PW control word configuration enables all packets for a specific PW to follow the same path over the MPLS network supporting, for example, the optimal transport of Ethernet Protocol Data Units (PDUs) over the network.
Perform the following task to configure PW control word for a PW profile.
device# configure terminal
device(config)# pw-profile pw_example
device(config-pw-profile-pw_example)# control-word
When control word is enabled for a previously configured PW, control word capabilities between PE devices are activated only after LDP neighbors are cleared by using the clear mpls ldp neighbor command. For further information on clearing LDP neighbors, refer to Extreme SLX-OS MPLS Configuration Guide.The following example shows how to configure a PW profile and enable control word for the profile. It then shows how to attach the PW profile to a bridge domain.
device# device# configure terminal device(config)# pw-profile pw_example device(config-pw-pw_example)# vc-mode tag device(config-pw-pw_example)# mtu 1300 device(config-pw-pw_example)# mtu-enforce true device(config-pw-pw_example)# control-word device(config-pw-pw_example)# exit ! device(config)# bridge-domain 502 device(config-bridge-domain-502)# pw-profile pw_example