show mpls rsvp-te path

show mpls rsvp-te path {path_name} {detail}


Displays the configuration and usage information for MPLS RSVP-TE routed paths.

Syntax Description

path_name Displays configuration and usage information for the specified MPLS RSVP-TE path.
detail Displays the path information in verbose format.



Usage Guidelines

This command displays the configuration and usage information for MPLS RSVP-TE paths. Information is listed in tabular format and includes:
  • Path name.
  • Number of configured ERO objects.
  • Number of LSPs configured to use this path.
  • List of EROs and their type.
  • Whether the hop is included in the path calculation.

Specifying the optional detail keyword displays the path information in verbose format. If detail is specified, all LSPs that are configured to use the path are also displayed.


The following example displays configuration and status information for the MPLS RSVP-TE paths:

# show mpls rs path
Path Name         #LSP #ERO Ord#  ERO IP Netmask       Type   Inc/Exc
----------------- ---- ---- ----- -------------------- ------ -------
path1                1    1   100          strict include
path2                1    1   100          n/a    exclude

The following example displays configuration and status information for the MPLS RSVP-TE paths in the verbose format:

# show mpls rs path det

Path Name : path1
    Hop List Index       : 1
    Path Option Index    : 1
    #ERO/Hops            : 1
    #LSP References      : 1
    ERO                  : Order# IpAddress/Mask     Type   Inc/Exc
                         : ------ ------------------ ------ -------
                         :    100        strict include

Path Name : path2
    Hop List Index       : 2
    Path Option Index    : 1
    #ERO/Hops            : 1
    #LSP References      : 1
    ERO                  : Order# IpAddress/Mask     Type   Inc/Exc
                         : ------ ------------------ ------ -------
                         :    100        n/a    exclude


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.6.

The output was modified to include the include/exclude information in ExtremeXOS 15.7.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available only on the platforms that support MPLS as described in the ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine 31.6 Feature License Requirements document.