show vpls

show vpls {{vpls_name} {peer ipaddress} {detail} | summary}


This command has been replaced with the following command: show l2vpn {vpls {{vpls_name} | vpws {{vpws_name}} {peeripaddress} {detail} | summary} . This command is still supported for backward compatibility, but it will be removed from a future release, so we recommend that you start using the new command.


Displays VPLS and H-VPLS configuration and status information.

Syntax Description

vpls_name Displays information for the specified vpls.
ipaddress Specifies a VPLS peer for which to display information.
detail Displays additional information in comprehensive detail format.



Usage Guidelines

The show vpls command (without any optional parameters) displays all currently configured VPLS instances for the switch. The summarized list of VPLS instances is displayed in alphabetical order based on the vpls_name. Peers are displayed in the reverse of the order they were added.

When you specify a VPLS peer, the display includes a list of all PWs established to the peer, the PW status and PW ID, and information about each VPLS to which this peer belongs.

The show l2vpn command describes the display fields that appear when this command is entered with the detail option.

Table 1. Selected show vpls Field Definitions
Field Definition
VPLS Name VPLS instance or domain name.
VPN ID Virtual Private Network identifier.
Source Address Source IP address.
VCCV Status Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification (VCCV) feature status, which is either Enabled or Disabled.
VCCV Interval Time Displays the configured VCCV interval time.
VCCV Fault Mulitplier Displays the configured VCCV fault multiplier.
Redundancy Type Displays the configured VPLS redundancy type, which is EAPS, ESRP, or None.
Service Interface Displays a This command is available on the ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X670-G2, X690, X695, X870, 5320, 5420, 5520 series switches. or VMAN interface name.
Admin State Displays the administrative state of the VPLS, which is either Enabled or Disabled.
Oper State Displays the operational state of the VPLS, which is either Enabled or Disabled.
MTU Displays the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size for the VPLS.
Ethertype Displays the ethertype for the service interface.
.1q tag Displays the 802.1q priority tag for the VPLS.
Peer IP Displays the IP address for the VPLS peer.
PW State PW State represents the state, or status, of a PW. The possible PW state values are:
  • UP—The PW is fully operational and installed in hardware. Traffic is forwarded over PW and VPLS service VLAN/VMAN.
  • Down—The PW is not operational and is not installed in hardware. This only happens when the VPLS instance is disabled, VPLS service is disabled, or there is no service VLAN assigned to the VPLS. No traffic is forwarded.
  • Sgnl—The PW is in a signalling state. The PW is not operational, and no traffic is forwarded. This can occur for a number of reasons, including: No LDP adjacency to peer, No transport LSP to peer, No VC LSP to peer.
  • Remote peer not configuredReady—The PW has been signalled, but it has not been installed in hardware. Traffic is not forwarded. The PW can be in a Ready state for a number of reasons, including:
    • The VPLS instance is configured for EAPS redundancy, and the EAPS shared port associated with this VPLS instance is Connected.
    • The VPLS instance is configured for ESRP redundancy, and the ESRP domain associated with this VPLS instance is Slave.
    • The service VLAN associated with this VPLS instance is down.
    • The remote peer has signalled that it has a fault (remote PW status). The remote peer may have a fault due to it's service VLAN being down.
PW Uptime PW Uptime is the elapsed time that the PW has been in the UP state.
PW Installed PW Installed is a flag to indicate whether the PW is installed in hardware or not. If the PW is in the UP state, this field is True, otherwise, this field is False.
Local PW Status Local PW Status displays the VC status of the local PW. The values are:
  • No Faults—No faults detected.
  • PW-Tx—Local PSN-facing PW transmit fault. This is set if there is a problem with the VPLS transport LSP.
  • PW-Rx—Local PSN-facing PW receive fault. This is set if there is a problem with the VPLS transport LSP.
  • Att-Tx—Local attachment circuit transmit fault. This is set if there is a problem with the VPLS service VLAN.
  • Att-Rx—Local attachment circuit receive fault. This is set if there is a problem with the VPLS service VLAN.
  • Not Forwarding—The local PW is not forwarding. Look for more information in the PW State field. For example, if VPLS is configured for EAPS redundancy, the Local PW Status is Not Forwarding and the PW State is Ready whenever the EAPS Shared Port state is Connected.
Remote PW Status Remote PW Status is the VC status of the remote PW. The values for this field are the same values as for Local PW Status.
PW Mode PW Mode describes how the PW was configured. The values are:
  • Core-to-Core—This VPLS instance is a core node, and the other end of the PW connects to a core node.
  • Core-to-Spoke—This VPLS instance is a core node, and the other end of the PW connects to a spoke node. This is for HVPLS.
  • Spoke-to-Core—This VPLS instance is a spoke node, and the other end of the PW connects to a core node. This is for HVPLS.
Transport LSP Transport LSP is the LSP that is used to forward frames over the PW. When an LDP LSP is used as a transport, the display shows LDP LSP (Not configured). If an RSVP LSP is used, the name of the RSVP LSP being used as a transport LSP is displayed. An RSVP LSP can be specified as the LSP to use during VPLS configuration.
Next Hop I/F Displays the interface name for the next hop router.
Next Hop Addr Displays the interface IP address for the next hop router.
PW Rx Label Receive label for the VPLS PW.
PW Rx Pkts Total packets received on the VPLS PW.
PW Rx Bytes Total bytes received on the VPLS PW.
Tx Label Transmit label for the LSP.
PW Tx Label Transmit label for the VPLS PW.
PW Tx Pkts Total packets transmitted on the VPLS PW.
PW Tx Bytes Total bytes transmitted on the VPLS PW.


