VOSS CLI Commands Reference Version 8.6
> show ip bgp confederation
Published March 2022
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Notice about Feature Support
Application Configuration
iqagent enable
iqagent proxy
iqagent server
slamon agent
slamon agent-comm-port
slamon install-cert-file
slamon oper-mode enable
slamon server
BFD Router Configuration
BGP Router Configuration
auto-peer-restart enable
bgp aggregation
bgp always-compare-med
bgp client-to-client reflection
bgp cluster-id
bgp confederation
bgp default local-preference
bgp deterministic-med enable
bgp multiple-paths
default-metric (for BGP)
global-debug mask
neighbor password
neighbor WORD<0-1536>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> address-family
neighbor WORD<0-1536> advertisement-interval <5-120>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> default-ipv6-originate
neighbor WORD<0-1536> default-originate
neighbor WORD<0-1536> ebgp-multihop
neighbor WORD<0-1536> enable
neighbor word<0-1536> fall-over bfd
neighbor WORD<0-1536> in-route-map WORD<0-256>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> ipv6-in-route-map WORD<0-256>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> ipv6-out-route-map WORD<0-256>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> max-prefix <0-2147483647>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> MD5-authentication enable
neighbor WORD<0-1536> neighbor-debug-mask WORD<1-100>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> next-hop-self
neighbor WORD<0-1536> out-route-map WORD<0-256>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> peer-group WORD<0-1536>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> remote-as WORD<0-11>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> remove-private-as enable
neighbor WORD<0-1536> retry-interval <1-65535>
neighbor WORD<0-1536> route-reflector-client
neighbor WORD<0-1536> route-refresh
neighbor WORD<0-1536> send-community
neighbor WORD<0-1536> soft-reconfiguration-in enable
neighbor WORD<0-1536> timers
neighbor WORD<0-1536> update-source
neighbor WORD<0-1536> weight
network (for BGP)
redistribute direct (for BGP)
redistribute dvr (for BGP)
redistribute ipv6-direct (for BGP)
redistribute ipv6-isis enable
redistribute ipv6-isis metric
redistribute ipv6-isis route-map
redistribute ipv6-static (for BGP)
redistribute isis (for BGP)
redistribute ospf (for BGP)
redistribute ospfv3 (for BGP)
redistribute rip (for BGP)
redistribute ripng enable
redistribute ripng metric
redistribute ripng route-map
redistribute static (for BGP)
route-reflector enable
router-id (for BGP)
DHCP-guard Configuration
match reply prefix-list
match server access-list
preference max-limit
preference min-limit
Elan I-SID Configuration
c-vid (for an mlt)
c-vid (for a port)
untagged-traffic (for an mlt)
untagged-traffic (for a port)
Elan-Transparent Configuration
mlt (T-UNI based)
port (T-UNI based)
Fabric IPsec Gateway Configuration
certificate ca <ca-trustpoint>
certificate generate
certificate get
certificate remove
certificate send-csr-to
delete certificate
delete global
delete ip route
delete ipsec
delete logical-intf-tunnel
save config
set certificate ca-trustpoint
set certificate subject
set default-config-file
set global
set ip route
set ipsec <1-255>
set logical-intf-tunnel <1-255>
show certificate-config
show certificates
show default-config-file
show ip route
show ipsec-config
show ipsec-logs
show ipsec-routes
show ipsec-stats
show ipsec-status
show logical-intf-config
show logical-intf-config
show running-config
show version
system passwd-change rwa
system save-full tech <filename>
GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration
auto-negotiate enable (on an Ethernet port)
auto-sense enable
auto-sense data (for port)
clear mac-address-table dynamic
eapol fail-open-vlan
eapol fail-open-isid
eapol guest-isid
eapol guest-vlan
eapol max-request
eapol multihost eap-mac-max
eapol multihost eap-oper-mode
eapol multihost mac-max
eapol multihost non-eap-mac-max
eapol multihost radius-non-eap-enable
eapol quiet-interval
eapol radius-dynamic-server enable
eapol re-authentication
eapol re-authentication-period
eapol status
eapol traffic-control
eapol voice lldp-auth
encapsulation dot1q
endpoint-tracking (for a port)
energy-saver (for port)
energy-saver eee enable
fa authentication-key (for a port)
fa enable (for a port)
fa management (for a port)
fa message-authentication (for a port)
high-secure enable
ip arp-inspection
ip arp-proxy enable (for a port)
ip arp-response (for a port)
ip bfd (for a port)
ip dhcp-relay (for a port)
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path (for a port)
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path mode (for a port)
ip dhcp-snooping (for port)
ip directed-broadcast (for a port)
ip forward-protocol udp (on a port)
ip forward-protocol udp broadcastmask (on a port)
ip forward-protocol udp maxttl (on a port)
ip forward-protocol udp port
ip forward-protocol udp portfwdlist (on a port)
ip igmp access-list (for a port)
ip igmp access-list mode (for a port)
ip igmp compatibility-mode (for a port)
ip igmp dynamic-downgrade-version (for a port)
ip igmp igmpv3-explicit-host-tracking (for an Ethernet port)
ip igmp immediate-leave (for an Ethernet port)
ip igmp last-member-query-interval (for a port)
ip igmp port (for a port)
ip igmp query-interval (for a port)
ip igmp query-max-response (for a port)
ip igmp robust-value (for a port)
ip igmp router-alert (for a port)
ip igmp stream-limit (for a port)
ip igmp upnp-filter (for a port)
ip igmp version (for a port)
ip ipsec enable (for a port)
ip ipsec policy (for a port)
ip irdp address (for a port)
ip irdp holdtime (for a port)
ip irdp maxadvertinterval (for a port)
ip irdp minadvertinterval (for a port)
ip irdp multicast (for a port)
ip irdp preference (for a port)
ip mroute (for a port)
ip ospf advertise-when-down enable (for a port)
ip ospf area (for a port)
ip ospf authentication-key (for a port)
ip ospf authentication-type (for a port)
ip ospf bfd
ip ospf cost (for a port)
ip ospf dead-interval (for a port)
ip ospf digest-key (for a port)
ip ospf enable (for a port)
ip ospf hello-interval (for a port)
ip ospf mtu-ignore enable (for a port)
ip ospf network (for a port)
ip ospf poll-interval (for a port)
ip ospf primary-digest-key (for a port)
ip ospf priority (for a port)
ip ospf retransmit-interval (for a port)
ip ospf transit-delay (for a port)
ip pim (for a port)
ip pim bsr-candidate preference (for a port)
ip pim hello-interval (for a port)
ip pim interface-type (for a port)
ip pim join-prune-interval (for a port)
ip rip advertise-when-down enable (for a port)
ip rip auto-aggregation (for a port)
ip rip cost (for a port)
ip rip default-listen (for a port)
ip rip default-supply enable (for a port)
ip rip enable (for a port)
ip rip holddown (for a port)
ip rip in-policy (for a port)
ip rip listen (for a port)
ip rip out-policy (for a port)
ip rip poison enable (for a port)
ip rip port
ip rip receive version (for a port)
ip rip send (for a port)
ip rip supply (for a port)
ip rip timeout (for a port)
ip rip triggered (for a port)
ip rvs-path-chk
ip source verify
ip spb-multicast enable (for a port)
ip spb-pim-gw enable (for a port)
ip spb-pim-gw hello-interval (for a port)
ip spb-pim-gw ip join-prune-interval (for a port)
ip vrrp (for a port)
ip vrrp address (for a port)
ip vrrp version
ipv6 bfd (for a port)
ipv6 dhcp-relay (for a port)
ipv6 fhs dhcp-guard
ipv6 fhs nd-inspection enable (for a port)
ipv6 fhs ra-guard
ipv6 forwarding (for a port)
ipv6 interface (for a port)
ipv6 interface address (for a port)
ipv6 interface enable (for a port)
ipv6 interface hop-limit (for a port)
ipv6 interface link-local (for a port)
ipv6 interface mtu (for a port)
