

Used when ospf successfully replace the tent entry by new one. %pent%: the pointer of the pent. %hop%: the number of next hops of the new pent. %ip%: the IP address of the pent. %mask%: the IP mask of the pent. %cost%: the Type-1 cost of the pent. %cost2%: the Type-2 cost of the pent. %type%: the type of the pent. %lsai%: the pointer of associated LSA.


None. This is for debugging.



Message Text

Temporary path entry %pent% numHops %hop% %ip%/%mask% cost %cost% cost2 %cost2% type %type% lsai %lsai% is updated.

Message Parameters

Name Type
pent Ptr
hop uInt
ip IPN
mask IPmaskvalN
cost uInt
cost2 uInt
type uInt
lsai Ptr