show bgp evpn mac

show bgp evpn mac {mac-address mac_address}


Shows the current set of MAC addresses configured in EVPN.

Syntax Description

bgp Specifies BGP.
evpn Specifies Ethernet VPN (RFC 7432).
mac Shows only the MAC entries from the EVPN MAC/IP table.
mac-address Specifies restricting the display to a particular MAC address.
mac_address Selects the MAC address to show.



Usage Guidelines

If the ESI and ESI-Port fields are non-zero, then the entry was learned over a shared interface. The remote LACP partner‘s 6-byte MAC address is part of the ESI. For a full decoding of the ESI, see RFC 7432. The (S)source column indicates whether the entry was learned (L)ocally or (R)emotely. The local entries are from the MAC forwarding database. The remote entries are in the MAC forwarding database only if the “In Use” flag is set to yes.


The following example shows the current set of MAC addresses configured in EVPN.

# show bgp evpn mac

Src EVI-Idx MAC               BGP Next Hop           VNI ESI                            ESI-Port   In Use
--- ------- ----------------- --------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ------
L       190 00:04:96:9d:64:e2                      10000 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09  22         Yes
R       190 00:04:96:9d:66:e8            10000                                           Yes
R      1020 00:04:96:9c:2c:a2           101020                                           Yes
L      1020 00:04:96:9d:64:e2                     101020                                           Yes
R      1020 00:04:96:9d:66:e8           101020                                           Yes
R      1020 01:01:01:01:01:01           101020                                           Yes
L      3500 00:04:96:9d:64:e2                     111103                                           Yes
R      4089 00:04:96:9c:2c:a2           101021                                           Yes
L      4089 00:04:96:9d:64:e2                     101021                                           Yes
R      4089 00:04:96:9d:66:e8           101021                                           Yes
R      4089 00:0f:20:98:87:5a           101021                                           Yes
Src: (L) Local, (R) Remote
In Use: Yes/No - Indicates if entry is installed in MAC forwarding database.
Total MAC/IP entries: 11


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 30.2.

Platform Availability

This command is available on platforms that support the appropriate license. For complete information about software licensing, including how to obtain and upgrade your license and which licenses support the BGP feature, see the ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine 31.6 Feature License Requirements document.