Install the Access Point on a Pole

Before you begin

The access point is used with the KT-147407-02 bracket parts and either KT-150173-01 extension arm or MBO-ART03 for pole installation. The access point is mounted on a pole by attaching:
  1. For +/- 15 degree tilt: All three parts of the KT-147407-02 bracket.
  2. For +/-15 degree tilt with an extension: The KT-150173-01 extension arm with all the KT-147407-02 bracket parts.
  3. For no-tilt: The pole bracket part of the KT-147407-02 bracket.
  4. The MBO-ART03 with the pole part of the KT-147407-02 bracket.
The following hardware is required to install the access point on a pole:
  • For tilt only: The Flat and tilt part of the KT-147407-02 bracket
  • Pole part of the KT-147407-02 bracket
  • 1-axis tilt bracket
  • Six M6 screws
  • Two hex-head M12 stainless-steel screws
  • Two hex-heads M12 stainless-steel nuts
  • Two M12 screws
  • Two M12 hex nuts
  • Two 0.5-inch wide stainless-steel cable clamps
  • KT-150173-01 extension arm (Optional)
  • MBO-ART-03 (Optional)


You must provide M6 hex-head screws and screw-in anchors.


The cable glands must face down when you install the access point on a pole.