ipv6 interface name (for a port)
ipv6 interface reachable-time (for a port)
ipv6 interface retransmit-timer (for a port)
ipv6 interface vlan (for a port)
ipv6 ipsec enable (for a port)
ipv6 ipsec policy (for a port)
ipv6 mld last-listener-query-interval (for a port)
ipv6 mld query-interval (for a port)
ipv6 mld query-max-response (for a port)
ipv6 mld robust-value (for a port)
ipv6 mld version (for a port)
ipv6 nd (for a port)
ipv6 nd dad-ns (for a port)
ipv6 nd hop-limit (for a port)
ipv6 nd managed-config-flag (for a port)
ipv6 nd mtu (for a port)
ipv6 nd other-config-flag (for a port)
ipv6 nd prefix (for a port)
ipv6 nd prefix-interface (for a port)
ipv6 nd ra-lifetime (for a port)
ipv6 nd reachable-time (for a port)
ipv6 nd retransmit-timer (for a port)
ipv6 nd rtr-advert-max-interval (for a port)
ipv6 nd rtr-advert-min-interval (for a port)
ipv6 nd send-ra (for a port)
ipv6 nd valid-life (for a port)
ipv6 ospf (for a port)
ipv6 ospf area (for a port)
ipv6 ospf bfd
ipv6 pim enable (for a port)
ipv6 pim hello-interval (for a port)
ipv6 pim join-prune-interval (for a port)
ipv6 rip cost (for a port )
ipv6 rip poison enable (for a port)
ipv6 rvs-path-chk
ipv6 source-guard
ipv6 vrrp (for a port)
ipv6 vrrp address (for a port)
i-sid (for a port)
isis (on a port)
isis hello-auth (on a port)
isis l1-dr-priority (on a port)
isis l1-hello-interval (on a port)
isis l1-hello-multiplier (on a port)
isis remote
isis remote hello-auth
isis remote l1-dr-priority
isis remote l1-hello-interval
isis remote l1-hello-multiplier
isis remote spbm
isis spbm (on a port)
lacp aggregation enable
lacp aggr-wait-time
lacp enable (for a port)
lacp fast-periodic-time
lacp key
lacp mode
lacp partner-key
lacp partner-port
lacp partner-port-priority
lacp partner-state
lacp partner-system-id
lacp partner-system-priority
lacp priority
lacp slow-periodic-time
lacp system-priority
lacp timeout-scale
lacp timeout-time
lldp cpd
lldp location-identification civic-address
lldp location-identification coordinate
lldp location-identification ecs-elin
lldp med-network-policies
lldp port
lldp status
lldp tx-tlv dot3
lldp tx-tlv local-mgmt-addr
lldp tx-tlv med
lldp tx-tlv port-desc
lldp tx-tlv sys-cap
lldp tx-tlv sys-desc
lldp tx-tlv sys-name
macsec actor-priority
macsec cipher-suite
macsec confidentiality-offset
macsec connectivity-association (to a port)
macsec enable
macsec encryption
macsec mka enable
macsec mka profile
mac-security limit-learning
mef-uni enable (for a port)
name (for a port)
poe poe-limit
poe poe-priority
poe poe-shutdown
poe fast-poe-enable
poe perpetual-poe-enable
qos 802.1p-override
qos if-policer
qos if-rate-limiting
qos if-shaper
qos level
rmon (for a port)
sflow counter-interval
sflow max-header-size
sflow sampling-rate
slpp (for a port)
slpp-guard (for a port)
snmp trap link-status
spanning-tree bpduguard
spanning-tree mstp cost
spanning-tree mstp edge-port
spanning-tree mstp force-port-state
spanning-tree mstp hello-time (on a port)
spanning-tree mstp msti (on a port)
spanning-tree mstp p2p
spanning-tree mstp port
spanning-tree mstp priority (on a port)
spanning-tree mstp protocol-migration
spanning-tree rstp cost
spanning-tree rstp edge-port
spanning-tree rstp p2p
spanning-tree rstp port
spanning-tree rstp priority (on a port)
spanning-tree rstp protocol-migration
spanning-tree rstp stp
vlacp flap-detect enable
vrf (for a port)
Global Configuration
access-policy <1-65535> accesslevel
access-policy <1-65535> access-strict
access-policy <1-65535> enable
access-policy <1-65535> ftp
access-policy <1-65535> host
access-policy <1-65535> http
access-policy <1-65535> mode
access-policy <1-65535> name
access-policy <1-65535> network
access-policy <1-65535> precedence
access-policy <1-65535> rlogin
access-policy <1-65535> snmp-group
access-policy <1-65535> snmpv3
access-policy <1-65535> ssh
access-policy <1-65535> telnet
access-policy <1-65535> tftp
access-policy <1-65535> username
access-policy by-mac
app-telemetry enable
auto-sense access-diffserv
auto-sense data (globally)
auto-sense dhcp-detection
auto-sense eapol voice lldp-auth
auto-sense fa authentication-key
auto-sense fa camera eapol status {authorized | auto}
auto-sense fa camera i-sid <1-15999999>
auto-sense fa message-authentication
auto-sense fa proxy management i-sid <1-15999999> c-vid <1-4094>
auto-sense fa proxy-no-auth i-sid <1-15999999>
auto-sense fa ovs eapol status {authorized | auto}
auto-sense fa ovs i-sid <1-15999999>
auto-sense fa wap-type1 eapol status {authorized | auto}
auto-sense fa wap-type1 i-sid <1-15999999>
auto-sense isis hello-auth type hmac-md5
auto-sense isis hello-auth type hmac-sha-256
auto-sense isis hello-auth type simple
auto-sense isis hello-auth type none
auto-sense onboarding
auto-sense qos 802.1p-override
auto-sense voice i-sid <1-15999999>
auto-sense wait-interval
boot config choice
boot config flags advanced-feature-bandwidth-reservation
boot config flags block-snmp
boot config flags debug-config
boot config flags debugmode
boot config flags dvr-leaf-mode
boot config flags enhancedsecure-mode
boot config flags factorydefaults
boot config flags flow-control-mode
boot config flags ftpd
boot config flags ha-cpu
boot config flags hsecure
boot config flags ipv6-egress-filter
boot config flags ipv6-mode
boot config flags linerate-directed-broadcast
boot config flags logging
boot config flags macsec
boot config flags nni-mstp
boot config flags reboot
boot config flags rlogind
boot config flags spanning-tree-mode
boot config flags spbm-config-mode
boot config flags sshd
boot config flags syslog-rfc5424-format
boot config flags telnetd
boot config flags tftpd
boot config flags trace-logging
boot config flags urpf-mode
boot config flags verify-config
boot config flags vrf-scaling
boot config flags vxlan-gw-full-interworking-mode
boot config host
boot config loadconfigtime
boot config logfile
boot config multicast
boot config sio console baud
certificate ca
certificate generate-csr
certificate generate-keypair
certificate install-file
certificate subject
certificate subject-alternative-name
cfm cmac enable
cfm cmac level <0-7>
cfm cmac mepid <1-8191>
cfm maintenance-association
cfm maintenance-domain
cfm maintenance-endpoint
cfm spbm enable
cfm spbm level
cfm spbm mepid
cli password
cli timeout
clock time-zone
debug ip pim
dvr controller
dvr controller <1-255> inject-default-route-disable
dvr leaf
dvr leaf <1-255> virtual-ist {A.B.C.D/X} {A.B.C.D} peer-ip {A.B.C.D} cluster-id <1-1000>
dvr leaf <1-255> virtual-ist {A.B.C.D} {A.B.C.D} peer-ip {A.B.C.D} cluster-id <1-1000>
dvr redistribute direct
dvr redistribute static
eapol auto-isid-offset
eapol enable
eapol multihost non-eap-pwd-fmt
endpoint-tracking auto-isid-offset
endpoint-tracking enable (global)
endpoint-tracking visibility-mode
energy-saver (global)
energy-saver schedule
fa assignment-timeout
fa discovery-timeout
fa enable
fa zero-touch-client
filter acl
filter acl ace
filter acl ace action
filter acl ace arp
filter acl ace ethernet
filter acl ace ip
filter acl ace ipv6
filter acl ace policer
filter acl ace protocol
filter acl i-sid
filter acl port
filter acl set
filter acl vlan
ike policy WORD<1–32> auth-method
ike policy WORD<1–32> dpd-timeout
ike policy WORD<1–32> enable
ike policy WORD<1–32> laddr
ike policy WORD<1–32> p2-pfs
ike policy WORD<1–32> pre-shared-key
ike profile
ike v2-profile
interface GigabitEthernet
interface Loopback
interface mgmtEthernet
interface mlt
interface vlan
ip alternative-route (globally)
ip arp
ip arp multicast-mac-flooding
ip arp static-mcast
ip as-list
ip community-list
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path enable
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path mode
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} {A.B.C.D} src-port-67 (globally)
