create ip nat rule

create ip nat rule rule_name type [ source-nat | napt | destination-napt]


Creates an IP Network Address Translation (NAT) rule.

Syntax Description

ip Specifies Internet Protocol (IP).
nat Specifies NAT.
rule Specifies creating a NAT rule.
rule_name Specifies the NAT rule name.
type Specifies the NAT translation type.
source-nat Specifies modifying the source IP address for outbound traffic.
napt Specifies modifying the source IP address and transport identifier for outbound traffic (Network Address Port Translation).
destination-napt Specifies modifying the destination IP address and transport identifier for inbound traffic.



Usage Guidelines

The type option specifies the kind of translation that is carried out for the NAT rule.

To delete a rule, run the command delete ip nat rule rule_name.

User-created rules cannot be created with a name starting with “SYS_NAT_RULE_”.


The following example creates an IP NAT rule named "rule1" where the translation modifies the source IP address for outbound traffic:

# create ip nat rule rule1 type source-nat


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 31.2.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the switches that support the IP NAT feature. For information about which switches support this and other features, see the ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine 31.6 Feature License Requirements document.