device# configure terminal
device(config)# protocol spanning-tree mstp
device(config-mstp)# region kerry
device(config-mstp)# revision 1
device(config-mstp)# description kerry switches
device(config-mstp)# max-hops 25
device(config-mstp)# instance 1 vlan 7,8
device(config-mstp)# instance 2 vlan 21-23
device(config-mstp)# instance 1 priority 4096
device(config-mstp)# bridge-priority 4096
device(config-mstp)# error-disable-timeout enable
device(config-mstp)# error-disable-timeout interval 60
device(config-mstp)# forward-delay 15
device(config-mstp)# hello-time 2
device(config-mstp)# max-age 20
device(config-mstp)# port-channel path-cost custom
This command allows you to control the path cost of a port channel according to bandwidth.
device(config-mstp)# transmit-holdcount 5
device(config-mstp)# cisco-interoperability enable
device(config-mstp)# end
device# show spanning-tree mst-config Spanning-tree Mode: Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol CIST Root Id: 8000.001b.ed9f.1700 CIST Bridge Id: 8000.768e.f80a.6800 CIST Reg Root Id: 8000.001b.ed9f.1700 CIST Root Path Cost: 0; CIST Root Port: Eth 1/2 CIST Root Forward Delay: 15; Hello Time: 2; Max Age: 20; Max-hops: 19 Configured Forward Delay: 15; Hello Time: 2; Max Age: 20; Max-hops: 20; Tx-HoldCount: 6 Number of topology change(s): 139; Last change occurred 00:03:36 ago on Eth 1/2 Bpdu-guard errdisable timeout: disabled Bpdu-guard errdisable timeout interval: 300 sec Migrate Time: 3 sec Name : kerry Revision Level : 1 Digest : 0x9357EBB7A8D74DD5FEF4F2BAB50531AA Instance VLAN -------- ---- 0: 1 1: 7,8 2: 21-23
Observe that the settings comply with the formula set out in the STP parameters section, as:
(2 × (forward delay - 1)) ≥ maximum age ≥ (2 × (hello time + 1))
or in this case: 28 ≥ 20 ≥ 6.
device# copy running-config startup-config
device# configure terminal device(config)# protocol spanning-tree mstp device(config-mstp)# region kerry device(config-mstp)# revision 1 device(config-mstp)# description kerry switches device(config-mstp)# max-hops 20 device(config-mstp)# instance 1 vlan 7,8 device(config-mstp)# instance 2 vlan 21-23 device(config-mstp)# instance 1 priority 4096 device(config-mstp)# bridge-priority 4096 device(config-mstp)# error-disable-timeout enable device(config-mstp)# error-disable-timeout interval 60 device(config-mstp)# forward-delay 16 device(config-mstp)# hello-time 5 device(config-mstp)# max-age 16 device(config-mstp)# port-channel path-cost custon device(config-mstp)# transmit-holdcount 5 device(config-mstp)# cisco-interoperability enable device(config-mstp)# end device# show spanning-tree mst device# copy running-config startup-config