ip dhcp-snooping binding
ip dhcp-snooping enable
ip domain-name
ip ecmp
ip forward-protocol udp
ip forward-protocol udp portfwd
ip forward-protocol udp portfwdlist
ip gratuitous-arp
ip icmp
ip icmp echo-broadcast-request (globally)
ip igmp (globally)
ip igmp generate-log
ip ipfix aging-interval
ip ipfix collector
ip ipfix enable
ip ipfix observation-domain
ip irdp
ip isid-list
ip max-routes-trap enable
ip more-specific-non-local-route
ip mroute resource-usage (globally)
ip mroute resource-usage egress-threshold
ip mroute resource-usage log-msg trap-msg
ip mroute static-source-group
ip mroute stats enable
ip mroute stream-limit (globally)
ip msdp apply redistribute (globally)
ip msdp connect—retry (globally)
ip msdp enable
ip msdp keepalive (globally)
ip msdp md5-authentication (globally)
ip msdp mesh-group (globally)
ip msdp originator-id (globally)
ip msdp password peer (globally)
ip msdp redistribute (globally)
ip msdp redistribute route-policy (globally)
ip msdp sa-filter in (globally)
ip msdp sa-filter out (globally)
ip msdp sa-limit (globally)
ip msdp ttl-threshold (globally)
ip name-server
ip pim (globally)
ip pim mode
ip pim rp-candidate group
ip pim spt-infinite-threshold
ip pim static-rp
ip pim virtual-neighbor
ip prefix-list
ip route (globally)
ip route bfd
ip route preference protocol ebgp
ip route preference protocol ibgp
ip route preference protocol ospf-extern1
ip route preference protocol ospf-extern2
ip route preference protocol ospf-inter
ip route preference protocol ospf-intra
ip route preference protocol rip
ip route preference protocol spbm-level1
ip route preference protocol static
ip routing
ip rsmlt edge-support
ip source-route
ip spb-pim-gw foreign-source (globally)
ip supernet
ip tcp adjust-mss
ip ttl
ip vrf
ipsec policy
ipsec policy admin enable
ipsec policy security-association
ipsec security-association
ipv6 alternative-route
ipv6 autoconfig
ipv6 dhcp-relay fwd-path
ipv6 ecmp
ipv6 fhs dhcp-guard enable
ipv6 fhs dhcp-guard policy
ipv6 fhs enable
ipv6 fhs ipv6-access-list
ipv6 fhs mac–access-list
ipv6 fhs nd-inspection enable (globally)
ipv6 fhs ra-guard enable
ipv6 fhs ra-guard policy
ipv6 fhs snooping static-binding
ipv6 forwarding (globally)
ipv6 hop-limit
ipv6 icmp addr-unreach
ipv6 icmp echo multicast-request (globally)
ipv6 icmp drop-fragments
ipv6 icmp error-interval
ipv6 icmp error-quota
ipv6 icmp port-unreach
ipv6 icmp unreach-msg
ipv6 interface address <IPv6addr/prefixlen>
ipv6 max-routes-trap
ipv6 mld generate-log
ipv6 mld generate-trap
ipv6 mroute stats enable
ipv6 neighbor
ipv6 pim disc-data-timeout
ipv6 pim enable
ipv6 pim fwd-cache-timeout
ipv6 pim join-prune-interval
ipv6 pim mode
ipv6 pim spt-infinite-threshold
ipv6 pim register-suppression-timeout
ipv6 pim static-rp
ipv6 pim unicast-route-change-timeout
ipv6 prefix-list
ipv6 route
ipv6 route bfd
ipv6 route preference protocol
ipv6 route static
ipv6 source-route
ipv6 tunnel
i-sid (T-UNI based)
i-sid mac-address-entry
lacp (globally)
link-state group
lldp tx-hold-multiplier
lldp tx-interval
lldp vendor-specific
logging level
logging screen
logging transferFile
logging transferFile filename-prefix
logging write
logical-intf isis
macsec clear-stats
macsec connectivity-association (globally)
macsec mka clear-stats
macsec mka profile
mgmt clip
mgmt convert-commit
mgmt dhcp-client
mgmt oob
mgmt vlan
mlt <1-512> member
monitor-statistics duration
monitor-statistics interval
multicast software-forwarding
ntp authentication-key
ntp interval
ntp master <1-16>
ntp restrict
ntp server
ntp version
password access-level
password aging-time
password change-interval
password create-user
password default-lockout-time
password default-lockout-retries
password delete-user
password hash
password lockout
password max-sessions
password min-passwd-len
password password-history
password password-rule
password post-expiry-notification-interval
password post-pass-expiry-notification-interval
password pre-expiry-notification-interval
password pre-pass-expiry-notification-interval
password set-password
poe fast-poe-enable
poe perpetual-poe-enable
poe poe-pd-detect-type
poe poe-power-usage-threshold
portlock enable
preconfig slot
qos egressmap
qos ingressmap
qos queue-profile <1-6>
qos queue-profile queue <1-6> <0-7>
radius access-priority-attribute
radius accounting attribute-value
radius accounting enable
radius accounting include-cli-commands
radius auth-info-attr-value
radius clear-stat
radius cli-cmd-count
radius cli-profile
radius command-access-attribute
radius dynamic-server client
radius enable
radius maxserver
radius mcast-addr-attr-value
radius reachability keep-alive-timer
radius reachability mode
radius reachability password
radius reachability unreachable-timer
radius reachability username
radius server host
radius sourceip-flag
rmon alarm
rmon event
rmon history
rmon stats
rmon util-method
router bfd
router bgp
router bgp as-4-byte enable
router bgp as-dot enable
router isis
router isis enable
router isis remote
router isis remote enable
router ospf
router rip enable
router rip ipv6-enable
router vrf
router vrrp
run spbm
run spbm interface
run vms layer-2 switch
run vms layer-3 switch
sflow agent-ip
sflow collector
sflow enable
slot shutdown
slpp (globally)
slpp-guard ethertype
snmp-server authentication-trap enable
snmp-server community
snmp-server contact
snmp-server force-iphdr-sender enable
snmp-server force-trap-sender enable
snmp-server group
snmp-server host v1
snmp-server host v2
snmp-server host v3
snmp-server location
snmp-server login-success-trap enable
snmp-server name
snmp-server notify-filter
snmp-server sender-ip
snmp-server user
snmp-server user WORD<1-32> group
snmp-server user engine-id
snmp-server user WORD<1-32> md5
snmp-server user WORD<1-32> notify-view
snmp-server user WORD<1-32> read-view
snmp-server user WORD<1-32> sha
snmp-server user WORD<1-32> write-view
snmp-server view
spanning-tree mstp forward-time
spanning-tree mstp max-age
spanning-tree mstp max-hop
spanning-tree mstp msti (globally)
spanning-tree mstp pathcost-type
spanning-tree mstp priority (globally)
spanning-tree mstp region
spanning-tree mstp tx-holdcount
spanning-tree mstp version
spanning-tree rstp forward-time
spanning-tree rstp group-stp enable
spanning-tree rstp hello-time
spanning-tree rstp max-age
spanning-tree rstp pathcost-type
spanning-tree rstp priority (globally)
spanning-tree rstp tx-holdcount
spanning-tree rstp version
spanning-tree tc-receive-alarm-threshold count
spanning-tree tc-receive-alarm-threshold interval
spbm ethertype
spbm nick-name server
spbm nick-name server prefix
ssh (configuration)
ssh client
ssh install-user-key
ssh keyboard-interactive-auth
ssh rekey
ssh rekey data-limit
ssh rekey time-interval
ssh sftp
ssh x509v3-auth ca-name
ssh x509v3-auth cert-subject-name
ssl certificate
ssl reset
sys clipId-topology-ip
sys control
sys control virtual-ist
sys default-ping-context
sys force-msg
sys force-topology-ip-flag
sys locator-led
sys msg-control
sys mtu
sys name
sys power slot
sys power slot-priority
sys priv-exec-password
sys security-console
sys software auto-commit
sys software commit-time
sys system-default
sys usb disable
sys usb enable
sys vim-speed
syslog certificate
syslog enable
syslog host
syslog ip-header-type
syslog max-hosts <1-10>
syslog tls-min-ver
syslog root-cert
tacacs accounting
tacacs authentication
tacacs authorization
tacacs protocol enable
tacacs server host
tacacs server secondary-host
telnet-access sessions
udp checksum
virtual-service (globally)
virtual-service WORD<1-128> change-user-pass WORD<1-20>
virtual-service WORD<1-128> exec-command WORD<1-256>
virtual-service WORD<1-128> figw-cli WORD<1-256>
vlacp enable
vlan action
vlan agetime
vlan create
vlan delete
vlan i-sid
vlan mac-address-entry
vlan mac-address-static
