MIB object , OID , Syntax | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamPmGlobalOperNextIndex OID: Sytanx: Dot1afCfmIndexIntegerNextFree |
This object contains an unused value for mefSoamPmOperIndex that is used in the mefSoamPmLm and mefSoamPmDm tables, or a zero to indicate that none exist. This value needs to be inspected in order to find an available index for row-creation of a PM session on a MEP. Referential integrity is required, i.e., the index needs to be persistent upon a reboot or restart of a device. The index can never be reused for other PM sessions on the same MEP. The index value should keep increasing up to the time that it wraps around. This is to facilitate access control based on OID. This object is an extension of the dot1agCfmMepTable and the object is automatically added or deleted based upon row creation and destruction of the dot1agCfmMepTable. This object needs to be persistent upon reboot or restart of a device | Yes |
mefSoamPmGlobalLmSingleEndedResponder OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This attribute specifies whether the Loss Measurement (LMM) single ended responder is enabled. The value 'true' indicates the single ended Loss Measurement responder is enabled. The value 'false' indicates the single ended Loss Measurement responder is disabled. | Yes. (Always True) |
mefSoamPmGlobalSmSingleEndedResponder OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This attribute specifies whether the Synthetic Loss Measurement (SLM) single ended responder is enabled. The value 'true' indicates the single ended SLM responder is enabled. The value 'false' indicates the single ended SLM responder is disabled. This object needs to be persistent upon reboot or restart of a device. | Yes. (Always True) |
mefSoamPmGlobalDmSingleEndedResponder OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This attribute specifies whether the Delay Measurement (DMM) single ended responder is enabled. The value 'true' indicates the single ended Delay Measurement responder is enabled. The value 'false' indicates the single ended Delay Measurement responder is disabled. This object needs to be persistent upon reboot or restart of a device. | Yes. (Always True) |
MIB object , OID , Syntax | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamLmCfgIndex OID: Syntax: Unsigned32(1..4294967295) |
The index to the Loss Measurement Configuration table. mefSoamPmOperNextIndex needs to be inspected to find an available index for row-creation. Referential integrity is required, i.e., the index needs to be persistent upon a reboot or restart of a device. | Yes Not-accessible |
mefSoamLmCfgType Syntax: Integer { lmLmm (1), lmSlm (2), lm1SlTx (3), lm1SlRx (4), lmCcm (5) } |
This attribute specifies what type of Loss Measurement will be performed.lmLmm(1) LMM SOAM PDU generated and received LMR responses trackedlmSlm(2) SLM SOAM PDU generated and received SLR responses trackedlm1SlTx(3) 1SL SOAM PDU generatedlm1SlRx(4) 1SL SOAM PDU receivedlmCcm(5) CCM SOAM PDU generated and received CCM PDUs tracked | Partial. Only lmSlm will be supported. i.e Only 2-way LM is supported. |
mefSoamLmCfgEnabled OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This attribute specifies whether the Loss Measurement session is enabled. The value 'true' indicates the Loss Measurement session is enabled. The value 'false' indicates the Loss Measurement session is disabled. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgCounterEnable OID: Syntax: BITS { bTimeOfDayTimestamp(0), bMeasurementIntervalElapsedTime(1), bInitiatedMeasurementCounter(2), bCompleteMeasurementCounter(3), bTransmitFrameCountForward(4), bReceiveFrameCountForward(5), bTransmitFrameCountBackward(6), bReceiveFrameCountBackward(7), bAvailabilityIndicatorForward(8), bAvailabilityIndicatorBackward(9), bUnavailabilityIndicatorForward(10), bUnavailabilityIndicatorBackward(11), bFrameLossRatioForwardMin(12), bFrameLossRatioForwardMax(13), bFrameLossRatioForwardAve(14), bFrameLossRatioBackwardMin(15), bFrameLossRatioBackwardMax(16), bFrameLossRatioBackwardAve(17) } |
A vector of bits that indicates the type of SOAM LM counters that are enabled. A bit set to '1' enables the specific SOAM LM counter. A bit set to '0' disables the SOAM LM counter. If a particular SOAM LM counter is not supported the BIT value should be set to '0'. | Yes. Following values are not supported.bAvailabilityIndicatorForward(8), bAvailabilityIndicatorBackward(9), bUnavailabilityIndicatorForward(10), bUnavailabilityIndicatorBackward(11) |
mefSoamLmCfgInterval OID: Syntax: MefSoamTcPerfMonIntervalType |
This attribute specifies the Performance Monitoring OAM message transmission period. For Performance monitoring applications the default value is 1 sec. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgPriority OID: IEEE8021 Syntax: PriorityValue |
This attribute specifies the priority of frames with the Loss Measurement OAM message information. The default value MUST be the value which yields the lowest frame loss performance for this EVC. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgDropEligible OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This attribute specifies the Drop Eligible Indicator of Loss Measurement OAM frames. The value 'true' indicates frames are eligible to be discarded. The value 'false' indicates frames are not eligible to be discarded | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgFrameSize OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 (64..9600) |
