LED Indicators

The AP-8533 LED activity indicators are located on the front of the housing and are visible through the enclosure.

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The LEDs display error conditions, transmission, and network activity for the 5 GHz 802.11ac (amber) radio, the 2.4 GHz 802.11n (green) radio, sensor radio (white), and the BLE radio (blue).

Table 1. AP-8533 LED Indicators
State5 GHz Activity LED (Amber)2.4 GHz Activity LED (Green)LED (Blue)LED (White)
Firmware UpdateOnOffOffOff
Normal Operation
  • If the radio for this is disabled: turned off.
  • If there is activity on this band: Blink interval at 2 times per second.
  • If the radio for this is disabled: turned off.
  • If there is activity on this band: Blink interval at 2 times per second.
Not ConfiguredOnOnN/AN/A
Locate AP ModeLEDs blink in an alternating green, amber, blue and white pattern using an irregular blink rate. This LED state in no way resembles normal operating conditions.LEDs blink in an alternating green, amber, blue and white pattern using an irregular blink rate. This LED state in no way resembles normal operating conditions.LEDs blink in an alternating green, amber, blue and white pattern using an irregular blink rate. This LED state in no way resembles normal operating conditions.LEDs blink in an alternating green, amber, blue and white pattern using an irregular blink rate. This LED state in no way resembles normal operating conditions.
Sensor without SS connectedN/AN/AN/AOff
Sensor with SS connectedN/AN/AN/AOn
Air Termination stateN/AN/AN/ABlinking 0.5 seconds in 1 second duty cycle.
BT radio disabledN/AN/AOffN/A
BT radio enabled (operational)N/AN/AOnN/A