vlan members
vlan mlt
vlan name
vlan nodal-mep
vlan nodal-mip-level
vlan ports
vlan rmon
vlan srcmac
vlan static-mcastmac
vnid mac-address-entry
vtep (configuration)
vtep source-ip
web-server certificate
web-server def-display-rows
web-server enable
web-server help-tftp
web-server http-port
web-server inactivity-timeout
web-server password
web-server read-only-user enable
web-server secure-only
web-server tls-min-ver
IS-IS Router Configuration
accept (for the GRT)
accept adv-rtr (for the GRT)
accept i-sid (for the GRT)
accept isid-list (for the GRT)
accept route-map
area-name (for IS-IS)
area-vnode nick-name (for IS-IS)
area-vnode sys-name (for IS-IS)
area-vnode system-id (for IS-IS)
ipsec encryption-key-length
ipsec tunnel-source-address
ipv6 accept (IS-IS)
ipv6 accept adv-rtr (for IS-IS)
ipv6 redistribute (for GRT)
ipv6 redistribute (for ISIS)
ipv6 redistribute bgp enable (For IS-IS)
ipv6-source-address <ipv6-addr>
manual-area (for IS-IS)
multi-area dvr redistribute backbone
multi-area flags home-always-up
multi-area ip redistribute routed-multicast
multi-area ip redistribute unicast
multi-area ipv6 redistribute unicast
multi-area l2 isid-list WORD<1-32>
multi-area l2 redistribute i-sid deny-all except-isid-list
multi-area l2 redistribute i-sid permit-all except-isid-list
multi-area l2 redistribute snoop-multicast home-to-remote i-sid <1-16777215>
multi-area l2 redistribute snoop-multicast home-to-remote isid-list WORD<1-32>
multi-area l2 redistribute snoop-multicast i-sid <1-16777215>
multi-area l2 redistribute snoop-multicast isid-list WORD<1-32>
multi-area l2 redistribute snoop-multicast remote-to-home i-sid <1-16777215>
multi-area l2 redistribute snoop-multicast remote-to-home isid-list WORD<1-32>
redistribute bgp (for IS-IS)
redistribute direct (for IS-IS)
redistribute ospf (for IS-IS)
redistribute rip (for IS-IS)
redistribute static (for IS-IS)
spbm <1-100>
spbm <1-100> b-vid
spbm <1-100> ip
spbm <1-100> ipv6
spbm <1-100> lsdb-trap
spbm <1-100> multicast
spbm <1-100> multicast fwd-cache-timeout
spbm <1-100> multicast spb-pim-gw controller
spbm <1-100> nick-name (for IS-IS)
spbm <1-100> smlt-peer-system-id
spbm <1-100> smlt-virtual-bmac
spbm <1-100> stp-multi-homing
system-id (for IS-IS)
IS-IS Router Remote Configuration
area-name (for remote IS-IS)
area-vnode nick-name (for remote IS-IS)
area-vnode system-id (for remote IS-IS)
area-vnode sys-name (for remote IS-IS)
manual-area (for remote IS-IS)
spbm <1-100> nick-name (for remote IS-IS)
system-id (for remote IS-IS)
Logical Interface Configuration
bfd enable
ipsec auth-method
ipsec compression
ipsec esp
ipsec fragment-before-encrypt
ipsec remote-nat-ip
ipsec responder-only
ipsec tunnel-dest-ip
ipsec tunnel-source-address type
isis enable
isis hello-auth
isis l1-dr-priority
isis l1-hello-interval
isis l1-hello-multiplier
isis spbm
Loopback Interface Configuration
ip address (loopback)
ip area (loopback)
ip bfd (for a loopback)
ip dhcp-relay (for loopback)
ip ipsec enable (for a loopback interface)
ip ipsec policy (for a loopback interface)
ip ospf (loopback)
ip pim (loopback)
ipv6 interface address (loopback)
ipv6 ipsec enable (for a loopback interface)
ipv6 ipsec policy (for a loopback interface)
ipv6 ospf
isis enable
migrate-to-mgmt (for a loopback interface)
Management Instance Configuration
convert (for a Management CLIP)
convert (for a Management OOB)
convert (for a Management VLAN)
enable (for a Management Instance)
ip address (for a Mangement Instance)
ip route (for a Management Instance)
ipv6 address (for a Management Instance)
ipv6 route (for a Management Instance)
force-topology-ip (for a Management Instance)
mac-offset (for a Management VLAN Instance)
propagate-to-routing (for a Management VLAN Instance)
mgmtEthernet Interface Configuration
auto-negotiate (for the management port)
duplex (for the management port)
ip address (for the management port)
ip ipsec enable (for a management interface)
ip ipsec policy (for a management interface)
ipv6 interface address (for the management port)
ipv6 interface enable (for the management port)
ipv6 interface hop-limit (for the management port)
ipv6 interface link-local (for the management port)
ipv6 interface mtu (for the management port)
ipv6 interface name (for the management port)
ipv6 interface process-redirect (for the management port)
ipv6 interface reachable-time (for the management port)
ipv6 interface retransmit-timer (for the management port)
ipv6 ipsec enable (for a management interface)
ipv6 ipsec policy (for a management interface)
ipv6 nd dad-ns (for the management port)
shutdown (for the management port)
speed (for the management port)
MKA Profile Configuration
MLT Interface Configuration
default svlan-porttype
end-point tracking (for an MLT/SMLT)
fa authentication-key (for an MLT)
fa enable (for an MLT)
fa management (for an MLT)
fa message-authentication (for an MLT)
flex-uni (for an MLT)
ip dhcp-relay (for an MLT)
ip dhcp-snooping (for MLT)
i-sid (for an mlt)
isis (on an MLT)
isis hello-auth (on an MLT)
isis l1-dr-priority (on an MLT)
isis l1-hello-interval (on an MLT)
isis l1-hello-multiplier (on an MLT)
isis spbm (on an MLT)
lacp (on an MLT)
mef-uni enable (for an mlt)
virtual-ist (on an MLT)
OSPF Router Configuration
accept adv-rtr (for OSPF)
area range
area virtual-link
as-boundary-router enable
bad-lsa-ignore enable
ip area virtual-link ipsec
ip area virtual-link ipsec action
ip area virtual-link ipsec direction
ip area virtual-link ipsec enable
ip area virtual-link ipsec security-association
ipv6 area
ipv6 area range
ipv6 area virtual-link
ipv6 area virtual-link ipsec
ipv6 area virtual-link ipsec action
ipv6 area virtual-link ipsec direction
ipv6 area virtual-link ipsec enable
ipv6 area virtual-link ipsec security-association
ipv6 as-boundary-router
ipv6 redistribute (for OSPF)
ipv6 redistribute bgp enable (For OSPF)
ipv6 router-id
ipv6 tunnel (for OSPF)
neighbor (for OSPF)
network (for OSPF)
redistribute (for OSPF)
rfc1583-compatibility enable
router-id (for OSPF)
show ip ospf
timers basic holddown (for OSPF)
OVSDB Configuration
managed-interface i-sids
Privileged EXEC
!(command number)
clear alarm
clear app-telemetry counter
clear dvr host-entries
clear eapol non-eap
clear energy-saver eee stats
clear fa statistics
clear filter acl
clear ip arp interface
clear ip bfd stats
clear ip dhcp-relay
clear ip dhcp-relay counters
clear ip dhcp-snooping binding
clear ip mroute stats
clear ip msdp peer
clear ip msdp sa-cache
clear ip msdp sa-cache peer
clear ip msdp statistics
clear ip ospf stats
clear ip route
clear ip vrrp
clear ipsec stats all
clear ipv6 bfd stats
clear ipv6 dcache
clear ipv6 fhs snooping
clear ipv6 fhs statistics all
clear ipv6 fhs statistics dhcp-guard
clear ipv6 fhs statistics nd-inspection
clear ipv6 fhs statistics ra-guard
clear ipv6 mroute stats
clear ipv6 neighbor-cache
clear ipv6 ospf stats
clear ipv6 rip
clear ipv6 route static
clear ipv6 statistics
clear ipv6 vrrp
clear isis lsdb
clear isis stats
clear khi
clear lacp
clear link-debounce stats
clear link-debounce stats port
clear lldp
clear logging
clear mac-address-table
clear mgmt statistics
clear mlt
clear qos
clear qos cosq-stats
clear radius statistics
clear sflow statistics
clear slpp
clear slpp stats
Clear spoof-detect
clear ssh
clear telnet
clear trace
clear virtual-ist stats
clear vlacp
maintenance system-action
monitor ip mroute stats
monitor ip vrrp statistics
monitor ipv6 mroute stats
monitor mlt error collision
monitor mlt error main
monitor mlt stats interface main
monitor mlt stats interface utilization
monitor ports error
monitor ports statistics
monitor ports statistics bridging
monitor ports statistics dhcp-relay
monitor ports statistics interface
monitor ports statistics ospf
monitor ports statistics rmon