This attribute specifies the Loss Measurement frame size between 64 bytes and the maximum transmission unit of the EVC. The range of frame sizes from 64 through 2000 octets, in 4 octet increments, MUST be supported, and the range of frame sizes from 2004 through 9600 octets, in 4 octet increments, SHOULD be supported. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgMeasurementInterval Syntax: Unsigned32 (1..1440) |
This attribute specifies a measurement interval in minutes. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgDestMacAddress OID Syntax: MacAddress |
The Target or Destination MAC Address Field to be transmitted. If mefSoamLmType is lmLmm or lmSlm, the destination address must be the unicast address of the destination MEP. An error is returned if this object is set to a multicast address. This address will be used if the value of the object mefSoamLmDestIsMepId is 'false'. This object is only valid for the entity transmitting the SOAM LM frames and is ignored by the entity receiving SOAM LM frames. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgDestMepId OID: Dot1agCfmMepIdOrZero |
The Maintenance Association End Point Identifier of another MEP in the same Maintenance Association to which the SOAM LM frame is to be sent. This address will be used if the value of the column mefSoamLmDestIsMepId is 'true'. A value of zero means that the destination MEP ID has not been configured. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgDestIsMepId OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
A value of 'true' indicates that MEPID of the target MEP is used for SOAM LM frame transmission. A value of 'false' indicates that the MAC address of the target MEP is used for SOAM LM frame transmission. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgStartTimeType OID: Syntax: MefSoamTcOperationTimeType |
This attribute specifies the type of start time of the SOAM LM session. The start time can be disabled (none), immediate, relative, or fixed. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgFixedStartDateAndTime OID: Syntax: DateAndTime |
This attribute specifies the fixed start date/time for the SOAM Loss Measurement session. This attribute is used only used if mefSoamLmStartTimeType is 'fixed' and is ignored otherwise. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgRelativeStartTime OID: TimeInterval |
This attribute specifies the relative start time, from the current system time, for the SOAM LM session. This attribute is used only if mefSoamLmStartTimeType is 'relative' and is ignored otherwise. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgStopTimeType MefSoamTcOperationTimeType | This attribute specifies the type of stop time to terminate the SOAM LM session. The stop time can be forever (none), relative, or fixed. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgFixedStopDateAndTime OID: Syntax: DateAndTime |
This attribute specifies the fixed stop date/time for the SOAM Loss Measurement session. This attribute is used only used if mefSoamLmStopTimeType is 'fixed' and is ignored otherwise. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgRelativeStopTime OID: Syntax: TimeInterval |
This attribute specifies the relative stop time, from the session start time, to stop the SOAM LM session. This attribute is used only if mefSoamLmStopTimeType is 'relative' and is ignored otherwise | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgPeriodicity OID: Syntax: TimeInterval |
This attribute specifies a configurable periodicity time per Loss Measurement session. The periodicity time can be specified as none (value of 0) or in relative time (e.g., every given number of hours, minutes, and seconds from the start time). If the SOAM LM session stop time is 'none' (forever), then the periodicitytime must be none. If the SOAM LM session stop time is 'relative' and the periodicity timeis relative time (non-zero value), then the periodicity time must be equal to or greater than the duration time (mefSoamLmRelativeStopTime). | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgAlignMeasurementIntervals 1.3.OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This attribute specifies whether the measurement intervals for the Loss Measurement session are aligned with a zero offset to real time. The value 'true' indicates that each Measurement Interval starts at a time which is aligned to NE time source hour if the interval is a factor of an hour. The value 'false' indicates that each Measurement Interval starts at a time which is a whole number of measurement intervals after the session start time. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgSessionStatus OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This object indicates the current status of the LM session. A value of 'true' indicates the current LM session is active. A value of 'false' indicates the current LM session is not active, has not started yet, or is currently in the stopped state between periods of activity. A session can become inactive due to it stopping based upon the stop time or the session being disabled. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgHistoryClear OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This object when written clears the Loss Measurement history Table (mefSoamLmHistoricStatsTable) - all rows are deleted. When read the value always returns 'false'. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCfgRowStatus OID: Syntax: RowStatus |
