

A MIB request has been received which attempted to create a peer which only differed from an existing peer because one or more of either the existing or new peer's local address, local port, remote port or scope ID were undefined. These two peers would have been indistinguishable. The MIB request was rejected.


If both peers are required, ensure that both have at least one of the local address, local port or remote address defined and different.



Message Text

A MIB request has been received which attempted to create a peer which only differed from an existing peer because one or more of either the existing or new peer's local address, local port, remote port or scope ID were undefined. These two peers would have been indistinguishable. VR = %p1% Remote peer address = %p2% Existing local address = %p3% Existing local port = %p4% Existing remote port = %p5% Existing scope ID = %p6% Attempted local address = %p7% Attempted local port = %p8% Attempted remote port = %p9% Attempted scope ID = %p10% Existing peer index = %p11%

Message Parameters

Name Type
p1 xInt32
p2 VarFmtByteArray
p3 VarFmtByteArray
p4 uInt16
p5 uInt16
p6 uInt32
p7 VarFmtByteArray
p8 uInt16
p9 uInt16
p10 uInt32
p11 uInt32