monitor ports statistics routing
save config
save log
save trace
show access-policy
show alarm
show boot config choice
show boot config flags
show boot config general
show boot config host
show boot config running-config
show boot config sio
show eapol multihost-session-stats interface
show eapol session interface
show eapol summary
show energy-saver
show filter acl
show filter acl policer
show filter acl ace
show filter acl action
show filter acl arp
show filter acl config
show filter acl ethernet
show filter acl ip
show filter acl ipv6
show filter acl protocol
show filter acl statistics
show history
show interfaces gigabitethernet
show interfaces gigabitethernet auto-sense
show interfaces gigabitethernet channelize
show interfaces gigabitethernet config
show interfaces gigabitethernet error
show interfaces gigabitethernet fdb-entry
show interfaces gigabitethernet high-secure
show interfaces gigabitethernet interface
show interfaces gigabitEthernet i-sid
show interfaces gigabitethernet l1-config
show interfaces gigabitethernet limit-fdb-learning
show interfaces gigabitethernet name
show interfaces gigabitethernet ospf
show interfaces gigabitethernet private-vlan
show interfaces gigabitethernet rate-limit
show interfaces gigabitethernet shape
show interfaces gigabitethernet slpp
show interfaces gigabitethernet state
show interfaces gigabitethernet statistics
show interfaces gigabitethernet statistics bridging
show interfaces gigabitethernet statistics dhcp-relay
show interfaces gigabitethernet statistics lacp
show interfaces gigabitethernet statistics policer
show interfaces gigabitethernet statistics rmon
show interfaces gigabitethernet statistics verbose
show interfaces gigabitethernet statistics vlacp
show interfaces gigabitethernet vlan
show interfaces gigabitethernet vrfs
show interfaces loopback
show interfaces mgmtethernet
show interfaces mgmtethernet config-L1
show interfaces mgmtethernet error
show interfaces mgmtethernet statistics
show interfaces vlan
show interfaces vlan arp
show interfaces vlan autolearn-mac
show interfaces vlan dhcp-relay
show interfaces vlan igmp
show interfaces vlan igmp-mrdisc
show interfaces vlan ip
show interfaces vlan manual-edit-mac
show interfaces vlan nlb-mode
show interfaces vlan vlan-bysrcmac
show interfaces vlan vrfs
show ip igmp access
show ip igmp cache
show ip igmp group
show ip igmp group count
show ip igmp group count group {A.B.C.D}
show ip igmp group count group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members
show ip igmp group count group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members member-subnet
show ip igmp group count group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members port
show ip igmp group count group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members source-subnet
show ip igmp group count group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members vlan
show ip igmp group count group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members vrf
show ip igmp group count group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members vrfids
show ip igmp group count member-subnet
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} detail
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members port
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members source-subnet
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members source-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} port
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members source-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} vlan
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members source-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} vrf
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members source-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} vrfids
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members vlan
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members vrf
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} tracked-members vrfids
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} vrf
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} group {A.B.C.D} vrfids
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} vrf
show ip igmp group count member-subnet {A.B.C.D/X} vrfids
show ip igmp group group <A.B.C.D>
show ip igmp group group <A.B.C.D> tracked-members
show ip igmp group member-subnet
show ip igmp interface
show ip igmp mrdisc
show ip igmp mrdisc neighbors
show ip igmp router-alert
show ip igmp sender
show ip igmp snooping
show ip igmp snoop-trace
show ip igmp ssm
show ip igmp ssm-map
show ip igmp static
show ip igmp stream-limit
show ip igmp sys
show ip irdp
show ip msdp count
show ip msdp mesh-group
show ip msdp peer
show ip msdp rpf
show ip msdp sa-cache
show ip msdp sa-check
show ip msdp show-all
show ip msdp summary
show ip redistribute
show ipv6 fhs statistics
show ipv6 isis accept
show ipv6 isis redistribute
show ipv6 ospf default-cost
show ipv6 ospf ipsec
show ipv6 ospf vrf
show ipv6 ospf vrfids
show ipv6 rip redistiribute
show link-flap-detect
show lldp
show lldp local-sys-data
show lldp med-network-policies
show lldp neighbor
show lldp neighbor vendor-specific
show lldp port
show lldp rx-stats
show lldp stats
show lldp tx-stats
show lldp tx-tlv
show lldp tx-tlv dot3
show lldp tx-tlv med
show lldp tx-tlv port
show lldp vendor-specific
show mac-address-entry
show pluggable-optical-modules
show poe-main-status
show poe-port-status
show poe-power-measurement
show ports statistics ospf extended
show ports statistics ospf main
show qos policer
show routing statistics
show running-config
show slot
show vlan src-mac
show vnid i-sid
show vnid mac-address-entry
show vtep local
show vtep remote
show vtep remote name
software reset-commit-time
sys action
sys shutdown
trace ipv6 base
trace ipv6 forwarding
trace ipv6 nd
trace ipv6 ospf
trace ipv6 rtm
trace ipv6 transport
virtual-service copy-file WORD<1-256> WORD<1-256>
virtual-service WORD<1-128> install
virtual-service WORD<1-128> uninstall
write memory
RA-guard Configuration
hop-limit maximum
hop-limit minimum
match ra-macaddr-list
match ra-prefix-list
match ra-srcaddr-list
RIP Router Configuration
default-metric (for RIP)
ipv6 default-information enable
ipv6 default-information metric
ipv6 redistribute bgp enable
ipv6 redistribute bgp enable (For RIPng)
ipv6 redistribute direct enable
ipv6 redistribute isis enable
ipv6 redistribute ospf enable
ipv6 redistribute static enable
ipv6 timers basic holddown
ipv6 timers basic timeout
ipv6 timers basic update
network (for RIP)
redistribute (for RIP)
timers basic holddown (for RIP)
timers basic timeout
timers basic update
Route-Map Configuration
enable (for a route policy)
match as-path
match community
match community-exact
match extcommunity
match interface
match local-preference
match metric
match metric-type-isis
match network
match next-hop
match protocol
match route-source
match route-type
match tag
match vrf
match vrfids
set as-path
set as-path-mode
set automatic-tag
set community
set community-mode
set injectlist
set ip-preference
set local-preference
set mask
set metric
set metric-type
set metric-type-internal
set metric-type-isis
set next-hop
set nssa-pbit
set origin
set origin-egp-as
set tag
set weight
clock set
cpld-install cpu
cpld-install fpga
cpld-install port
cpld-install vim
debug-file remove
debug-ipsec level <-1-5>
dump ar
dvr apply redistribute
dvr apply redistribute direct
dvr apply redistribute static
eapol init
eapol re-authenticate
ip bgp apply redistribute
ip bgp restart-bgp
ip bgp stats-clear-counters
ip ecmp path-list apply
ip igmp flush port
ip igmp flush vlan
ip ospf apply accept
ip ospf apply accept adv-rtr
ip ospf apply redistribute
