Maintenance Mode Notifications

These notifications contain information on the operational status of entry/exit from the maintenance mode for the following reasons.

The Convergence Status can be either completed(1) or timed out(2).

The Reason code can be either userAction(1) or onSwitchReboot(2).

A MIB is generated whenever the switch transitions from normal-mode to maintenance-mode, namely MM Enter and when exiting from the maintenance-mode, namely MM Exit.

The trap has the following information, local host name, maintenance-mode operational status - completed and timed-out, maintenance-mode transition reason code - user action, SLX reboot.

Table 1. Maintenance Mode-MIB Notifications
Trap Name and OID Varbind Description
extremeMaintenanceModeEntryTrap extremeMaintenance ModeConvergenceStatus, extremeMaintModeReasonCode, sysName This trap is generated when the switch exits from the maintenance mode.
extremeMaintenanceModeExitTrap extremeMaintenance ModeConvergenceStatus, extremeMaintModeReasonCode, sysName

This trap is generated when the switch exits from the maintenance mode.

Table 2. Maintenance Mode-MIB Objects
Trap Name and OID Access Description



This object gives the convergence status at the time of trap generation. The states are as follows: a) completed (1) means convergence completed within expected time. b) timedout (2) means convergence is taking more time than expected convergence-time

extremeMaintModeReasonCode Accessible-for-notify This object specifies the reason for entering/exiting the maintenance mode. The states are as follows: a) userAction (1) means immediate maintenance mode transition is triggered by user. b) onSwitchReboot (2) means switch is entering maintenance mode during reboot and the startup configuration contains maintenance mode enable-on-reboot.