The status of the row. The writable columns in a row cannot be changed if the row is active. All columns must have a valid value before a row can be activated. | Yes |
MIB object , OID , Syntax | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsIndex OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
The index for the current measurement interval for this PM session. This value will become the value for mefSoamLmHistoricStatsIndex once the measurement interval is completed. | YesNot-accessible |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsStartTime OID: Syntax: DateAndTime |
The time that the current measurement interval started. This object applies regardless of the value of mefSoamLmType. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsElapsedTime OID: Syntax: TimeInterval |
The time that the current measurement interval has been running, in 0.01 seconds. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsSuspect OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
Whether the measurement interval has been marked as suspect. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsForwardTransmittedFrames OID: Syntax: Gauge32 |
This attribute contains the number of frames transmitted in the forward direction by this MEP. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsForwardReceivedFrames OID: Syntax: Gauge32 |
This attribute contains the number of frames received in the forward direction by this MEP. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsForwardMinFlr OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 (0..100000) |
This attribute contains the minimum one-way frame loss ratio in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. The FLR value is a ratio that is expressed as a percent with a value of 0 (ratio 0.00) through 100000 (ratio 1.00).Units are in percent, where 1 = 1/100000 | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsForwardMaxFlr OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 (0..100000) |
This attribute contains the maximum one-way frame loss ratio in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval.Units are in percent, where 1 = 1/100000 | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsForwardAvgFlr OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 (0..100000) |
This attribute contains the average one-way frame loss ratio in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval.Units are in percent, where 1 = 1/100000 | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsBackwardTransmitte dFrames OID: Syntax: Gauge32 |
This attribute contains the number of frames transmitted in the backward direction by this MEP. This attribute only applies when mefSoamLmType is lmLmm or lmSlm | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsBackwardReceivedFrames OID: Syntax: Gauge32 |
This attribute contains the number of frames received in the backward direction by this MEP. This attribute only applies when mefSoamLmType is lmLmm or lmSlm | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsBackwardMinFlr Unsigned32 (0..100000) |
This attribute contains the minimum one-way frame loss ratio in the backward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. Units are in percent, where 1 = 1/100000. This attribute only applies when mefSoamLmType is lmLmm or lmSlm. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsBackwardMaxFlr OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 (0..100000) |
This attribute contains the maximum one-way frame loss ratio in the backward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. Units are in percent, where 1 = 1/100000. This attribute only applies when mefSoamLmType is lmLmm or lmSlm. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsBackwardAvgFlr OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 (0..100000) |
This attribute contains the average one-way frame loss ratio in the backward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. Units are in percent, where 1 = 1/100000. This attribute only applies when mefSoamLmType is lmLmm or lmSlm. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsInitiatedMeasurements OID: OID: Syntax: Gauge32 |
This attribute contains the count of the number of measurements initiated during this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamLmCurrentStatsCompletedMeasurements OID: Syntax: Gauge32 |
This attribute contains the count of the number of measurements initiated in this measurement interval that have completed. | Yes |
MIB object , OID , Syntax | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamDmCfgIndex OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
The index to the Delay Measurement Configuration table.mefSoamPmOperNextIndex needs to be inspected to find an available index for row-creation. | Yes. Not-accessible |
mefSoamDmCfgType OID: Syntax: Integer { dmDmm (1), dm1DmTx (2), dm1DmRx (3) } |