The following shows the display that appears when you enter the command without the detail option:

Switch.38 # show vpls
L2VPN Name      VPN ID Flags  Services Name   Peer IP         State Flags
--------------- ------ ------ --------------- --------------- ----- ------
Pws-3344        20     EAX--W NONE
jwcvpls         99     EAX--L torix   Up    C--NV-
keeper          90     EAX--L NONE
pws-1           2009   EAX--W pwserve  Up    ----V-
pws-10          70     EAX--W NONE
pws-2           2008   EAX--W pw2serve  Up    ---NV-
pws-3           2007   EAX--W NONE
sarsparilla     80     EAX--W NONE
whoopwoo        100    EAX--L NONE    Down  C--N--
VPN Flags:  (E) Admin Enabled, (A) Oper Active, (I) Include Tag,
(X) Exclude Tag, (T) Ethertype Configured,
(V) VCCV HC Enabled, (W) VPN Type VPWS, (L) VPN Type VPLS
Peer Flags: (C) Core Peer, (S) Spoke Peer, (A) Active Core,
(p) Configured Primary Core, (s) Configured Secondary Core,
(N) Named LSP Configured, (V) VCCV HC Capabilities Negotiated,
(F) VCCV HC Failed
Total number of configured L2VPNs:    9
Total number of active L2VPNs:        3
Total number of configured PWs:       4
Total number of active PWs:           3
PWs auto-selecting transport LSP:     1
PWs configured with a transport LSP:  3
PWs using LDP for transport:          0
PWs using RSVP for transport:         4
PWs using static for transport:       0

The following shows summary L2 VPN information for the specified VPLS peer:

Switch.451 # sh vpls peer
L2VPN Name      VPN ID Flags  Services Name   Peer IP         State Flags
--------------- ------ ------ --------------- --------------- ----- ------
vs1             105    EAX--L cust1          UP    CAp-V-
VPN Flags:  (E) Admin Enabled, (A) Oper Active, (I) Include Tag,
(X) Exclude Tag, (T) Ethertype Configured,
(V) VCCV HC Enabled, (W) VPN Type VPWS, (L) VPN Type VPLS
Peer Flags: (C) Core Peer, (S) Spoke Peer, (A) Active Core,
(p) Configured Primary Core, (s) Configured Secondary Core,
(N) Named LSP Configured, (V) VCCV HC Capabilities Negotiated,
(F) VCCV HC Failed

