Add Remote Desktop Applications

About this task

Use this task to add remote desktop applications.


  1. Under the Applications tab, select Remote Desktop.
  2. Select Add Applications.
    Add Application - General Settings pop-up window displays.
  3. For Application Name, enter at least three alphanumeric characters.
  4. Select an Associate Site.
  5. Select an Associate Service Connector.
  6. For Hostname (or IP Address), select VNC or RDP.
  7. Enter a Hostname (or IP Address).


    If your service is accessible through SSO, you should clear the Hide my URL option.
  8. Enter a port number.
  9. Select Next.
    The Add Application - Review & Test Connectivity pop-up window displays.
  10. After you review your information, select Test Connectivity.
    This test checks if the associated service connector can access your enterprise application.
    If the test passes, the Add button becomes available.
  11. Select Add.
    The step can take up to a minute to complete. The application will be displayed in the list when the procedure finishes showing the UP status.
  12. When you finish adding applications, select Next to Create Application Groups.