This attribute indicates what type of Delay Measurement to be performed. dmDmm(1) DMM SOAM PDU generated, DMR responses received (1-way or 2-way measurements)dm1DmTx(2) 1DM SOAM PDU generated (1-way measurements)dm1DmRx(3) 1DM SOAM PDU received and tracked (1-way measurements)The exact PDUs to use are specified by this object in combination with mefSoamDmCfgVersion. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgVersion OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute indicates the version of the PDUs used to perform Delay Measurement. Version 0 indicates the PDU formats defined in Y.1731-2008.Version 1 indicates the PDU formats defined in Y.1731-20xx.The exact PDUs to use are specified by this object in combination with mefSoamDmCfgType. | Yes. Supports version 0 only. |
mefSoamDmCfgEnabled OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This attribute specifies whether the Delay Measurement session is enabled. The value 'true' indicates the Delay measurement session is enabled. The value 'false' indicates Delay Measurement session is disabled. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgCounterEnable OID: Syntax: BITS { bTimeOfDayTimestamp(0), bMeasurementIntervalElapsedTime(1), bInitiatedMeasurementCounter(2), bCompleteMeasurementCounter(3), bFrameDelayRoundTripBins(4), bFrameDelayRoundTripMin(5), bFrameDelayRoundTripMax(6), bFrameDelayRoundTripAve(7), bFrameDelayForwardBins(8), bFrameDelayForwardMin(9), bFrameDelayForwardMax(10), bFrameDelayForwardAve(11), bFrameDelayBackwardBins(12), bFrameDelayBackwardMin(13), bFrameDelayBackwardMax(14), bFrameDelayBackwardAve(15), bIFDVForwardBins(16), bIFDVForwardMin(17), bIFDVForwardMax(18), bIFDVForwardAve(19), bIFDVBackwardBins(20), bIFDVBackwardMin(21), bIFDVBackwardMax(22), bIFDVBackwardAve(23), bIFDVRoundTripBins(24), bIFDVRoundTripMin(25), bIFDVRoundTripMax(26), bIFDVRoundTripAve(27) } |
A vector of bits that indicates the type of SOAM DM counters that are enabled. A bit set to '1' enables the specific SOAM DM counter. A bit set to '0' disables the SOAM DM counter.If a particular SOAM DM counter is not supported the BIT value should be set to '0'. | Yes. Only following are supported : bMeasurementIntervalElapsedTime(1), bInitiatedMeasurementCounter(2), bCompleteMeasurementCounter(3), bFrameDelayRoundTripBins(4), bFrameDelayRoundTripMin(5), bFrameDelayRoundTripMax(6), bFrameDelayRoundTripAve(7), |
mefSoamDmCfgInterval OID: Syntax: MefSoamTcPerfMonIntervalType |
This attribute specifies the Performance Monitoring OAM message transmission period. For Performance monitoring applications, the default value is 100ms. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgPriority Syntax: IEEE8021PriorityValue |
This attribute specifies the priority of frames with Delay Measurement OAM message information. The default value MUST be the value which yields the lowest frame loss performance for this EVC. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgDropEligible OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This attribute specifies the Drop Eligible Indicator of Delay Measurement OAM frames. The value 'true' indicates frames are eligible to be discarded. The value 'false' indicates frames are not eligible to be discarded. | Yes. Always True. |
mefSoamDmCfgFrameSize OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute specifies the Delay Measurement frame size between 64 bytes and the maximum transmission unit of the EVC. The range of frame sizes from 64 through 2000 octets, in 4 octet increments, MUST be supported, and the range of frame sizes from 2004 through 9600 octets, in 4 octet increments, SHOULD be supported. The adjustment to the frame size of the standard frame size is accomplished by the addition of a Data or Test TLV. A Data or Test TLV is only added to the frame if the frame size is greater than 64 bytes. This object is only valid for the entity transmitting the Delay Measurement frames (dmDmm, dm1DmTx) and is ignored by the entity receiving frames. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgMeasurementInterval OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 (1..1440) |
This attribute specifies a measurement interval in minutes. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgDestMacAddress OID: Syntax: MacAddress |
The Target or Destination MAC Address Field to be transmitted. If mefSoamDmType is dmDmm, the destination address must be the unicast address of the destination MEP. An error is returned if this object is set to a multicast address.If mefSoamDmType is dm1DmTx, the destination address is normally the unicast address of the destination MEP, but may be a multicast address indicating the level of the MEG: 01-80-c2-00-00-3y, where y is the level of the MEG. An error is returned if this object is set to any other multicast address. If mefSoamDmType is dm1DmRx, this object is ignored. This address will be used if the value of the object mefSoamDmDestIsMepId is 'false'.This object is only valid for the entity transmitting the SOAM DM frames and is ignored by the entity receiving SOAM DM frames. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgDestMepId OID: Syntax: Dot1agCfmMepIdOrZero |
The Maintenance Association End Point Identifier of another MEP in the same Maintenance Association to which the SOAM DM frame is to be sent.This address will be used if the value of the column mefSoamDmDestIsMepId is 'true'. A value of zero means that the destination MEP ID has not been configured. This object is only valid for the entity transmitting the SOAM DM frames and is ignored by the entity receiving SOAM DM frames. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgDestIsMepId OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