The following shows detailed L2 VPN information for the specified VPLS peer:

Switch.452 # sh vpls peer detail
VPLS Name : vpls10
VPN ID                : 10                    Admin State   : Enabled
Source Address        :        Oper State    : Enabled
VCCV Status           : Disabled              MTU           : 1500
VCCV Interval Time    : 5 sec.                Ethertype     : 0x8100
VCCV Fault Multiplier : 4                     .1q tag       : exclude
L2VPN Type            : VPLS                  Redundancy    : None
Service Interface     : vlan10
Peer IP :
PW State           : Up
PW Uptime          : 18d:0h:28m:26s
PW Installed       : True
Local PW Status    : No Faults
Remote PW Status   : No Faults
PW Mode            : Core-to-Core
Transport LSP      : LDP LSP (Not Configured)
Next Hop I/F    : o6vlan1
Next Hop Addr   :            Tx Label    : 0x00010
PW Rx Label        : 0x80405                 PW Tx Label : 0x80401
PW Rx Pkts         : 3806161633              PW Tx Pkts  : 4294967296
PW Rx Bytes        : 912385942               PW Tx Bytes : 4294967296
MAC Limit          : No Limit
VCCV HC Status     : Not Sending (VCCV Not Enabled For This VPLS)
CC Type         : Rtr Alert           Total Pkts Sent : 0
CV Type         : LSP Ping            Total Pkts Rcvd : 0
Send Next Pkt   : --
Total Failures  : 0          Pkts During Last Failure : 0
Last Failure Tm : --

The following command shows the status of L2VPN Sharing configuration. If L2VPN Sharing is enabled, and more than 1 Transport LSP is configured, the output will display the status of each Transport LSP. The following example shows VPLS instance “vpls1” with LSP sharing enabled, with 2 Transport LSPs configured and programmed into HW.

* dut1.11 # show vpls detail
L2VPN Name: vpls1      
    VPN ID                : 91                     Admin State   : Enabled      
    Source Address        :            Oper State    : Enabled      
    VCCV Status           : Disabled               MTU           : 1500      
    VCCV Interval Time    : 5 sec.                 Ethertype     : 0x8100      
    VCCV Fault Multiplier : 4                      .1q tag       : exclude      
    L2VPN Type            : VPLS                   Redundancy    : None      
    Service Interface     : vlan91     

    Peer IP:         
    PW State           : Up         
    PW Uptime          : 2d:22h:28m:44s         
    PW Installed       : True         
    Local PW Status    : No Faults         
    Remote PW Status   : No Faults         
    Remote I/F MTU     : 1500         
    PW Mode            : Core-to-Core         
    Transport LSP      : lsp1 (Configured)           
       Next Hop I/F    : vlan21           
       Next Hop Addr   :                Tx Label  : 0x00074         
    Transport LSP      : lsp2 (Configured)            
        Next Hop I/F   : vlan21            
        Next Hop Addr  :                Tx Label  : 0x00077         
    PW Rx Label        : 0x00075                PW Tx Label  : 0x00085         
    PW Rx Pkts         : 0                      PW Tx Pkts   : 0         
    PW Rx Bytes        : 0                      PW Tx Bytes  : 0         
    MAC Limit          : No Limit         
    VCCV HC Status     : Not Sending (VCCV Not Enabled For This L2VPN)            
        CC Type        : Rtr Alert           Total Pkts Sent : 0            
        CV Type        : LSP Ping            Total Pkts Rcvd : 0           
        Send Next Pkt  : --           
        Total Failures : 0          Pkts During Last Failure : 0           
        Last Failure Tm: --           

Total number of configured L2VPNs:    1       
Total number of active L2VPNs:        1           
Total number of configured PWs:       1       
Total number of active PWs:           1       
Total number of ready PWs:            0       
PWs auto-selecting transport LSP:     0       
PWs configured with a transport LSP:  1       
PWs using LDP for transport:          0       
PWs using RSVP for transport:         1       
PWs using static for transport:       0          

*  - Indicates LSP is configured, but not installed in HW because L2VPN Sharing is disabled.  

