5720 Series LEDs

ExtremeSwitching 5720 Series Front Panel LEDs, as described in the following table:

Table 1. 5720 Series Port LEDs



Port State

SYStem status LED

(Legacy MGMT function)

Note: The system status LED is solid green to indicate normal operation when the switch is running Fabric Engine.

Green flash slowly

POST Passed,

normal operation, blinks on standalone switch, stack primary, and backup nodes in a stack;

off for standby nodes in a stack

Green blinking

POST in progress

Amber blinking

POST failed or overheat

PSU status LEDs (P1/P2)


Power On


Power off and no power attached

Amber blinking

Power supply failures

Fan status LEDS (F1/F2/F3/F4)


Normal operation

Amber blinking

Fan failure

Bluetooth Status LED (BT)

Green blinking

Bluetooth pairing in progress


Bluetooth connected

Locator LED (LOC)

Blue blinking

Locator function

The following figure shows the LEDs for 5720 Series switches, including the two alternate mode LEDs: SPD and STK. You can use the Mode button to cycle through the three display modes for the port LEDs. In the default mode, SPD and STK are off. SPD and STK display modes expire after 30 seconds, at which time the port LEDs revert to the default SYS mode.

Click to expand in new window
5720 Series Mode and System Status LEDs
5720 Series Mode and System Status LEDs


Front-panel PoE ports use Amber to indicate PoE states.

Port LEDs in Default (SYS) Mode

In the default SYS mode, SPD is OFF, and the port status displays behavior for link, traffic, and PoE as described in the following table:

Table 2. Port LEDs in SYS Mode (default)




Link is OK; port is not PoE powered


Link is OK; port is PoE powered; no traffic

Green blinking

Link is OK and transmitting packets; port is not PoE powered

Amber blinking

Link is OK and transmitting packets; port is PoE powered

Anber slow blinking

No link, or disabled port; port is PoE powered

Alternating amber and green

Port has a power fault


Port is not PoE powered, has no link, or is disabled

Port LEDs in SPD Mode

After one press of the Mode button, the port LEDs enter the SPD Display Mode, indicated by the SPD LED. SPD mode is used to help determine the operational speed of a port.

RJ45 and SFP ports have a single LED per port. QSFP ports have four LEDs because QSFP ports can be divided into four different channels, each of which can indicate link and activity independent of the other channels. When a QSFP port is divided, each LED indicates the rate of an individual channel. When a QSFP port is used as single port, all of the channel LEDs indicate the rate of the single port. Color and blink pattern indicate speeds, as referenced by the following table:

Table 3. Port LEDs in SPD Mode



Green fast blinking




Amber slow blinking


Amber fast blinking


Green slow blinking


Green fast blinking

Green fast blinking 40Gbps
Green fast blinking 50Gbps
Green fast blinking 100Gbps

Port LEDs in STK Mode

After two presses of the Mode button, the port LEDs enter the STK Display Mode, indicated by the STK LED. STK mode is used to indicate slot presence and slot number via the first eight port LEDs, as referenced by the following table:

Table 4. Port LEDs in STK Mode

Port 1-8 Color/State



Slot corresponding to the port number of the LED is present

Green blinking

Slot number corresponding to the port number of the blinking LED

Management Port LEDs

The management port uses two LEDs to indicate port activity and link status, as referenced by the following table:

Table 5. Management Port LEDs
Right side LED State
Link Green Link up
Off No link up or port disabled
Left side LED State
Act Green blinking Packet transmitting or receiving
Off No packet transmitting or receiving

Locator LED

The blue LED labelled LOC on the front panel is the locator LED, which is controlled by using the CLI.