Upgrade EFA on TPVM in a Multi-Node Deployment

You can upgrade a multi-node deployment of EFA on TPVM (Third-Party Virtual Machine).

Before you begin

The EFA tar file must be available on the /efaboot partition of the SLX device.

About this task

EFA on TPVM is supported only on the platforms described in Supported Platforms and Deployment Models for Fabric Manager.

By default, EFA is installed in secure mode. For more information about the modes, see .

Installing EFA on a TPVM in a two-node deployment takes approximately 20 minutes.


  1. Enter SLX Linux mode.
    device# start-shell
    # cd /efaboot
  2. Copy the EFA tar file to the SLX device.
    # scp efa-x.x.x.tar.gz


    From SLX version 20.4.1 and above, new install or upgrade of EFA on TPVM in a multi-node deployment displays the following warning banner on the console:
    *                 ! ! ! WARNING ! ! !                                *
    *  Proceeding with Extreme Fabric Automation deployment              *
    *       1. Do not reboot device(s) or TPVM(s)                        *
    *       2. Do not toggle management port on device(s) or TPVM(s)     *
    *       3. Avoid CTRL+C on the installer window                      *
  3. Deploy EFA on TPVM from the SLX shell.
    device# efa deploy
    Starting "efa deploy", DO NOT hit CTRL+C
    Step 1: Checking if TPVM is deployed ...
    Step 2: Get IP Addressed assigned to TPVM to deploy EFA
    IP Address of the TPVM 10.x.x.x
    Step 3: Checking for EFA packages in /efaboot directory
    Step 4: Deploying EFA package efa-2.x.x.tar.gz on 10.x.x.x

    The EFA Installer begins in a series of dialogs.

  4. When prompted, select Multi-node deployment and OK.


    Use arrow keys to move between options and the space bar to select an option.
  5. When prompted, enter the peer IP address or FQDN of the other node in the cluster.
  6. When prompted, enter the virtual IPv6 address for the cluster.
    • Select Yes and then provide the virtual IPv6 addresses.
    • Select No to ignore this optional step.
  7. When prompted to configure additional IP addresses for a health check, take one of the following steps.
    • Select Yes and then provide the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
    • Select No to ignore this optional step.
  8. When prompted to configure additional management IP networks, take one of the following steps.
    • Select Yes and then provide the following information when prompted. Repeat as often as necessary.
      • Sub-interface name, which is a unique name that contains no more than 11 characters, no white space, and no % or / characters.
      • ID of the VLAN that the management network uses to tag traffic. Valid values range from 2 through 4093.
      • IP subnet address in CIDR format. The subnet must not overlap with any IP subnet that you have already provided.
      • An IPv6 address is optional, but an IPv4 address is mandatory.
    • Select No to ignore this optional step or when you have finished entering network information.
  9. When prompted to configure additional management IP network routes, take one of the following steps.


    EFA management Interface must have both IPv4 and IPv6 address configured. Adding IPv6 address is optional while IPv4 is mandatory during sub interface creation.

    • Select Yes and then provide the following information when prompted. Repeat as often as necessary.
      • Target network IP address in CIDR format
      • Source IP address for outbound traffic
      • Next-hop or gateway IP address through which access to the destination network is provided
    • Select No to ignore this optional step or when you have finished entering route information.
    The installation proceeds. Messages summarize your selections, describe the progress, and indicate when EFA is deployed.
  10. Verify the upgrade.
    1. On the SLX device, run the show efa status command to see details of the installation and the state of services.
    2. From the EFA command line, run the sudo efactl status command to see the status of nodes, pods, and services.
    3. From the EFA command line, run the efa status command for concise status information.