The following example shows VPLS instance “vpls1” with LSP sharing disabled, with 2 Transport LSPs configured, but only 1 LSP programmed into HW (because sharing is disabled).

* dut1.11 # show vpls detail    
L2VPN Name: vpls1      
    VPN ID                : 91                    Admin State   : Enabled      
Source Address            :           Oper State    : Enabled      
VCCV Status               : Disabled              MTU           : 1500      
VCCV Interval Time        : 5 sec.                Ethertype     : 0x8100      
VCCV Fault Multiplier     : 4                     .1q tag       : exclude      
L2VPN Type                : VPLS                  Redundancy    : None      
Service Interface         : vlan91                  

Peer IP:         
    PW State           : Up         
    PW Uptime          : 2d:22h:28m:44s         
    PW Installed       : True         
    Local PW Status    : No Faults         
    Remote PW Status   : No Faults         
    Remote I/F MTU     : 1500         
    PW Mode            : Core-to-Core         
    Transport LSP      : lsp1 (Configured)            
        Next Hop I/F   : vlan21            
        Next Hop Addr  :                Tx Label  : 0x00074        
    Transport LSP    : lsp2 (Configured*)           
        Next Hop I/F   : vlan21           
        Next Hop Addr  :               Tx Label   :  0x00077         
    PW Rx Label        : 0x00075                PW Tx Label  :  0x00085         
    PW Rx Pkts         : 0                      PW Tx Pkts   :  0         
    PW Rx Bytes        : 0                      PW Tx Bytes  :  0         
    MAC Limit          : No Limit         
    VCCV HC Status     : Not Sending (VCCV Not Enabled For This L2VPN)            
        CC Type        : Rtr Alert           Total Pkts Sent : 0            
        CV Type        : LSP Ping            Total Pkts Rcvd : 0            
        Send Next Pkt  : --            
        Total Failures : 0          Pkts During Last Failure : 0            
        Last Failure Tm : --           

Total number of configured L2VPNs:    1       
Total number of active L2VPNs:        1           
Total number of configured PWs:       1       
Total number of active PWs:           1       
Total number of ready PWs:            0       
PWs auto-selecting transport LSP:     0       
PWs configured with a transport LSP:  1       
PWs using LDP for transport:          0       
PWs using RSVP for transport:         1       
PWs using static for transport:       0           

*  - Indicates LSP is configured, but not installed in HW because L2VPN Sharing is disabled.  

This following shows VPLS instance “vpls1” with LSP sharing enabled, 2 LSPs configured, but only 1 LSP programmed into HW. (LSP2 is disabled).

* dut1.13 # show vpls detail    L2VPN 
Name: vpls1      
    VPN ID                : 91                    Admin State   : Enabled      
    Source Address        :           Oper State    : Enabled      
    VCCV Status           : Disabled              MTU           : 1500      
    VCCV Interval Time    : 5 sec.                Ethertype     : 0x8100      
    VCCV Fault Multiplier : 4                     .1q tag       : exclude      
    L2VPN Type            : VPLS                  Redundancy    : None      
    Service Interface     : vlan91          

    Peer IP:         PW
        State           : Up         
        PW Uptime          : 2d:22h:30m:13s         
        PW Installed       : True         
        Local PW Status    : No Faults         
        Remote PW Status   : No Faults         
        Remote I/F MTU     : 1500         
        PW Mode            : Core-to-Core         
        Transport LSP      : lsp1 (Configured)            
            Next Hop I/F   : vlan21            
            Next Hop Addr  :                Tx Label  : 0x00074        
        Transport LSP      : lsp2 (Configured)           
            Next Hop I/F   : --           
            Next Hop Addr  : --                        Tx Label  :  --         
        PW Rx Label        : 0x00075                PW Tx Label  : 0x00085         
        PW Rx Pkts         : 0                      PW Tx Pkts   : 0         
        PW Rx Bytes        : 0                      PW Tx Bytes  : 0         
        MAC Limit          : No Limit         
        VCCV HC Status     : Not Sending (VCCV Not Enabled For This L2VPN)            
            CC Type        : Rtr Alert           Total Pkts Sent : 0            
            CV Type        : LSP Ping            Total Pkts Rcvd : 0            
            Send Next Pkt  : --            
            Total Failures : 0          Pkts During Last Failure : 0            
            Last Failure Tm: --           


