Threshold Monitoring

Table 1. SNMP Threshold Monitoring-MIB Notifications
Trap Name and OID Varbinds Description



extremeThreshMonResourceId extremeThreshMonNotifType extremeThreshMonResourceLimit This notification is generated when the resource usage reaches the configured high threshold limit or falls below the low threshold limit; and the total number of this notification sent in configured time interval has not exceeded the configured max notification count.
Table 2. SNMP Threshold Monitoring-MIB Objects
Trap Name and OID Access Description



Accessible-for-notify Specifies the unique index to identify monitored resources. Syntax - INTEGER MacAddressTable(1) VxlanTunnelTable (2) LIFTable (3) BFDSession (4)

bfdIPv4Session (5), - For devices where BFD resources are separate for IPv4 and IPv6

bfdIPv6Session (6) - For devices where BFD resources are separate for IPv4 and IPv6
extremeThreshMonNotifType . Accessible-for-notify Specifies the type of notification. Syntax - INTEGER rising (1) falling (2) rising (1)- resource usage reaches the configured high threshold limit. falling (2) - resource usage falls below the configured low threshold limit.
extremeThreshMonResourceLimit . Accessible-for-notify Specifies the configured threshold resource usage limit for this notification.