show mlag peer

show mlag peer {peer_name}


Displays information about an This command is available on the ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X670-G2, X690, X695, X870, 5320, 5420, 5520 series switches..

Syntax Description


Specifies an alpha numeric string identifying the MLAG peer switch.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display configured items, MLAG peer switch state, MLAG group count, and health-check statistics.


The following command displays information for an MLAG peer switch:

# show mlag peer
Following is sample output for the command:
Multi-switch Link Aggregation Peers:

MLAG Peer          : leftBD8k
VLAN               : isc             Virtual Router     : VR-Default
Local IP Address   :         Peer IP Address    :
MLAG ports         : 2               Tx-Interval        : 1000 ms
Checkpoint Status  : Up              Peer Tx-Interval   : 1000 ms
Rx-Hellos          : 184             Tx-Hellos          : 184
Rx-Checkpoint Msgs : 12              Tx-Checkpoint Msgs : 12
Rx-Hello Errors    : 0               Tx-Hello Errors    : 0
Hello Timeouts     : 1               Checkpoint Errors  : 0
Up Time            : 0d:0h:0m:10s    Peer Conn.Failures : 1
Local MAC :00:04:96:11:22:44 Peer MAC  :00:04:96:11:22:33   
Config'd LACP MAC  :None     Current LACP MAC:00 :04:96:11:22:33    
Multi-switch Link Aggregation Peers:

MLAG Peer         : rightBD8k
VLAN              : isc             Virtual Router      : VR-Default
Local IP Address  :         Peer IP Address     :
MLAG ports        : 2               Tx-Interval         : 1000 ms
Checkpoint Statu  : Up              Peer Tx-Interval    : 1000 ms
Rx-Hellos         : 167             Tx-Hellos           : 167
Rx-Checkpoint Msgs: 12              Tx-Checkpoint Msgs  : 12
Rx-Hello Errors   : 0               Tx-Hello Errors     : 0
Hello Timeouts    : 1               Checkpoint Errors   : 0
Up Time           : 0d:0h:0m:7s     Peer Conn.Failures  : 1
Local MAC         :00:04:96:11:22:44  Peer MAC          :00:04:96:11:22:33
Config'd LACP MAC :None               Current LACP MAC  :00:04:96:11:22:33     

Following is sample output when an MLAG peer has been created but the IP address is yet to be configured:

* switch # show mlag peer switch101

Multi-switch Link Aggregation Peers:

MLAG peer 	   : switch101
VLAN		  :	  	Virtual Router	:
Local IP address   :	  	Peer IP address      :
MLAG groups	  : 0   	   Tx-Interval	   : N/A
Checkpoint Status   : Down         Peer Tx-Interval     : N/A
Rx-Hellos	    : 0	      Tx-Hellos	     : 0
Rx-Checkpoint Msgs  : 0	     Tx-Checkpoint Msgs   : 0
Rx-Hello Errors     : 0	     Tx-Hello Errors      : 0
Hello Timeouts      : 0	     Checkpoint Errors    : 0
Up Time: N/A	 : 0   	  Peer Conn.Failures    : 0
Local MAC           :00:04:96:11:22:44  Peer MAC         :00:04:96:11:22:33
Config'd LACP MAC  :None               Current LACP MAC: 00:04:96:11:22:33      

Following is sample output displaying LACP MAC for a MLAG peer:

* switch # show mlag peer switch101

Multi-switch Link Aggregation Peers:

MLAG Peer          :S2
VLAN               :isc                Virtual Router        :VR-Default
Local IP Address   :            Peer IP Address       :
MLAG ports         :0                  Tx-Interval           :1000 ms
Checkpoint Status  :Up                 Peer Tx-Interval      :1000 ms
Rx-Hellos          :153379             Tx-Hellos             :153895
Rx-Checkpoint Msgs :6                  Tx-Checkpoint Msgs    :14
Rx-Hello Errors    :0                  Tx-Hello Errors       :0
Hello Timeouts     :0                  Checkpoint Errors     :0
Up Time            :1d:17h:45m:8s      Peer Conn. Failures   :0
Local MAC          :00:04:96:11:22:44  Peer MAC              :00:04:96:11:22:33
Config'd LACP MAC  :None               Current LACP MAC      :00:04:96:11:22:33                   Config'd LACP MAC
Configured LACP MAC is the configured LACP MAC using the:
configure {mlag peer} peer_name lacp-mac lacp_mac_address 
If no MAC is configured,
Config'd LACP MAC
is shown as None.
If same LACP MAC is configured on both the switches, the current LACP MAC will be the same as
Config'd LACP MAC.
If LACP MAC is not configured on any of the MLAG peers or if a different MAC is configured on the peers,
Current LACP MAC
is different from Config'd LACP MAC and is selected from Local MAC/Peer MAC combination.


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X670-G2, X690, X695, X870, 5320, 5420, 5520 series switches.