A value of 'true' indicates that MEPID of the target MEP is used for SOAM DM frame transmission.A value of 'false' indicates that the destination MAC address of the target MEP is used for SOAM DM frame transmission. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgStartTimeType OID: Syntax: MefSoamTcOperationTimeType |
This attribute specifies the type of start time of the SOAM DM session. The start time can be disabled (none), immediate, relative, or fixed. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgFixedStartDateAndTime Syntax: DateAndTime |
This attribute specifies the fixed start date/time for the SOAM Delay Measurement session. This attribute is used only used if mefSoamDmStartTimeType is 'fixed' and is ignored otherwise. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgRelativeStartTime OID: T Syntax: imeInterval |
This attribute specifies the relative start time, from the current system time, for the SOAM DM session. This attribute is used only if mefSoamDmStartTimeType is 'relative' and is ignored otherwise. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgStopTimeType OID: Syntax: MefSoamTcOperationTimeType |
This attribute specifies the type of stop time to terminate the SOAM DM session. The stop time can be forever (none), relative, or fixed. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgFixedStopDateAndTime DateAndTime | This attribute specifies the fixed stop date/time for the SOAM Delay Measurement session. This attribute is used only used if mefSoamDmStopTimeType is 'fixed' and is ignored otherwise. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgRelativeStopTime OID: Syntax: TimeInterval |
This attribute specifies the relative stop time, from the session start time, to stop the SOAM DM session. This attribute is used only if mefSoamDmStopTimeType is 'relative' and is ignored otherwise. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgPeriodicity OID: Syntax: TimeInterval |
This attribute specifies a configurable periodicity time per Delay Measurement session. The periodicity time can be specified as none (value of 0) or in relative time (e.g., every given number of hours, minutes, and seconds from the start time).If the SOAM DM session stop time is none (forever), then the periodicity time must be none. If the SOAM DM session stop time is 'relative' and the periodicity time is relative time (non-zero value), then the periodicity time must be equal to or greater than the duration time (mefSoamDmRelativeStopTime). | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgAlignMeasurementInter vals OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This attribute specifies whether the measurement intervals for the Delay Measurement session are aligned with a zero offset to real time. The value 'true' indicates that each measurement Interval starts at a time which is aligned to NE time source hour if the interval is a factor of an hour.The value 'false' indicates that each Measurement Interval starts at a time which is a whole number of measurement intervals after the session start time. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgSessionStatus OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This object indicates the current status of the DM session. A value of 'true' indicates the current DM session is active. A value of 'false' indicates the current DM session is not active, has not started yet, or is currently in the stopped state between periods of activity. A session can become inactive due to it stopping based upon the stop time or the session being disabled. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgHistoryClear OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
This object when written clears the Delay Measurement history tables (mefSoamDmHistoricStatsTable and mefSoamDmHistoricStatsBinsTable)- all rows are deleted. When read the value always returns 'false'.Writing this value does not change the current stat table, nor any of the items in the configuration table. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCfgRowStatus OID: Syntax: RowStatus |
The status of the row. | Yes |
MIB object , OID , Syntax | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamDmCurrentStatsIndex OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
The index for the current measurement interval for this PM session. This value will become the value for mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIndex once the measurement interval is completed. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCurrentStatsStartTime OID: Syntax: DateAndTime |
The time that the current measurement interval started. This object applies regardless of the value of mefSoamDmType. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCurrentStatsElapsedTime OID: Syntax: TimeInterval |
The time that the current measurement interval has been running, in 0.01 seconds. This object applies regardless of the value of mefSoamDmType. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCurrentStatsSuspect OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