ip ospf spf-run
ip rip apply redistribute
ipv6 bgp apply redistribute
ipv6 isis apply accept
ipv6 isis apply redistribute
ipv6 mld flush
ipv6 ospf apply redistribute
isis apply accept
isis apply redistribute
isis dup-detection-temp-disable
isis multi-area ip apply redistribute routed-multicast
isis multi-area ip apply redistribute unicast
isis multi-area ipv6 apply redistribute unicast
isis multi-area l2 apply redistribute i-sid
isis multi-area l2 apply redistribute snoop-multicast
l2 ping ip-address
l2 ping vlan
l2 tracemroute
l2 traceroute ip-address
l2 traceroute vlan
l2 tracetree
l2 tracetree-fan
manualtrigger ip rip interface
show alarm database
show alarm statistics
show application auto-provision
show application iqagent
show application iqagent status
show application restconf
show application restconf conflict-ifname
show application restconf invalid-name
show application slamon agent
show app-telemetry counter
show app-telemetry status
show auto-sense
show autotopology nmm-table
show banner
show basic config
show bgp ipv6 aggregates
show bgp ipv6 imported-routes
show bgp ipv6 neighbors
show bgp ipv6 networks
show bgp ipv6 redistributed-routes
show bgp ipv6 route
show bgp ipv6 summary
show brouter
show certificate ca
show certificate cert-type
show certificate key-name
show certificate subject
show certificate subject-alternative-name
show cfm cmac
show cfm maintenance-association
show cfm maintenance-domain
show cfm maintenance-endpoint
show cfm spbm
show cli info
show cli password
show clilog
show clock
show debug
show debug spbm isis multi-area boundary-node history
show debug spbm isis multi-area state-machines
show debug spbm isis uni-fib-vn
show debug-file
show dvr
show dvr backbone-entries
show dvr backbone-entries adv-controller
show dvr backbone-entries domain-id
show dvr backbone-entries home
show dvr backbone-entries host-mac-address
show dvr backbone-entries ipv4
show dvr backbone-entries l2isid
show dvr backbone-entries l3isid
show dvr backbone-entries next-hop
show dvr backbone-entries nh-as-mac
show dvr backbone-entries remote
show dvr backbone-members
show dvr database
show dvr host-entries
show dvr interfaces
show dvr l3vsn
show dvr members
show dvr redistribute
show dvr routes
show eapol auth-diags interface
show eapol auth-stats interface
show eapol multihost non-eap-mac status
show eapol port
show eapol sessions
show eapol session-stats interface
show eapol status interface
show eapol system
show endpoint-tracking
show endpoint-tracking bindings
show endpoint-tracking interfaces
show energy-saver eee statistics
show fa
show fa agent
show fa assignment
show fa elements
show fa interface
show fa interface disabled-auth
show fa interface enabled-auth
show fa interface mlt
show fa interface port
show fa statistics
show fa zero-touch-client
show fdb-filter
show ftp-access
show fulltech
show ha-state
show hosts
show ike certificate-identity
show ike policy
show ike profile
show ike sa
show ike v2-profile
show io
show io resources
show i-sid
show i-sid elan
show i-sid elan-transparent
show i-sid limit-fdb-learning
show i-sid mac-address-entry
show i-sid name
show ip arp
show ip arp gigabitethernet
show ip arp interface
show ip arp spbm-tunnel-as-mac
show ip arp-inspection
show ip arp-inspection interface
show ip arp-inspection interface gigabitEthernet
show ip as-list
show ip bfd
show ip bfd interfaces
show ip bfd neighbors
show ip bfd stats
show ip bgp aggregates
show ip bgp cidr-only
show ip bgp confederation
show ip bgp dampened-paths
show ip bgp flap-damp-config
show ip bgp imported-routes
show ip bgp neighbors
show ip bgp networks
show ip bgp peer-group
show ip bgp redistributed-routes
show ip bgp route
show ip bgp stats
show ip bgp summary
show ip community-list
show ip dhcp-relay counters
show ip dhcp-relay fwd-path
show ip dhcp-relay interface
show ip dhcp-snooping
show ip dhcp-snooping binding
show ip dhcp-snooping binding address
show ip dhcp-snooping binding interface
show ip dhcp-snooping binding summary
show ip dhcp-snooping binding type
show ip dhcp-snooping interface
show ip dhcp-snooping interface gigabitEthernet
show ip directed-broadcast
show ip directed-broadcast vlan
show ip dns
show ip ecmp
show ip extcommunity-list
show ip forward-protocol udp
show ip forward-protocol udp portfwd
show ip forward-protocol udp portfwdlist
show ip global
show ip icmp statistics
show ip interface
show ip ipfix
show ip ipfix collector
show ip ipfix flows
show ip ipvpn
show ip isid-list
show ip isis redistribute
show ip mroute hw-resource-usage
show ip mroute interface
show ip mroute next-hop
show ip mroute route
show ip mroute static-source-group
show ip mroute stats
show ip ospf accept
show ip ospf area
show ip ospf area-range
show ip ospf ase
show ip ospf authentication
show ip ospf default-cost
show ip ospf host-route
show ip ospf ifstats
show ip ospf int-auth
show ip ospf interface
show ip ospf int-timers
show ip ospf lsdb
show ip ospf neighbor
show ip ospf port-error
show ip ospf redistribute
show ip ospf stats
show ip ospf virtual-link
show ip ospf vrf
show ip ospf vrfids
show ip pim
show ip pim active-rp
show ip pim bsr
show ip pim interface
show ip pim mode
show ip pim mroute
show ip pim neighbor
show ip pim rp-candidate
show ip pim rp-hash
show ip pim static-rp
show ip pim virtual-neighbor
show ip prefix-list
show ip rip
show ip rip interface
show ip rip redistribute
show ip rip vrf
show ip rip vrfids
show ip route
show ip routing
show ip rsmlt
show ip rsmlt edge-support
show ip source binding
show ip source verify
show ip spb–pim–gw
show ip spb-pim-gw foreign-source
show ip spb–pim–gw interface
show ip spb–pim–gw neighbor
show ip spb–pim–gw node
show ip spb-pim-gw spbmc-source
show ip spb-pim-rw mroute
show ip tcp adjust-mss
show ip tcp connections
show ip tcp properties
show ip tcp statistics
show ip udp endpoints
show ip udp statistics
show ip vrf
show ip vrf mvpn
show ip vrrp
show ip vrrp address
show ip vrrp interface
show ip vrrp interface gigabitEthernet
show ip vrrp interface gigabitEthernet statistics
show ip vrrp interface vlan
show ip vrrp statistics
show ipsec interface (for a port)
show ipsec interface (for a VLAN)
show ipsec interface loopback
show ipsec interface mgmtethernet mgmt
show ipsec policy
show ipsec sa
show ipsec sa-policy
show ipsec statistics gigabitethernet
show ipsec statistics mgmtethernet
show ipsec statistics system
show ipsec statistics vlan
show ipv6 address
show ipv6 bfd
show ipv6 bfd interfaces
show ipv6 bfd neighbors
show ipv6 bfd stats
show ipv6 dcache
show ipv6 default-routers
show ipv6 dhcp-relay
show ipv6 dhcp-relay fwd-path
show ipv6 dhcp-relay interface
show ipv6 fhs dhcp-guard policy
show ipv6 fhs ipv6-access-list
show ipv6 fhs mac-access-list
show ipv6 fhs port-policy
show ipv6 fhs ra-guard policy
show ipv6 fhs snooping binding
show ipv6 fhs status
show ipv6 forwarding
show ipv6 global
show ipv6 interface
show ipv6 interface loopback
show ipv6 ipvpn
show ipv6 mld cache
show ipv6 mld group
show ipv6 mld group count
show ipv6 mld group group
show ipv6 mld group group WORD<0-255> detail
show ipv6 mld group member-subnet
show ipv6 mld interface
show ipv6 mld sender
show ipv6 mld snooping
show ipv6 mld snoop-trace
show ipv6 mld sys
show ipv6 mld-host-cache
show ipv6 mroute interface
show ipv6 mroute next-hop
show ipv6 mroute route
show ipv6 mroute stats
show ipv6 nd interface
show ipv6 nd-prefix
show ipv6 neighbor
show ipv6 ospf
show ipv6 ospf area
show ipv6 ospf area-range
show ipv6 ospf ase
show ipv6 ospf ase metric-type
show ipv6 ospf interface
show ipv6 ospf int-timers
show ipv6 ospf lsdb
show ipv6 ospf nbma-nbr interface
show ipv6 ospf neighbor
show ipv6 ospf redistribute
show ipv6 ospf statistics
show ipv6 pim
show ipv6 pim active-rp
show ipv6 pim interface
