show interface ethernet

Displays the details of Ethernet interface or range of interfaces.


show interface ethernet [ IFNAME | all ]


Specifies the interface name in slot/port or slot/port:breakout format. Example: 1/1, 1/1-3, 5, 2/7-9, 10:1-4.
Specifies all Ethernet interfaces for the show command.


Exec mode

Usage Guidelines

This command is available only to users with the admin role.


The following example displays information pertaining to an Ethernet interface.

NPB# show int e 1/2 
ethernet 1/2 Admin state UP      Operational state UP       
 Interface index is 268435868 (0x1000019c)  
 MTU 9000 bytes  
 Hardware is Ethernet  mac address  
 Current Speed  100G 

Carrier Transitions: 0 
           LastClear: 0s 
              Total Pkts: 570850 
          Broadcast Pkts: 3 
            Discard Pkts: 0 
             Errors Pkts: 0 
              FCS Errors: 0 
              MCast Pkts: 18 
                  Octets: 381845280 
              UCast Pkts: 44478 
               Runt pkts: 0 
              CRC Errors: 0 

Input Distribution: 
            64 byte pkts: 0 
        65-127 byte pkts: 21 
       128-255 byte pkts: 0 
       256-511 byte pkts: 0 
      512-1023 byte pkts: 0 
     1024-1518 byte pkts: 0 
              Jumbo pkts: 44478 

              Total Pkts: 0 
          Broadcast Pkts: 0 
            Discard Pkts: 0 
             Errors Pkts: 0 
              MCast Pkts: 0 
                  Octets: 0 
              UCast Pkts: 0 

Rate Info: 
                   Input: 1680.724704 Mbits/sec, 24426 pkts/sec 1.68% of line-rate 
                  Output: 0.000000 Mbits/sec, 0 pkts/sec 0.00% of line-rate