Whether the measurement interval has been marked as suspect. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCurrentStatsFrameDelayRoundTripMin OID: Syntax:Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the minimum round-trip frame delay calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCurrentStatsFrameDelayRoundTripMax OID: Syntax:Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the maximum round-trip frame delay calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCurrentStatsFrameDelayRoundTripAvg OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the average round-trip frame delay calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCurrentStatsInitiatedMeasurements OID: Syntax: Gauge32 |
This attribute contains the count of the number of measurements initiated during this measurement interval. This attribute applies when mefSoamDmType is dmDmm, or dm1DmTx. | Yes |
mefSoamDmCurrentStatsCompletedMeasurements OID: Syntax: Gauge32 |
This attribute contains the count of the number of measurements initiated in this measurement interval that have completed." | Yes |
MIB object , OID , Syntax | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIndex OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
The index for the measurement interval within this PM session. | Yes. Not-accessible |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsEndTime OID: Syntax: DateAndTime |
The time that the measurement interval ended. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsElapsedTime OID: Syntax: TimeInterval |
The length of time that the measurement interval ran for, in 0.01 seconds. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsSuspect OID: Syntax: TruthValue |
Whether the measurement interval has been marked as suspect. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayRoundTripMin OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the minimum round-trip frame delay calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayRoundTripMax OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the maximum round-trip frame delay calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayRoundTripAvg OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the average round-trip frame delay calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayForwardMin OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the minimum one-way frame delay in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayForwardMax OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the maximum one-way frame delay in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayForwardAvg OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the average one-way frame delay in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsInitiatedMeasurements OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the count of the number of measurements initiated during this measurement interval. This attribute applies when mefSoamDmType is dmDmm, or dm1DmTx. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsCompletedMeasurements OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the count of the number of measurements initiated in this measurement interval that have completed. | Yes |
MIB object , OID , Syntax | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamDmThresholdIndex OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
The index of the threshold number for the specific DM threshold entry. | Yes. Not-accessible |
mefSoamDmThresholdEnable OID: Syntax: BITS { bMefSoamDmMaxFrameDelayRoundTripThreshold(0), bMefSoamDmAveFrameDelayRoundTripThreshold(1), bMefSoamDmMaxIFDVRoundTripThreshold(2), bMefSoamDmAveIFDVRoundTripThreshold(3), bMefSoamDmMaxFrameDelayForwardThreshold(4), bMefSoamDmAveFrameDelayForwardThreshold(5), bMefSoamDmMaxIFDVForwardThreshold(6), bMefSoamDmAveIFDVForwardThreshold(7), bMefSoamDmMaxFrameDelayBackwardThreshold(8), bMefSoamDmAveFrameDelayBackwardThreshold(9), bMefSoamDmMaxIFDVBackwardThreshold(10), bMefSoamDmAveIFDVBackwardThreshold(11) } |
A vector of bits that indicates the type of SOAM DM threshold notifications that are enabled.A bit set to '1' enables the specific SOAM DM threshold notification and when the specific counter is enabled and the threshold is crossed a notification is generated. A bit set to '0' disables the specific SOAM DM threshold notification. If a particular SOAM DM threshold is not supported the BIT value should be set to '0'. | Yes |
OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the maximum two-way round trip delay threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the average two-way round trip delay threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
mefSoamDmThresholdMaxFrameDelayForwardThreshold OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the maximum forward delay threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
mefSoamDmThresholdAveFrameDelayForwardThreshold OID: Syntax: Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the average forward delay threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
MIB object , OID , Syntax | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIndex Unsigned32 | The index for the measurement interval within this PM session. | Yes. Not-accessible |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsEndTime DateAndTime |
