show iproute mpls origin

show iproute mpls origin [bgp | blackhole | bootp | direct | ebgp | ibgp | icmp | isis | isis-level-1 | isis-level-1-external | isis-level-2 | isis-level-2-external | mpls evpn {signaling-protocol [ldp | rsvp-te | static]} | ospf | ospf-extern1 | ospf-extern2 | ospf-inter | ospf-intra | rip | static ] {unicast} {vr vrname}


Displays the MPLS contents of the IP routing table for routes with the specified origin.

Syntax Description

bgp Specifies BGP routes.
blackhole Specifies blackhole routes.
bootp Specifies BOOTP routes.
direct Specifies direct routes.
ebgp Specifies E-BGP routes.
ibgp Specifies I-BGP routes.
icmp Specifies ICMP routes.
isis Specifies IS-IS routes.
isis-level-1 Specifies ISIS Level 1 routing.
isis-level-1-external Specifies ISIS Level 1 External routing.
isis-level-2 Specifies ISIS Level 2 routing.
isis-level-2-external Specifies ISIS Level 2 External routing.
mpls Specifies MPLS routes. This option is available only on platforms that support the MPLS feature pack, which is described in the ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine 31.6 Feature License Requirements document.
evpn Specifies EVPN routes.
signaling-protocol [ldp | rsvp-te | static] Specifies an MPLS signaling protocol. This option is available only on platforms that support the MPLS feature pack, which is described in the ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine 31.6 Feature License Requirements document.
ospf Specifies OSPF routes.
ospf-extern1 Specifies OSPF External 1 routing.
ospf-extern2 Specifies OSPF External 2 routing.
ospf-inter Specifies OSPFInter routing.
ospf-intra Specifies OSPFIntra routing.
rip Specifies RIP routes.
static Specifies static routes.
unicast Displays unicast routes with the specified origin.
vrname Specifies a VR or VRF.



Usage Guidelines



The following example displays all the MPLS routes that originate from BGP:

# show iproute mpls origin bgp


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.2.2.

The evpn option was added in ExtremeXOS 30.7.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all platforms that support MPLS.