show sysinfo sensor

Displays sensor data.


show sysinfo sensor [ all | cpu | lc | mem_mod | voltage ]


Displays information for all sensors.
Displays CPU information.
Displays line card (slot) information.
Displays memory module information.
Displays voltage information.


Exec mode


The following example shows information for all sensors.

device# show sysinfo sensor all  
Sensor Information
Id   Name        Current(°C/Volt) Warning(°C/Volt) Critical(°C/Volt) Shutdown(°C/Volt)   
1    CPU Core        33              85               90.00             0                   
2    TF2 MAC         41              75               80                95.00               
3    TF2 Serdes1     56              80.00            85.00             95                  
4    TF2 Serdes2     50.00           80.00            85                95                  
5    TF2 Serdes3     54.00           80.00            85.00             95                  
6    TF2 Serdes4     53.00           80               85.00             95.00               
7    LC1 PHY MAX     70             115              120               125                 
8    LC1 QSFP MAX    38              63.00            68.00             73                  
9    LC2 PHY MAX     67.00          115.00           120.00            125.00              
10   LC2 QSFP MAX    38.00           63.00            68.00             73                  
11   LC3 PHY MAX     66.00          115.00           120.00            125.00              
12   LC3 QSFP MAX    41.00           63.00            68.00             73.00               
13   LC4 PHY MAX     67.00          115.00           120.00            125.00              
14   LC4 QSFP MAX    40              63               68                73                  
15   LC5 PHY MAX     67             115              120.00            125.00              
16   LC5 QSFP MAX    36              63.00            68.00             73                  
17   LC6 PHY MAX     59             115.00           120.00            125.00              
18   LC6 QSFP MAX    28.00           63.00            68                73.00               
19   LC7 PHY MAX     57             115              120.00            125                 
20   LC7 QSFP MAX     0.00           63.00            68.00             73.00               
21   LC8 PHY MAX     64             115              120.00            125                 
22   LC8 QSFP MAX    44.00           63               68.00             73                  
23   DIMM1           36              80.00            85.00              0.00                
24   DIMM2           32              80.00            85                 0.00                
25   DIMM3           35.00           80.00            85                 0                   
26   DIMM4           33.00           80               85.00              0.00                
27   SSD             39              75               80                 0                   
28   BMC-12V         12               0               12.00             12                  
29   BMC-3_3V         3.00            0                3.00              3                   
30   SWB-075V         0               0.00             0.00              0.00                
31   SWB-3_3V         3.00            0                3                 3                   
32   SWB-2_5V         2               0                2.00              2.00                
33   SWB-1_8V         1.00            0                1                 1.00                
34   SWB-1_5V         1               0.00             1                 1                   
35   SWB-1_2V         1               0                1.00              1.00                

The following example shows CPU information.

device# show sysinfo sensor cpu

Sensor Information
Id    Name       Current(°C/Volt) Warning(°C/Volt) Critical(°C/Volt) Shutdown(°C/Volt)   
1   CPU Core        33                85.00            90.00              0                   
2   TF2 MAC         41                75.00            80                 95                  
3   TF2 Serdes1     56.00             80.00            85.00              95                  
4   TF2 Serdes2     50.00             80               85.00              95.00               
5   TF2 Serdes3     54.00             80               85                 95                  
6   TF2 Serdes4     53.00             80.00            85                 95                  

The following module show line card (slot) information.

device# show sysinfo sensor lc 

Sensor Information
Id   Name        Current(°C/Volt) Warning(°C/Volt) Critical(°C/Volt) Shutdown(°C/Volt)   
7   LC1 PHY MAX       70              115.00            120               125.00              
8   LC1 QSFP MAX      38.00            63.00             68                73.00               
9   LC2 PHY MAX       67              115.00            120               125.00              
10  LC2 QSFP MAX      38.00            63                68.00             73                  
11  LC3 PHY MAX       66              115               120.00            125                 
12  LC3 QSFP MAX      41.00            63.00             68                73.00               
13  LC4 PHY MAX       67              115               120               125                 
14  LC4 QSFP MAX      40.00            63.00             68                73                  
15  LC5 PHY MAX       67              115               120               125                 
16  LC5 QSFP MAX      36.00            63                68                73                  
17  LC6 PHY MAX       59.00           115.00            120.00            125                 
18  LC6 QSFP MAX      28.00            63                68                73.00               
19  LC7 PHY MAX       57.00           115.00            120.00            125                 
20  LC7 QSFP MAX       0.00            63.00             68                73.00               
21  LC8 PHY MAX       64              115.00            120.00            125.00              
22  LC8 QSFP MAX      44               63.00             68.00             73 

The following example shows memory module information.

device# show sysinfo sensor mem_mod 

Sensor Information
Id   Name  Current(°C/Volt) Warning(°C/Volt) Critical(°C/Volt) Shutdown(°C/Volt)   
23  DIMM1       36              80                85                  0                   
24  DIMM2       32              80.00             85.00               0.00                
25  DIMM3       35              80.00             85.00               0.00                
26  DIMM4       33              80.00             85.00               0                   
27  SSD         39.00           75                80.00               0.00                

The following example shows voltage information.

device# show sysinfo sensor voltage 

Sensor Information
Id   Name      Current(°C/Volt) Warning(°C/Volt)  Critical(°C/Volt) Shutdown(°C/Volt)   
28   BMC-12V      12.00             0                 12.00              12.00               
29   BMC-3_3V      3.00             0                  3.00               3.00                
30   SWB-075V      0.00             0.00               0                  0                   
31   SWB-3_3V      3.00             0.00               3.00               3.00                
32   SWB-2_5V      2.00             0.00               2                  2.00                
33   SWB-1_8V      1                0.00               1.00               1                   
34   SWB-1_5V      1.00             0.00               1                  1.00                
35   SWB-1_2V      1.00             0                  1.00               1.00                
36   SWB-1V        1                0                  1                  1                   
37   SWB-VCORE     0                0                  0                  0