The time that the measurement interval ended. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsElapsedTime TimeInterval | The length of time that the measurement interval ran for, in 0.01 seconds. | Yes |
TruthValue |
Whether the measurement interval has been marked as suspect. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayRoundTripMin Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the minimum round-trip frame delay calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayRoundTripMax Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the maximum round-trip frame delay calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayRoundTripAvg Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the average round-trip frame delay calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayForwardMin Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the minimum one-way frame delay in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayForwardMax Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the maximum one-way frame delay in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayForwardAvg Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the average one-way frame delay in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayBackwardMin Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the minimum one-way frame delay in the backward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayBackwardMax Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the maximum one-way frame delay in the backward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsFrameDelayBackwardAvg Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the average one-way frame delay in the backward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIFDVForwardMin Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the minimum one-way inter-frame delay interval in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIFDVForwardMax Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the maximum one-way inter-frame delay interval in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIFDVForwardAvg Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the average one-way inter-frame delay interval in the forward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIFDVBackwardMin Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the minimum one-way inter-frame delay interval in the backward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIFDVBackwardMax Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the maximum one-way inter-frame delay interval in the backward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIFDVBackwardAvg Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the average one-way inter-frame delay interval in the backward direction calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIFDVRoundTripMin Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the minimum round trip inter-frame delay interval calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIFDVRoundTripMax Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the maximum round trip inter-frame delay interval calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsIFDVRoundTripAvg Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the average round trip inter-frame delay interval calculated by this MEP for this measurement interval. | No |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsInitiatedMeasurements Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the count of the number of measurements initiated during this measurement interval. This attribute applies when mefSoamDmType is dmDmm, or dm1DmTx. | Yes |
mefSoamDmHistoricStatsCompletedMeasurements Unsigned32 |
This attribute contains the count of the number of measurements initiated in this measurement interval that have completed. | Yes |
MIB object , OID , Syntax | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamDmThresholdIndex Unsigned32 |
The index of the threshold number for the specific DM threshold entry. | Yes. Not-accessible |
mefSoamDmThresholdEnable BITS { bMefSoamDmMaxFrameDelayRoundTripThreshold(0), bMefSoamDmAveFrameDelayRoundTripThreshold(1), bMefSoamDmMaxIFDVRoundTripThreshold(2), bMefSoamDmAveIFDVRoundTripThreshold(3), bMefSoamDmMaxFrameDelayForwardThreshold(4), bMefSoamDmAveFrameDelayForwardThreshold(5), bMefSoamDmMaxIFDVForwardThreshold(6), bMefSoamDmAveIFDVForwardThreshold(7), bMefSoamDmMaxFrameDelayBackwardThreshold(8), bMefSoamDmAveFrameDelayBackwardThreshold(9), bMefSoamDmMaxIFDVBackwardThreshold(10), bMefSoamDmAveIFDVBackwardThreshold(11) } | A vector of bits that indicates the type of SOAM DM threshold notifications that are enabled. A bit set to '1' enables the specific SOAM DM threshold notification and when the specific counter is enabled and the threshold is crossed a notification is generated. A bit set to '0' disables the specific SOAM DM threshold notification. If a particular SOAM DM threshold is not supported the BIT value should be set to '0'. | Yes |
mefSoamDmThresholdMaxFrameDelayRoundTripThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the maximum two-way round trip delay threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
mefSoamDmThresholdAveFrameDelayRoundTripThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the average two-way round trip delay threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
