Configuring VE route-only mode on a LAG port

Do the following to configure VE route-only mode on a LAG (port-channel) port.


  1. Enter global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Create a VLAN.
    device(config)# vlan 100
  3. Specify a port-channel interface.
    device# configure terminal
    device(config)# interface port-channel 1
  4. Enter the switchport command to configure Layer 2 characteristics.
    device(config-Port-channel-1)# switchport
  5. Specify trunk mode.
    device(config-Port-channel-1)# switchport mode trunk
  6. Tag the port to a VLAN.
    device(config-Port-channel-1)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100
  7. Enable tagging on native VLAN traffic.
    device(config-Port-channel-1)# switchport trunk tag native-vlan
  8. Enter the route-only command top enable Layer 3 routing exclusively on the port.
    device(config-Port-channel-1)# route-only
    Use the no route-only command to revert to default Layer 2 and Layer 3 behavior.
  9. Enable the interface and exit to global configuration mode.
    device(config-Port-channel-1)# no shutdown
    device(config-Port-channel-1)# exit
  10. Verify the port-channel configuration.
    device(config-Port-channel-1)# do show running-cocnfig interface port-channel 1
     interface Port-channel 1
     switchport mode trunk
     switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100,200
     switchport trunk tag native-vlan
     no shutdown
  11. Enter virtual Ethernet (VE) configuration mode and specify the VLAN.
    device(config)# interface ve 100
  12. Assign an IP address and mask and enable the interface.
    device(config-Ve-100)# ip address
    device(config-Ve-100)# no shutdown
  13. Verify the VE configuration.
    device(config-Ve-100)# )# do show running interface ve 100
    interface Ve 100
     ip proxy-arp
     ip address
     no shutdown