Shutting down MSTP

  1. Enter global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Shut down MSTP.
    • Shut down MSTP globally and return to privileged EXEC mode.

      device(config)# protocol spanning-tree mstp
      device(config-mstp)# shutdown
      device(config-mstp)# end
    • Shut down MSTP on a specific interface and return to privileged EXEC mode.

      device(config)# interface ethernet 0/2
      device(conf-if-eth-0/2)# spanning-tree shutdown
      device(conf-if-eth-0/2)# end
    • Shut down MSTP on a specific VLAN and return to privileged EXEC mode.

      device(config)# vlan 10
      device(config-vlan-10)# spanning-tree shutdown
      device(config-vlan-10)# end
  3. Verify the configuration.
    device# show spanning-tree 
  4. Save the running configuration to the startup configuration.
    device# copy running-config startup-config

Shut down MSTP configuration example

device# configure terminal
device(config)# vlan 10
device(config-vlan-10)# spanning-tree shutdown
device(config-stp)# end
device# show spanning-tree 
device# copy running-config startup-config


Shutting down MSTP on a VLAN is used in this example.