mefSoamDmThresholdMaxIFDVRoundTripThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the maximum round trip IFDV threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | No |
mefSoamDmThresholdAveIFDVRoundTripThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the average round trip IFDV threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | No |
mefSoamDmThresholdMaxFrameDelayForwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the maximum forward delay threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
mefSoamDmThresholdAveFrameDelayForwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the average forward delay threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
mefSoamDmThresholdMaxIFDVForwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the maximum IFDV threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | No |
mefSoamDmThresholdAveIFDVForwardThreshold Unsigned32 | This object is used to set the average IFDV threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | No |
mefSoamDmThresholdMaxFrameDelayBackwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the maximum backward delay threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | No |
mefSoamDmThresholdAveFrameDelayBackwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the average backward delay threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | No |
mefSoamDmThresholdMaxIFDVBackwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the maximum backward IFDV threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | No |
mefSoamDmThresholdAveIFDVBackwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the average backward IFDV threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | No |
MIB object , OID , Syntax | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamLmThresholdIndex Unsigned32 |
The index of the threshold number for the specific LM threshold entry. An index value of '1' must be supported. Other indexes values are also supported. | Yes.Not-accessbile |
mefSoamLmThresholdEnable BITS { bMefSoamLmMaxFlrForwardThreshold(0), bMefSoamLmAveFlrForwardThreshold(1), bMefSoamLmMaxFlrBackwardThreshold(2), bMefSoamLmAveFlrBackwardThreshold(3), bMefSoamLmUnavailForwardThreshold(4), bMefSoamLmUnavailBackwardThreshold(5) } | A vector of bits that indicates the type of SOAM LM thresholds notifications that are enabled.A bit set to '1' enables the specific SOAM LM threshold notification and when the specific counter is enabled and the threshold is crossed a notification is generated. A bit set to '0' disables the specific SOAM LM threshold notification. If a particular SOAM LM threshold is not supported the BIT value should be set to '0'. | Yes |
mefSoamLmThresholdMaxFlrForwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the maximum forward frame loss ratio threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
mefSoamLmThresholdAveFlrForwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the average forward frame loss ratio threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
mefSoamLmThresholdMaxFlrBackwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the maximum backward frame loss ratio threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
mefSoamLmThresholdAveFlrBackwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the average backward frame loss ratio threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | Yes |
mefSoamLmThresholdUnavailForwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the forward unavailability threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | No |
mefSoamLmThresholdUnavailBackwardThreshold Unsigned32 |
This object is used to set the backward unavailability threshold value that will be used to determine if a threshold notification should be generated. | No |
Notification, OID | Object | Description | Supported (Yes/No) |
mefSoamLmSessionStartStop |
mefSoamLmCfgSessionStatus, mefSoamNotificationDateAndTime | An mefSoamLmSessionStartStop notification is sent when the state of the LM session changes. An agent should not generate more than one mefSoamLmSessionStartStop 'notification-event' in a given time interval per LM session as specified by the mefSoamAlarmInterval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmSessionStartStop |
mefSoamDmCfgSessionStatus, mefSoamNotificationDateAndTime | An mefSoamDmSessionStartStop notification is sent when the state of the DM session changes. | Yes |
mefSoamLmThresholdCrossing OID: |
mefSoamThresholdNotificationId, mefSoamThresholdNotificationCfg, mefSoamThresholdNotificationCount, mefSoamThresholdSuspect, mefSoamNotificationDateAndTime | An mefSoamLmThresholdCrossing notification is sent when the value of the crossing object from mefSoamLmThresholdTable as indicated by the mefSoamThresholdNotificationId is exceeded during the current measurement interval. | Yes |
mefSoamDmThresholdCrossing OID: |
mefSoamThresholdNotificationId, mefSoamThresholdNotificationCfg, mefSoamThresholdNotificationCount, mefSoamThresholdSuspect, mefSoamNotificationDateAndTime | An mefSoamDmThresholdCrossing notification is sent when the value of the crossing object from mefSoamDmThresholdTable as indicated by the mefSoamThresholdNotificationId is exceeded during the current measurement interval. | Yes |