customize.
  8. (Optional) To exclude zones from your calculation, under Draw Zones, select ../_Graphics/edit-button-2.png and draw a line around the areas that you want to exclude from AP placement.
    Click to expand in new window
    Excluded Zone - Indicated in Green Area
  9. Right-click on the exclusion zone. In the Exclude Zone dialog that displays, you must select ../_Graphics/exclude-button.png to exclude the zone from the calculations. You can also change the zone ID, give the zone a default name, and delete the zone if needed.
    Click to expand in new window
    Exclude Zone Dialog