Export for Use with Other Applications

Your floor plan and AP/sensor placement details can be exported to a zip file for use with ExtremeManagement, ExtremeCloud, and Extreme Services Engine (NSE).

To export a floor plan:

  1. From the main menu, select Open Plan, and select the plan that you want to export.
  2. From the main menu, select Export Plan.
    The Export Plan dialog opens.
  3. Select the export format: ZIP (for use with ExtremeManagement), or NSE/Cloud.
    Click to expand in new window
    Export Plan Dialog
    You are prompted to create and save a file. The ZIP file contains both the floor image and XML files with the planning details, such as AP placement. The NSE/Cloud file contains XML files only.
  4. Unzip the files to a local drive or other secure location.
  5. Log in to ExtremeManagement, ExtremeCloud, or NSE and then import the RF Planner files to the chosen application. For more information about importing floor plans into these products, see the product-specific documentation.