Fail to establish SSL connection to syslog server. The reason for SSL failure is described in one of the following messages: "Can't allocate system resources to execute command.", "Certificate not found. Use 'Download ssl certificate' command to download a certificate.", "Private Key not found. Use 'Download ssl privkey' command to download a private key.", "CA Certificate not found. Use 'Download ssl certificate trusted-ca' command to download a CA certificate.", "Can't setup socket.", "Can't init SSL library.", "Can't create SSL CTX.", "Can't set file status flags.", "Invalid parameter.", "Can't load CA certificate.", "Can't load certificate.", "Can't load private key.", "Can't create SSL.", "Can't create BIO.", "Can't dispatch connect process.", "Dispatch timeout.", "Can't connect to syslog server.", "Can't connect to syslog server with SSL.", "Invalid connect state.", "Can't get syslog server certificate.", "Syslog server certificate purpose check failed.", "Server authentication purpose not found in extendedKeyUsage field in syslog server certificate.", "Can't start OCSP revocation check.", "OCSP revocation check failed."
Resolve specific cause for the connection failure.
Syslog SSL connection(%dstIP%:%tlsPort%) failed: %errString%
Name | Type |
dstIP | IPaddrN |
tlsPort | uInt16 |
errString | String |