show ipv6 pim mode
show ipv6 pim mroute
show ipv6 pim neighbor
show ipv6 pim rp-hash
show ipv6 pim static-rp
show ipv6 prefix-list
show ipv6 rip
show ipv6 rip interface
show ipv6 rip statistics
show ipv6 route
show ipv6 route alternative
show ipv6 route preference
show ipv6 source-guard
show ipv6 source-guard binding
show ipv6 tcp
show ipv6 trace
show ipv6 tunnel
show ipv6 udp
show ipv6 vrrp
show ipv6 vrrp address
show ipv6 vrrp interface
show ipv6 vrrp interface gigabitethernet statistics
show ipv6 vrrp statistics
show isis
show isis adjacencies
show isis area
show isis area-vnode
show isis dup-detection-temp-disable
show isis int-auth
show isis int-ckt-level
show isis int-counters
show isis interface
show isis int-l1-cntl-pkts
show isis int-l2-cntl-pkts
show isis int-timers
show isis logical-interface
show isis logical-interface ipsec
show isis lsdb
show isis manual-area
show isis multi-area dvr redistribute
show isis multi-area ip redistribute home-to-remote
show isis multi-area ip redistribute remote-to-home
show isis multi-area ip redistribute routed-multicast
show isis multi-area ip redistribute unicast
show isis multi-area ip redistribute vrf
show isis multi-area ip redistribute vrfids
show isis multi-area ipv6 redistribute home-to-remote
show isis multi-area ipv6 redistribute remote-to-home
show isis multi-area ipv6 redistribute unicast
show isis multi-area ipv6 redistribute vrf
show isis multi-area ipv6 redistribute vrfids
show isis multi-area l2 isid-list
show isis multi-area l2 redistribute i-sid
show isis multi-area l2 redistribute snoop-multicast
show isis net
show isis remote
show isis spbm
show isis spbm ip-multicast-fib
show isis spbm ip-multicast-route
show isis spbm ip-multicast-route group
show isis spbm ip-multicast-route vlan
show isis spbm ip-multicast-route vrf
show isis spbm ip-multicast-route vsn-isid
show isis spbm ip-unicast-fib
show isis spbm ipv6-unicast-fib
show isis spbm i-sid
show isis spbm multicast
show isis spbm multicast-fib
show isis spbm nick-name
show isis spbm unicast-fib
show isis spbm unicast-tree
show isis spb-mcast summary
show isis statistics
show isis system-id
show khi cpp
show khi fe-ona detail
show khi fe-ona status
show khi mgmt statistics
show khi performance
show lacp
show lacp interface
show license
show link-state group
show logging
show logging file
show mac-address-table aging-time
show macsec
show macsec connectivity-association
show macsec mka participant
show macsec mka profile
show macsec mka statistics
show macsec statistics
show macsec status
show mgmt dhcp-client
show mgmt interface
show mgmt ip
show mgmt ip arp
show mgmt ip route
show mgmt ip icmp
show mgmt ip route static
show mgmt ipv6
show mgmt ipv6 icmp
show mgmt ipv6 neighbor
show mgmt ipv6 route
show mgmt ipv6 route static
show mgmt migration
show mgmt rmon
show mgmt statistics
show mgmt topology-ip
show mirror-by-port
show mirror-resources
show mlt
show mlt error collision
show mlt error main
show mlt i-sid
show mlt stats
show monitor-statistics
show multicast software-forwarding
show ntp
show ovsdb
show qos 802.1p-override
show qos cosq-stats
show qos cosq-stats cpu-port
show qos egressmap
show qos ingressmap
show qos queue-profile
show qos rate-limiting
show qos shaper
show radius
show radius dynamic-server
show radius reachability
show radius snmp
show radius secure-profile
show radius-server
show radius-server statistics
show rmon address-map
show rmon alarm
show rmon application-host-stats
show rmon ctl-table
show rmon event
show rmon history
show rmon log
show rmon network-host-stats
show rmon protocol-dist-stats
show rmon stats
show route-map
show sflow
show sflow collector
show sflow interface
show sflow statistics
show slpp
show slpp interface
show slpp-guard
show smlt
show smtp
show snmplog
show snmp-server
show snmp-server host
show snmp-server notify-filter
show software
show spanning-tree bpduguard
show spanning-tree config
show spanning-tree mstp config
show spanning-tree mstp msti config
show spanning-tree mstp msti port
show spanning-tree mstp port config
show spanning-tree mstp port role
show spanning-tree mstp port statistics
show spanning-tree mstp statistics
show spanning-tree mstp status
show spanning-tree rstp config
show spanning-tree rstp port config
show spanning-tree rstp port role
show spanning-tree rstp port statistics
show spanning-tree rstp port status
show spanning-tree rstp statistics
show spanning-tree rstp status
show spanning-tree status
show spanning-tree tc-receive-alarm-threshold
show spbm
show spbm nick-name server leases
show ssh
show ssh rekey
show sys control
show sys default-ping-context
show sys dns
show sys force-msg
show sys locator-led
show sys mgid-usage
show sys msg-control
show sys mtu
show sys power
show sys priv-exec-password
show sys setting
show sys software
show sys stats
show sys stats ipmc-threshold-exceeded-cnt
show sys topology-ip
show sys vim-speed
show sys-info
show syslog
show syslog host
show tacacs
show tech
show telnet-access
show trace cfm
show trace file
show trace level
show trace modid-list
show trace spbm isis
show trace sub-system
show unsupported-lastset
show users
show virtual-ist
show virtual-ist stat
show virtual-service
show vlacp
show vlacp interface
show vlan advance
show vlan autolearn-mac
show vlan basic
show vlan brouter-port
show vlan i-sid
show vlan mac-address-entry
show vlan mac-address-static
show vlan manual-edit-mac
show vlan members
show vlan nodal-mep
show vlan nodal-mip-level
show vlan private-vlan
show vlan remote-mac-table
show vlan static-mcastmac
show web-server
slot reset
ssh (connection)
tacacs switch
trace cfm
trace filter file
trace filter module
trace flags
trace flags isis
trace flags ospf
trace grep
trace level
trace route-map
trace save
trace screen
trace shutdown
trace spbm isis level
VLAN Interface Configuration
ip address (on a VLAN)
ip arp-inspection enable
ip arp-proxy enable (for a VLAN)
ip arp-response (for a VLAN)
ip bfd (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay broadcast (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay circuitId (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay clear-counters (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} disable
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} enable
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} mode (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} src-port-67 (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} vrid <1-255> (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay max-hop (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay min-sec (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay mode (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay remoteId (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-relay trusted (for a VLAN)
ip dhcp-snooping enable (for VLAN)
ip directed-broadcast (for a VLAN)
ip forward-protocol udp (on a VLAN)
ip forward-protocol udp broadcastmask
ip forward-protocol udp maxttl
ip forward-protocol udp portfwdlist (on a VLAN)
ip igmp access-list (for a VLAN)
ip igmp access-list mode (for a VLAN)
ip igmp compatibility-mode (for a VLAN)
ip igmp dynamic-downgrade-version (for a VLAN)
ip igmp igmpv3-explicit-host-tracking (for a VLAN)
ip igmp immediate-leave (for a VLAN)
ip igmp immediate-leave-members
ip igmp mrdisc
ip igmp mrouter (for a VLAN)
ip igmp proxy (for a VLAN)
ip igmp query-interval (for a VLAN)
ip igmp query-max-response (for a VLAN)
ip igmp robust-value (for a VLAN)
ip igmp router-alert (for a VLAN)
ip igmp snooping (for a VLAN)
ip igmp snoop-querier
ip igmp snoop-querier-addr
ip igmp static-group
ip igmp stream-limit (for a VLAN)
ip igmp stream-limit-group
ip igmp upnp-filter (for a VLAN)
ip igmp version (for a VLAN)
