Deploy RadSec Proxies

Before you begin

Follow these recommendations:
  • Packaged deployment: Recommended OS - Ubuntu 20.04 or higher
  • Dockerized deployment: Compatible with multiple operating systems; requires only Docker to be installed.
  • Port availability: If the connector and user are not in the same network, open the following ports for the inbound requests:
    • WireGuard Encryption Protocol: 51820
    • IPSEC Encryption Protocol: 500, 4500
    • Default Radius UDP Port: 1812, 1813
    • Default RADSEC Port: 2083
  • System Requirements for Packaged Deployment:Recommended OS - Ubuntu 20.04 or above
  • Dockerized Deployment:C-Supported Platform: amd64 compatible with multiple operating systems; requires only Docker to be installed. Ports Availability - If the connector and the user are in the same network, open the following ports for inbound requests:
    • WireGuard Encryption Protocol: 51820
    • IPSEC Encryption Protocol: 500, 4500
    • Default Radius UDP Port: 1812, 1813
    • Default RADSEC Port: 2083
  • Minimum hardware requirements: vCPU: 2 Ram: 4 GB

About this task

This task shows you how to deploy RadSec Proxies for to implement secure authentication on non-RadSec protocol compatible devices.


  1. If deploying a RadSec Proxy during onboarding, select the Deploy RadSec Proxy tab.
    If deploying a RadSec Proxy outside of onboarding, select Resources > RadSec Proxy from the navigation pain on the left.
  2. Select Deploy RadSec Proxy.
    1. Read the Guidelines.
    2. Select Next.
      The Configure pop-up window displays.
    3. For RadSec Proxy Name, enter at least three alphanumeric characters.
    4. For Associate Site, select an existing site or create one.
    5. For Certificate Rotation Time, enter the number of days until the next rotation.
    6. Select Deploy.
    7. Read the information and follow the installation procedure for the host machine.
    8. Select Close.
    The new proxy displays in the RadSec Proxy list with the Ready to Install status.


    If you installed the host machine before sub-step 2.f, you will not need to perform the installation procedure after you return to the main proxy window. Instead, after waiting a short period, your proxy should come into service and display the UP status. Therefore, you can skip step 3.
  3. Go to your host machine and perform the installation using the guidelines provided.


Your proxy should come into service after waiting a short period, and display the UP status.