EFA installer supports packet and fabric suites for server-based single node deployment. The following table provides commands for silent installation:
In case of failure, the installer automatically collects support-save and unwinds the partial installation.
Check the installer logs in the <Logs directory>/installer directory for any error. For more details, see "Logging and Log Files" in Extreme Fabric Automation Administration Guide, 3.1.0 .
Operation | Commands |
Installation of packet suite | $source deployment.sh -i no --deploy-suite packet |
Installation of fabric suite | $source deployment.sh -i no --deploy-suite fabric |
Installation of fabric suite with additional management IP | $source deployment.sh -i no --deploy-suite fabric --sub-intfname intf200 --sub-vlanid 200 --cidr |
Uninstallation | $source deployment.sh -i no -o undeploy |