clear ip nat counters vlan

clear ip nat counters vlan {vlan_name}


Clears the Network Address Translation (NAT) VLAN counters.

Syntax Description

ip Specifies Internet Protocol (IP).
nat Specifies NAT.
vlan Specifies VLAN NAT.
counters Specifies NAT VLAN counters.
vlan_name Specifies which VLAN to clear NAT counters for. If no VLAN name is specified, all counters are cleared.



Usage Guidelines

To view counter information, run the command show ip nat vlan counters {vlan_name}.


The following example clears all NAT VLAN counters:

# clear ip nat counters vlan


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 31.2.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the switches that support the IP NAT feature. For information about which switches support this and other features, see the ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine 31.6 Feature License Requirements document.