show network-clock gptp ports

show network-clock gptp ports [port_list | all] {counters}


Displays gPTP port parameters and counters.

Syntax Description

port_list Specifies one or more of the switch‘s physical ports.
all Specifies all of the switch‘s physical ports.



Usage Guidelines

The command show network-clock gptp port displays the specified port‘s gPTP parameters:

Physical port number The switch‘s number for this physical port.
gPTP port status Indicates whether gPTP is enabled on this port.
Clock Identity This switch‘s gPTP Clock Identity.
gPTP Port Number gPTP number for this physical port.
IEEE 802.1AS Capable Indicates whether this switch and the neighboring systemdevice connected via this port can interoperate via gPTP.
Port Role The port‘s gPTP role:
  • Disabled (3)
  • Master (6)
  • Passive (7)
  • Slave (9)
Announce Initial Interval The initial announce interval on this port. The interval is represented as the log base 2 of the interval in seconds; for example, 0 = 1 second.
Announce Current Interval The current announce interval on this port. The interval is represented as the log base 2 of the interval in seconds; for example, 1 = 2 seconds.
Announce Receipt Timeout The number of announce intervals a slave port waits without receiving an Announce message before it assumes the master port is no longer sending Announce messages and the BMCA needs to be run.
Sync Initial Interval The initial time-synchronization transmission interval on this port. The interval is represented as the log base 2 of the interval in seconds; for example, -1 = 500 milliseconds.
Sync Current Interval The current time-synchronization transmission sync interval on this port. The interval is represented as the log base 2 of the interval in seconds; for example, -2 = 250 milliseconds.
Sync Receipt Timeout The number of time-synchronization transmission intervals a slave port waits without receiving a Sync message before it assumes the master port is no longer sending Sync messages and the BMCA needs to be run.
Sync Receipt Timeout Interval Sync Receipt Timeout in time units.
Peer Delay Initial Interval The initial Peer Delay Request interval on this port. The interval is represented as the log base 2 of the interval in seconds; for example, 2 = 4 seconds.
Peer Delay Current Interval The current Peer Delay Request interval on this port. The interval is represented as the log base 2 of the interval in seconds; for example, 3 = 8 seconds.
Peer Delay Allowed Lost Responses The number of consecutive Peer Delay Request messages that the switch must send on this port without receiving a valid response before it considers the port not to be exchanging Peer Delay messages with its neighbor.
Measuring Propagation Delay Indicates whether this port is measuring its link‘s propagation delay.
Mean Propagation Delay The link‘s estimated one-way propagation delay. The peer delay protocol measures the sum of the link‘s propagation delays in each direction, and this is that sum divided by two, which is accurate only if the link is symmetrical.
Mean Propagation Delay Threshold The propagation delay above which the switch considers this port unable to run gPTP.
Propagation Delay Asymmetry

The configured time that the propagation delay from this switch to the neighbor is less than the estimated one-way propagation delay between the switch and its neighbor (which is also the time that the propagation delay from the neighbor to this switch is greater than the estimate). This value is negative if the propagation delay to the neighbor is greater than the estimate.

Let tIR be the propagation delay from this switch (initiator) to the neighbor (responder), tRI be the propagation delay from the neighbor to this switch, and meanPathDelay be the estimated one-way propagation delay. Then:

meanPathDelay = (tIR + tRI) / 2

tIR = meanPathDelay – asymmetry_time

tRI = meanPathDelay + asymmetry_time

Neighbor Rate Ratio The estimated ratio of the frequency of the local clock in the neighboring systemdevice connected via this port, to this switch‘s local clock‘s frequency. The ratio is represented as the ratio minus 1, multipled by 241:   (ratio – 1) * 241
PTP Version The PTP version number used on this port. Always 2.
Peer Delay Correction Field Fractional nano seconds only Shows whether or not you consider only the fractional nano-second portion of correction field of peer delay messages. Default is off.

The command show network-clock gptp port counters displays the specified port‘s gPTP counters:

Physical port number The switch's number for this physical port.
gPTP port status Indicates whether gPTP is enabled on this port.
Announce The number of Announce messages received and sent.
Sync The number of Sync messages received and sent.
Follow Up The number of Follow Up messages received and sent.
Peer Delay Request The number of Peer Delay Request messages received and sent.
Peer Delay Response The number of Peer Delay Response messages received and sent.
Peer Delay Response Followup The number of Peer Delay Response Follow Up messages received and sent
gPTP packet discards The number of received gPTP packets discarded or lost for one of the following reasons (from 802.1AS-2011 14.7.8):
  • Announce message from this switch
  • Announce message with stepsRemoved >= 255
  • Announce message with a Path Trace TLV that includes this switch
  • Follow Up message not received following Sync message received
  • Peer Delay Response message not received following Peer Delay Request message sent
  • Peer Delay Response Follow Up message not received following Peer Delay Request message sent
Announce Receipt Timeout Count The number of Announce Receipt timeouts.
Sync Receipt Timeout Count The number of Sync Receipt timeouts.
Peer Delay Allowed Lost Responses Exceeded Count The number of times the number of consecutive Peer Delay Request messages sent without receiving a valid response exceeded the Peer Delay Allowed Lost Responses.


# show network-clock gptp ports 2   
Physical port number              : 2   
gPTP port status                  : Enabled   
Clock Identity                    : 00:04:96:FF:FE:52:2C:BE   
gPTP Port Number                  : 2   
IEEE 802.1AS Capable              : Yes   
Port Role                         : 9 (Slave)   
Announce Initial Interval         : 0 (1 second)   
Announce Current Interval         : 1 (2 seconds)   
Announce Receipt Timeout          : 3   
Sync Initial Interval             : -3 (125 milliseconds)   
Sync Current Interval             : -2 (250 milliseconds)   
Sync Receipt Timeout              : 3   
Sync Receipt Timeout Interval     : 750 milliseconds   
Peer Delay Initial Interval       : 2 (4 seconds)   
Peer Delay Current Interval       : 4 (8 seconds)   
Peer Delay Allowed Lost Responses : 3   
Measuring Propagation Delay       : Yes   
Mean Propagation Delay            : 1000 nanoseconds   
Mean Propagation Delay Threshold  : 10000 nanoseconds   
Propagation Delay Asymmetry       : 0   
Neighbor Rate Ratio               : 200   
PTP Version                       : 2
Peer Delay Correction Field 
   Fractional nano seconds only    : On

# show network-clock gptp ports 3 counters   
Physical port number                             : 3   
gPTP port status                                 : Enabled   
Parameter                           Receive        Transmit   
Announce                               1000            2000   
Sync                                   1000             500   
Follow Up                              2000            2500   
Peer Delay Request                     3000            1000   
Peer Delay Response                    500             1500   
Peer Delay Response Follow Up          200             1000   
gPTP packet discards                   2000               -   
Announce Receipt Timeout Count                   : 1000   
Sync Receipt Timeout Count                       : 500   
Peer Delay Allowed Lost Responses Exceeded Count : 2000      


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 15.3.

Whether or not you consider only the fractional nano-second portion of correction field of peer delay messages information was added in ExtremeXOS 31.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all platforms that support the AVB feature and that have an AVB feature pack license installed. To see which platforms support AVB and for information about obtaining a license, see the ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine 31.6 Feature License Requirements .