configure msdp peer default-peer

configure msdp peer [remoteaddr | all] default-peer {default-peer-policy filter-name} {vr vrname}


This command configures a default or static RPF peer from which all MSDP SA messages are accepted. To remove the default peer, enter the configure msdp peer no-default-peer command.

Syntax Description

filter-name Specifies the name of the policy filter associated with the default peer. The peer will be the default peer for all SA entries that are permitted by the policy filter. If an SA message is allowed by the policy filter, it will be accepted. Otherwise, the SA message has to go through the regular RPF-check. The static peer RPF check is the last step in peer RPF algorithm. So, if an SA message is denied by the default peer policy, ultimately the SA message will be rejected by MSDP.
peer all Specifies all MSDP peers.
remoteaddr Specifies the IP address of the MSDP peer.
vrname Specifies the name of the virtual router to which this command applies. If a name is not specified, it is extracted from the current CLI context.


By default, no static RPF peer is configured.

The default-peer-policy keyword specifies the name of the policy filter associated with the default peer. You can configure multiple default peers with different policies. If no policy is specified, then the current peer is the default RPF peer for all SA messages.

Usage Guidelines

Configuring a default peer simplifies peer-RPF checking of SA messages. If the peer-RPF check fails, the default peer rule is applied to see if the SA messages should be accepted or rejected.

If a default peer policy is specified, the peer is the default peer only for the (Source, Group), or (S, G), that satisfies the policy. If the policy is not specified, then the default peer is used for all (S, G, RP).

You can configure multiple default peers on an MSDP router; however, all default peers must either have a default policy or not. A mix of default peers, with a policy and without a policy, is not allowed.

When configuring multiple default peer rules, follow these guidelines:
  • When you enter multiple default-peer commands with the default-peer-policy keyword, you can use all the default peers at the same time for different RP prefixes.
  • When you enter multiple default-peer commands without the default-peer-policy keyword, you can use a single active peer to accept all SA messages. If that peer goes down, then the next configured default peer accepts all SA messages. This configuration is typically used at a stub site.
You can use the following policy attributes in a default peer policy. All other attributes are ignored.
  • Match:
    • multicast-group
    • multicast-source
    • pim-rp
  • Set:
    • permit.
    • deny.


The following example configures an MSDP peer with the IP address as the default peer policy for "sales":

configure msdp peer default-peer default-peer-policy sales


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.0.

Platform Availability

This command is available on platforms that support the appropriate license. For complete information about software licensing, including how to obtain and upgrade your license and which licenses support the MSDP feature, see the ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine 31.6 Feature License Requirements document.