TURKISH WEEE Statement of Compliance

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For terminals that support Turkish characters in SMS Release 8 services, the following statement should be printed on the packages and manual of the device:

This device conforms to technical specification in ETSI TS 123.038 V8.0.0 (or the code of any subsequent release) and ETSI TS 123.040 V8.1.0 (or the code of any subsequent release) which contain all Turkish characters.

Bu cihaz Türkçe karakterlerin tamam?n? ihtiva eden ETSI TS 123.038 V8.0.0 (veya sonraki sürümün kodu) ve ETSI TS 123.040 V8.1.0 (veya sonraki sürümün kodu) teknik özelliklerine uygundur.