SWCH Messages


Message:Switch is not in ready state - Switch enable failed switch status= 0x<switch status>, c_flags = 0x<switch control flags>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates failure to enable the switch because it is not in the ready state.

Recommended Action: If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.


Message: Security violation: Unauthorized device <wwn name of device> tries to flogin to port <port number>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified device is not present in the authorized profile list.

Recommended Action: Verify that the device is authorized to log in to the switch. If the device is authorized, execute the show secpolicy command to verify whether the specified device World Wide Name (WWN) is listed. If it is not listed, execute the secpolicy defined-policy command to add this device to an existing policy.


Message: Interface module attach failed during recovery, disabling slot = &lt;slot number&gt;.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified interface module has failed during or recovery.

Recommended Action: For a modular switch, execute the power-off and power-on commands to power cycle the interface module.

For a compact switch, reload or power cycle the switch.


Message: Diag attach failed during recovery, disabling slot = &lt;slot number&gt;.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause:Indicates that the diagnostic interface module attach operation has failed during or recovery.

Recommended Action: For a modular switch, execute the power-off and power-on commands to power cycle the interface module.

For a compact switch, reload or power cycle the switch.


Message: Switch port <port number> disabled due to \"<disable reason>\".

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause:Indicates that the specified switch port is disabled due to the reason displayed in the message.

Recommended Action: Take corrective action to restore the port based on the disable reason displayed in the message and then execute the shutdown and no shutdown commands.


Message: HA state out of sync: Standby MM (ver = <standby SWC version>) does not support Dynamic area on default switch (Active MM version = <active SWC version>).

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause:Indicates that the standby management module does not support the dynamic area on the default switch.

Recommended Action:Load a firmware version in which the standby management module supports the dynamic area on the default switch using the firmware download command.


Message: HA state out of sync: Standby MM (ver = <standby SWC version>) does not support active's enforce_login policy (Active MM version =<active SWC version>).

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause:Indicates that the standby management module does not enforce login policy of the active management module.

Recommended Action:Configure the enforce login policy to a value that the standby management module supports.


Message: Rebooting the standby, received a duplicate update for port [<Port Number>]

Message Type: LOG | FFDC

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause:Indicates that the standby CP received duplicate port create event for a port which is probably due to LC coming online while syncing the backup MM. The standby CP reboots automatically to ensure sync and attain normal state. This is a rare occurrence.

Recommended Action: No Action is required.