show sysinfo all

Displays all system HW component information such as FANs, PSUs, sensors, slots, and LEDs.


show sysinfo all


Exec mode


The following example shows all hardware information.

device# show sysinfo all 
Fan Information
Id     Status      RPM     Percentage SpeedLevel     Direction   
1      Up          7300    41         MEDIUM         FAN_DIR_F2B 
2      Up          7300    41         MEDIUM         FAN_DIR_F2B 
3      Up          7300    41         MEDIUM         FAN_DIR_F2B 
4      Up          7300    41         MEDIUM         FAN_DIR_F2B 
5      Up          7300    41         MEDIUM         FAN_DIR_F2B 

FAN_DIR_F2B - Fan Airflow Direction is FrontToBack

FanSpeedLevel - <40%[LOW],40-70%[MEDIUM],>70%[HIGH]

Led Information
Id     State     Color     Description    
led-0  Solid     GREEN     Power Supply Unit
led-1  Solid     GREEN     Fan            
led-2  Solid     GREEN     System Status  

PSU Information
Id     Status      Type    C[in]   C[out]  P[in]   P[out]  V[in]   V[out]  
1      Up          AC      3       53      684     632     206     11      
2      Up          AC      3       51      660     612     206     11      

**C - Current in Amps ,**P - Power in Watts ,**V - Voltage in Volts
Total power budget for chassis = 3200 Watts
Total power used by LC and system core = 2040 Watts
Total power available = 1160 Watts
Power Board CpldVersion = 00 09
Sensor Information
Id   Name        Current(°C/Volt) Warning(°C/Volt) Critical(°C/Volt) Shutdown(°C/Volt)   
1    CPU Core       37                  85               90.00            0.00                
2    TF2 MAC        42.00               75               80              95.00               
3    TF2 Serdes1    56.00               80.00            85.00           95                  
4    TF2 Serdes2    50.00               80.00            85              95                  
5    TF2 Serdes3    54                  80.00            85              95.00               
6    TF2 Serdes4    53                  80.00            85.00           95                  
7    LC1 PHY MAX    70.00              115              120.00          125.00              
8    LC1 QSFP MAX   38                  63.00            68.00           73.00               
9    LC2 PHY MAX    67                 115.00           120             125.00              
10   LC2 QSFP MAX   38.00               63               68.00           73.00               
11   LC3 PHY MAX    66                 115.00           120             125                 
12   LC3 QSFP MAX   41.00               63.00            68              73.00               
13   LC4 PHY MAX    67                 115.00           120.00          125.00              
14   LC4 QSFP MAX   40                  63.00            68              73                  
15   LC5 PHY MAX    67                 115.00           120.00          125                 
16   LC5 QSFP MAX   36                  63               68              73.00               
17   LC6 PHY MAX    59.00              115.00           120.00          125.00              
18   LC6 QSFP MAX   28.00               63.00            68.00           73.00               
19   LC7 PHY MAX    57.00              115.00           120.00          125                 
20   LC7 QSFP MAX    0.00               63               68.00           73                  
21   LC8 PHY MAX    64.00              115.00           120.00          125.00              
22   LC8 QSFP MAX   44.00               63               68.00           73                  
23   DIMM1          36                  80               85.00            0                   
24   DIMM2          32                  80               85.00            0                   
25   DIMM3          35                  80               85.00            0.00                
26   DIMM4          33.00               80               85.00            0.00                
27   SSD            39.00               75.00            80.00            0.00                
28   BMC-12V        12.00                0               12              12.00               
29   BMC-3_3V        3                   0.00             3.00            3                   
30   SWB-075V        0                   0                0               0.00                
31   SWB-3_3V        3.00                0.00             3               3.00                
32   SWB-2_5V        2.00                0.00             2.00            2.00                
33   SWB-1_8V        1                   0.00             1.00            1                   
34   SWB-1_5V        1.00                0.00             1.00            1                   
35   SWB-1_2V        1.00                0                1               1.00                

Slot Information
Slot  State         FRU-Id  FRU-Type    Description         
1     Online        1       LC16x100G   16x100G QSFP28 Line Card
2     Online        1       LC16x100G   16x100G QSFP28 Line Card
3     Online        1       LC16x100G   16x100G QSFP28 Line Card
4     Online        1       LC16x100G   16x100G QSFP28 Line Card
5     Online        1       LC16x100G   16x100G QSFP28 Line Card
6     Online        1       LC16x100G   16x100G QSFP28 Line Card
7     Online        1       LC16x100G   16x100G QSFP28 Line Card
8     Online        1       LC16x100G   16x100G QSFP28 Line Card