show eaps counters shared-port

show eaps counters shared-port [global | port {segment-port segport {eapsDomain}}]


Displays summary EAPS shared port counter information.

Syntax Description

global Displays general counter information for all configured EAPS shared port instances. The output displayed is calculated for all configured EAPS shared ports; not just one specific shared port instance.
port Identifies the port number of the specified common link port.
segport Identifies the segment port. The segment port is the other ring port of an EAPS domain that is not the shared-port.
eapsDomain Specifies the name of the EAPS domain. If no EAPS domain is specified, all counters for all EAPS domains on the specified segment port are displayed.



Usage Guidelines

If the switch is configured for EAPS shared ports, use this command to display an array of counters associated with the EAPS shared port functionality.

If you specify the global keyword, the switch displays general counter information for all configured EAPS shared port instances. The output displayed is calculated for all configured EAPS shared ports; not just one specific shared port instance.

If you specify a particular EAPS shared port, the switch displays counter information related to only that shared port.

If you specify a particular EAPS segment port, the switch displays counter information related to only that segment port for the specified EAPS domain.

Viewing and maintaining statistics on a regular basis allows you to see how well your network is performing. If you keep simple daily records, you will see trends emerging and notice problems arising before they cause major network faults.

Clearing the Counters

The counters continue to increment until you clear the information. By clearing the counters, you can see fresh statistics for the time period you are monitoring. To clear, reset the EAPS counters, including the shared port counters, use one of the following commands:

Understanding the Output

The following table describes the significant fields and values in the display output of the show eaps counters shared-port global command:
Field Description


Displays the number of dropped EAPS shared-port PDUs because there is not a valid EAPS shared port instance for the incoming port.


Displays the number of unknown EAPS PDUs dropped by the shared port instances.


Displays the number of EAPS shared-port PDUs that could not be forwarded in slow path because the shared port instances could not find a valid EAPS shared port instance for the outgoing port.

The following table describes the significant fields and values in the display output of the show eaps counters shared-port portsegment-port segport eapsDomain command:
Field Description


Indicates the shared port instance received EAPS shared ports Segment-Health-Check PDUs.


Indicates the shared port instance received EAPS shared ports Path-Detect PDUs.


Indicates the shared port instance received EAPS shared ports Flush-Notify PDUs and flushed the FDB.

If this PDU reaches a port of the shared ports pair that initiated the PDU, the shared port instance might terminate the PDU. Otherwise, the shared port instance forwards the PDU.


Displays the number of unknown EAPS PDUs dropped by the shared port instance.


Displays the number of EAPS shared ports Segment-Health-Check PDUs dropped by the shared port instance.

This counter increments if the Segment-Health-Check PDU returns to the sending switch. If that occurs, the switch drops the Segment-Health-Check PDU.


Displays the number of EAPS shared ports Path-Detect PDUs dropped by the shared port instance.

This counter increments in the following situations:

If the packet‘s Fwd-id matches the EAPS shared port‘s Link-Id, the port is not in the blocking state, and the incoming port is a segment port.If the packet‘s Link-Id matches the EAPS shared port‘s Link-Id, the port is not in the blocking state, and the incoming port is a segment port.


Displays the number of EAPS shared ports Flush-Notify-Dropped PDUs dropped by the shared port instance.

This counter increments in the following situations:

If the Flush-Notify-Dropped PDU returns to the sending switch.If the packet‘s Fwd-Id matches the EAPS shared port‘s Link-Id and the port is not in the blocking state.


Displays the number of EAPS shared ports PDUs dropped by the shared port instance because it does not exist.


Indicates the shared port instance sent EAPS shared ports Segment-Health-Check PDUs.


Indicates the shared port instance sent EAPS shared ports Path-Detect PDUs.

NOTE: This counter appears under Common Link Port Stats and should always be 0.


Indicates the shared port instance sent EAPS shared ports Flush-Notify PDUs to flush the FDB.

NOTE: This counter appears under Common Link Port Stats and should always be 0.


