Invite Users

About this task

Use this task to manually invite users.


  1. (Default) Select the Users tab under Access Groups.
  2. Select Invite Users (default).
    The Invite Users pop-up window displays.
  3. For User Email Addresses, enter one or more email addresses.


    Use the Invite Users option for five or less users. For more than five users, use the import option.
  4. For Add to User Group, select the user group from the drop-down menu to add the user to an existing user group. User groups assign your enterprise applications and networks to those users.


    If no user groups exist at this step, select IAM > User Groups to create one.
  5. Select Send Invitation.


The user receives an email asking them to accept the invitation. The user's status shows Awaiting Acceptance while waiting for the invitation to be accepted. When the user accepts the invitation, the status changes to Active, indicating the user is now a member of your workspace.