Total number of configured L2VPNs:    1       
Total number of active L2VPNs:        1           
Total number of configured PWs:       1       
Total number of active PWs:           1       
Total number of ready PWs:            0       
PWs auto-selecting transport LSP:     0       
PWs configured with a transport LSP:  1       
PWs using LDP for transport:          0       
PWs using RSVP for transport:         1       
PWs using static for transport:       0           

*  - Indicates LSP is configured, but not installed in HW because L2VPN Sharing is disabled.  

The following shows VPLS instance “vpls1” with LSP Sharing enabled, with 5 Transport LSPs configured and programmed into HW.

* dut1.19 # show vpls detail    
L2VPN Name: vpls1      
VPN ID                 : 91                    Admin State   : Enabled      
Source Address         :           Oper State    : Enabled      
VCCV Status            : Disabled              MTU           : 1500      
VCCV Interval Time     : 5 sec.                Ethertype     : 0x8100      
VCCV Fault Multiplier  : 4                     .1q tag       : exclude      
L2VPN Type             : VPLS                  Redundancy    : None      
Service Interface      : vlan91          

Peer IP:         
    PW State           : Up         
    PW Uptime          : 2d:22h:31m:54s         
    PW Installed       : True         
    Local PW Status    : No Faults         
    Remote PW Status   : No Faults         
    Remote I/F MTU     : 1500         
    PW Mode            : Core-to-Core         
    Transport LSP      : lsp1 (Configured)            
        Next Hop I/F   : vlan21            
        Next Hop Addr  :                   Tx Label  : 0x00074        
    Transport LSP      : lsp2 (Configured)           
          Next Hop I/F : vlan21           
          Next Hop Addr:                Tx Label  : 0x00077        
    Transport LSP      : lsp3 (Configured)           
          Next Hop I/F : vlan21           
          Next Hop Addr:                Tx Label  : 0x00075        
    Transport LSP      : lsp4 (Configured)      
          Next Hop I/F : vlan21           
          Next Hop Addr:                Tx Label  : 0x00076        
    Transport LSP      : lsp5 (Configured)           
          Next Hop I/F : vlan21           
          Next Hop Addr:                Tx Label  : 0x00078         
    PW Rx Label        : 0x00075                PW Tx Label  : 0x00085         
    PW Rx Pkts         : 0                      PW Tx Pkts   : 0         
    PW Rx Bytes        : 0                      PW Tx Bytes  : 0         
    MAC Limit          : No Limit         
    VCCV HC Status     : Not Sending (VCCV Not Enabled For This L2VPN)            
        CC Type        : Rtr Alert           Total Pkts Sent : 0            
        CV Type        : LSP Ping            Total Pkts Rcvd : 0            
        Send Next Pkt  : --            
        Total Failures : 0          Pkts During Last Failure : 0            
        Last Failure Tm: --           


Total number of configured L2VPNs:    1       
Total number of active L2VPNs:        1           
Total number of configured PWs:       1       
Total number of active PWs:           1       
Total number of ready PWs:            0       
PWs auto-selecting transport LSP:     0       
PWs configured with a transport LSP:  1       
PWs using LDP for transport:          0       
PWs using RSVP for transport:         1       
PWs using static for transport:       0           

*  - Indicates LSP is configured, but not installed in HW because L2VPN Sharing is disabled.  


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.6.

This command was updated to display flags for H-VPLS spoke nodes and protected VPLS and H-VPLS in ExtremeXOS 12.1.

The output for this command was modified in ExtremeXOS 12.2.2.

The output for this command was modified in ExtremeXOS 15.4 to display LSP sharing information.

Platform Availability

This command is available only on the platforms that support MPLS as described in the ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine 31.6 Feature License Requirements document.