Indicates the shared port instance sent EAPS Flush-Fdb PDUs because the FDB needs to be flushed.

NOTE: This counter appears under Common Link Port Stats and should always be 0.


Indicates the number of unknown EAPS PDUs sent by the shared port instance.

NOTE: Unknown EAPS PDUs can be a new type of PDU that the switch does not track in the sending routine.


Indicates the number of EAPS PDUs the shared port instance was unable to send because of an error.


Indicates the number of EAPS shared ports Segment-Health-Check PDUs received by the shared port instance and forwarded in slow path.


Indicates the number of EAPS shared ports Path-Detect PDUs received by the shared port instance and forwarded in slow path.


Indicates the number of EAPS Flush-Notify PDUs received by the shared port instance and forwarded in slow path to flush the FDB.


Indicates the number of EAPS Flush-Fdb PDUs received by the shared port instance and forwarded in slow path.


Indicates the number of unknown EAPS PDUs forwarded in slow path.

NOTE: Unknown EAPS PDUs can be a new type of PDU that the switch does not track in the forwarding routine.


Indicates the number of EAPS PDUs the shared port instance was unable to forward in slow path because of an error.


The following command displays global, high-level counter information for EAPS shared port:

show eaps counters shared-port global

The following is sample output from this command:

Global counters for EAPS Shared-Ports:
Rx Dropped
Rx-Invalid-Instance : 0
Rx-Unknown          : 0
Fw Dropped
Fw-Invalid-Instance : 0

The following example assumes that port 17 is configured as an EAPS shared port. The following command displays counter information the specified EAPS shared port:

show eaps counters shared-port 17

The following is sample output from this command:

Counters for EAPS Shared-Port 17:
Common Link Port Stats
Rx Stats
Rx-Seg-Health            :  0
Rx-Path-Detect           :  0
Rx-Flush-Notify          :  0
Rx Dropped
Rx-Seg-Health-Dropped    :  0
Rx-Path-Detect-Dropped   :  0
Rx-Flush-Notify-Dropped  :  0
Rx-Dropped-Invalid-Port  :  0
Tx Stats
Tx-Seg-Health            :  0
Tx-Path-Detect           :  0
Tx-Flush-Notify          :  0
Tx-Flush-Fdb             :  0
Tx Dropped
Tx-Unknown               :  0
Tx-Transmit-Err          :  0
Fw Stats
Fw-Seg-Health            :  0
Fw-Path-Detect           :  0
Fw-Flush-Notify          :  0
Fw Dropped
Fw-Unknown               :  0
Fw-Transmit-Err          :  0

The following example assumes that port 1:2 is configured as an EAPS shared port and port 1:1 is a segment port. The following command displays counter information the specified EAPS shared port, segment port, and EAPS domain:

show eaps counters shared-port 1:2 segment-port 1:1 eaps1

The following is sample output from this command:

Counters for EAPS Shared-Port 1:2, Segment Port: 1:1, EAPS Domain: eaps1
Rx Stats
Rx-Seg-Health            :  0
Rx-Path-Detect           :  0
Rx-Flush-Notify          :  0
Rx-Seg-Health-Dropped    :  0
Rx-Path-Detect-Dropped   :  0
Rx-Flush-Notify-Dropped  :  0
Rx-Dropped-Invalid-Port  :  0
Tx Stats
Tx-Seg-Health            :  2275
Tx-Path-Detect           :  0
Tx-Flush-Notify          :  0
Tx-Flush-Fdb             :  0
Tx-Transmit-Err          :  0
Tx-Unknown               :  0
Fw Stats
Fw-Seg-Health            :  0
Fw-Path-Detect           :  0
Fw-Flush-Notify          :  0
Fw-Transmit-Err          :  0
Fw-Unknown               :  0


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.6.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all platforms with the appropriate license. For complete information about software licensing, including how to obtain and upgrade your license and what licenses are appropriate for this feature, see the ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine 31.6 Feature License Requirements document.