ip ipsec enable (for a VLAN)
ip ipsec policy (for a VLAN)
ip irdp address (for a VLAN)
ip irdp holdtime (for a VLAN)
ip irdp maxadvertinterval (for a VLAN)
ip irdp minadvertinterval (for a VLAN)
ip irdp multicast (for a VLAN)
ip irdp preference (for a VLAN)
ip ospf advertise-when-down enable (for a VLAN)
ip ospf area (for a VLAN)
ip ospf authentication-key (for a VLAN)
ip ospf authentication-type (for a VLAN)
ip ospf bfd
ip ospf cost (for a VLAN)
ip ospf dead-interval (for a VLAN)
ip ospf digest-key (for a VLAN)
ip ospf enable (for a VLAN)
ip ospf hello-interval (for a VLAN)
ip ospf mtu-ignore enable (for a VLAN)
ip ospf network (for a VLAN)
ip ospf poll-interval (for a VLAN)
ip ospf primary-digest-key (for a VLAN)
ip ospf priority (for a VLAN)
ip ospf retransmit-interval (for a VLAN)
ip ospf transit-delay (for a VLAN)
ip ospf vlan (for a VLAN)
ip pim (for a VLAN)
ip pim bsr-candidate preference (for a VLAN)
ip pim interface-type (for a VLAN)
ip rip advertise-when-down enable (for a VLAN)
ip rip auto-aggregation enable (for a VLAN)
ip rip cost (for a VLAN)
ip rip default-listen enable (for a VLAN)
ip rip default-supply enable (for a VLAN)
ip rip enable (for a VLAN)
ip rip holddown (for a VLAN)
ip rip in-policy (for a VLAN)
ip rip listen enable (for a VLAN)
ip rip out-policy (for a VLAN)
ip rip poison enable (for a VLAN)
ip rip receive version (for a VLAN)
ip rip send (for a VLAN)
ip rip supply (for a VLAN)
ip rip timeout (for a VLAN)
ip rip triggered (for a VLAN)
ip rsmlt
ip spb-multicast enable (for a VLAN)
ip spb-pim-gw enable (for a VLAN)
ip spb-pim-gw hello-interval (for a VLAN)
ip spb-pim-gw ip join-prune-interval (for a VLAN)
ip vrrp (for a VLAN)
ipv6 bfd (for a VLAN)
ipv6 dhcp-relay (for a VLAN)
ipv6 fhs nd-inspection enable (for a VLAN)
ipv6 fhs snooping dhcp enable (for a VLAN)
ipv6 forwarding (for a VLAN)
ipv6 interface address (for a VLAN)
ipv6 interface enable (for a VLAN)
ipv6 interface hop-limit (for a VLAN)
ipv6 interface link-local (for a VLAN)
ipv6 interface mac-offset
ipv6 interface mtu (for a VLAN)
ipv6 interface name (for a VLAN)
ipv6 interface reachable-time (for a VLAN)
ipv6 interface retransmit-timer (for a VLAN)
ipv6 ipsec enable (for a VLAN)
ipv6 ipsec policy (for a VLAN)
ipv6 mld last-listener-query-interval (for a VLAN)
ipv6 mld query-interval (for a VLAN)
ipv6 mld query-max-response (for a VLAN)
ipv6 mld robust-value (for a VLAN)
ipv6 mld snooping
ipv6 mld ssm-snoop
ipv6 mld version (for a VLAN)
ipv6 nd dad-ns (for a VLAN)
ipv6 nd hop-limit (for a VLAN)
ipv6 nd managed-config-flag (for a VLAN)
ipv6 nd other-config-flag (for a VLAN)
ipv6 nd prefix (for a VLAN)
ipv6 nd ra-lifetime (for a VLAN)
ipv6 nd rtr-advert-max-interval (for a VLAN)
ipv6 nd rtr-advert-min-interval (for a VLAN)
ipv6 nd send-ra (for a VLAN)
ipv6 ospf (for a VLAN)
ipv6 ospf area (for a VLAN)
ipv6 ospf bfd
ipv6 pim enable (for a VLAN)
ipv6 pim hello-interval (for a VLAN)
ipv6 pim join-prune-interval (for a VLAN)
ipv6 rip cost (for a VLAN)
ipv6 rip poison enable (for a VLAN)
ipv6 vrrp (for a VLAN)
ipv6 vrrp address (for a VLAN)
migrate-to-mgmt (for a VLAN)
slpp (on a VLAN)
vrf (for a VLAN)
VRF Router Configuration
dvr inject-default-route-disable
dvr redistribute direct (for a VRF)
dvr redistribute static (for a VRF)
ip alternative-route (on a VRF)
ip arp (for a VRF)
ip as-list (for a VRF)
ip bgp
ip bgp aggregate-address
ip bgp aggregation
ip bgp always-compare-med
ip bgp auto-peer-restart enable
ip bgp auto-summary
ip bgp debug-screen
ip bgp default local-preference
ip bgp default-information
ip bgp default-metric
ip bgp deterministic-med enable
ip bgp enable
ip bgp flap-dampening
ip bgp global-debug mask
ip bgp ibgp-report-import-rt enable
ip bgp ignore-illegal-rtrid enable
ip bgp multiple-paths
ip bgp neighbor
ip bgp neighbor password
ip bgp network
ip bgp no-med-path-is-worst enable
ip bgp quick-start enable
ip bgp redistribute
ip bgp router-id {A.B.C.D}
ip bgp synchronization
ip bgp traps enable
ip bgp vrf-as WORD<0-11>
ip community-list (for a VRF)
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path (for a VRF)
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path mode (for a VRF)
ip icmp (for a VRF)
ip icmp echo-broadcast-request (for a VRF)
ip igmp (for a VRF)
ip igmp generate-log (for a VRF)
ip igmp generate-trap (for a VRF)
ip igmp immediate-leave-mode (for a VRF)
ip igmp ssm dynamic-learning (for a VRF)
ip igmp ssm group-range (for a VRF)
ip igmp ssm-map (for a VRF)
ip isid-list (for a VRF)
ip mroute resource-usage (for a VRF)
ip msdp (for a VRF)
ip msdp apply redistribute (for a VRF)
ip msdp connect—retry (for a VRF)
ip msdp description
ip msdp keepalive (for a VRF)
ip msdp md5-authentication (for a VRF)
ip msdp mesh-group (for a VRF)
ip msdp originator-id (for a VRF)
ip msdp password peer (for a VRF)
ip msdp peer
ip msdp redistribute (for a VRF)
ip msdp redistribute route-policy (for a VRF)
ip msdp sa-filter in (for a VRF)
ip msdp sa-filter out (for a VRF)
ip msdp sa-limit (for a VRF)
ip msdp ttl-threshold (for a VRF)
ip ospf (for a VRF)
ip ospf accept adv-rtr
ip ospf admin-state
ip ospf area (for a VRF)
ip ospf area range (for a VRF)
ip ospf area virtual-link (for a VRF)
ip ospf area virtual-link message-digest-key (for a VRF)
ip ospf as-boundary-router (for a VRF)
ip ospf as-boundary-router enable (for a VRF)
ip ospf auto-vlink (for a VRF)
ip ospf bad-lsa-ignore enable (for a VRF)
ip ospf default-cost
ip ospf host-route {A.B.C.D} (for a VRF)
ip ospf neighbor (for a VRF)
ip ospf network (for a VRF)
ip ospf redistribute
ip ospf rfc1583-compatibility enable (for a VRF)
ip ospf router-id (for a VRF)
ip ospf timers basic holddown (for a VRF)
ip ospf trap (For a VRF)
ip prefix-list (for a VRF)
ip rip (for a VRF)
ip rip default-metric (for a VRF)
ip rip domain (for a VRF)
ip rip enable (for a VRF)
ip rip redistribute
ip rip redistribute { direct | isis | ospf | rip | static }
ip rip timers basic holddown (for a VRF)
ip rip timers basic timeout (for a VRF)
ip rip timers basic update (for a VRF)
ip route (for a VRF)
ip route preference protocol (for a VRF)
ip source-route (for VRF)
ip spb-pim-gw foreign-source (for a VRF)
ipv6 alternative-route (for VRF)
ipv6 dhcp-relay (for VRF)
ipv6 ecmp (for VRF)
ipv6 forwarding (for VRF)
ipv6 hop-limit (for VRF)
ipv6 icmp drop-fragments (for a VRF)
ipv6 icmp echo multicast-request (for VRF)
ipv6 icmp drop-fragments (for a VRF)
ipv6 icmp error-interval (for VRF)
ipv6 icmp error-quota (for VRF)
ipv6 icmp unreach-msg (for VRF)
ipv6 ipvpn (for VRF)
ipv6 isis (for VRF)
ipv6 isis accept (for a VRF)
ipv6 isis accept adv-rtr (for a VRF)
ipv6 isis redistribute bgp
ipv6 isis redistribute direct
ipv6 isis redistribute ospf
ipv6 isis redistribute static
ipv6 neighbor (for VRF)
ipv6 ospf (for a VRF)
ipv6 ospf area (for a VRF)
ipv6 ospf area range (for a VRF)
ipv6 ospf area virtual-link (for a VRF)
ipv6 ospf as-boundary-router
ipv6 ospf default-cost
ipv6 ospf helper-mode-disable
ipv6 ospf redistribute
ipv6 ospf router-id
ipv6 prefix-list
ipv6 route (for VRF)
ipv6 source-route (for VRF)
ipvpn enable
i-sid (for a VRF)
isis accept (for a VRF)
isis accept adv-rtr (for a VRF)
isis multi-area ip redistribute routed-multicast
isis multi-area ip redistribute unicast
isis multi-area ipv6 redistribute unicast
isis redistribute bgp
isis redistribute direct
isis redistribute ospf
isis redistribute rip
isis redistribute static
mvpn enable
mvpn fwd-cache-timeout <10-86400>
VRRP Router Configuration
ipv6 send-trap enable
VXLAN Configuration
c-vid (for a VXLAN Gateway mlt)
c-vid (for a VXLAN Gateway port)
untagged-traffic (for a VXLAN Gateway mlt)
untagged-traffic (for a VXLAN Gateway port)
vtep (association)
show ip bgp confederation
View BGP confederation information on the switch.
show ip bgp confederation
Command Mode