Message: Initializing ports...
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the switch has started initializing the ports.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message:Port initialization completed.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the switch has completed initializing the ports.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: Init Failed: <slot string> DISABLED because internal ports were not ONLINE, <list of internal port number not ONLINE>.
Message Type: FFDC | LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the interface module initiation failed because one or more of the internal ports were not online. The interface module is faulted.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Make sure that the interface module is seated correctly. If the interface module is seated correctly, reload or power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the interface module does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
Additional interface module fault messages precede and follow this error, providing more information. Refer to other error messages for the recommended action.
If the message persists, replace the interface module.
Message: Faulty interface module in <slot string>.
Message Type: FFDC | LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates a faulty interface module in the specified slot chassis.
Recommended Action: Make sure that the interface module is seated correctly. If the interface module is seated correctly, reload or power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the interface module does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If the message persists, replace the interface module.
Message: Suppressing interface module fault in <slot string>.
Message Type: FFDC | LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified interface module experienced a failure but was not faulted due to a user setting.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the interface module does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If the message persists, replace the interface module.
Message: Interface module <slot string number> NOT faulted. Peer interface module <slot string number> experienced abrupt failure.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the errors (mostly synchronization errors) on this interface module are harmless. Probably, the standby management module connected to the active management module has experienced transitory problems
Recommended Action: Execute the show ha command to verify that the standby management module is healthy. If the problem persists, remove and reinstall the faulty interface module.
If the standby management module was removed or faulted by user intervention, no action is required.
Message: interface module #<interface module number>: state is inconsistent with EM. bl_cflags 0x<interface module control flags>, slot_on <slot_on flag>, slot_off <slot_off flag>, faulty <faulty flag>, status <interface module status>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that a occurred while an interface module was initializing on the previously active management module.
Recommended Action: No action is required. The interface module is re-initialized. Because re-initializing an interface module is a disruptive operation and can stop I/O traffic, you must stop and restart the traffic during this process.
Message: slot string control-plane failure. Expected value: 0x<value 1>, Actual: 0x<value 2>.
Message Type: FFDC | LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the interface module has experienced a hardware failure or was removed without following the recommended removal procedure.
Recommended Action: Make sure that the interface module is seated correctly. If the interface module is seated correctly, reload or power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the interface module does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If the message persists, replace the interface module.
Message: Interface module in <slot number> timed out initializing the chips.
Message Type: FFDC | LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause:Indicates that the interface module has failed to initialize the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips.
Recommended Action: Make sure that the interface module is seated correctly. If the interface module is seated correctly, reload or power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the interface module does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If the message persists, replace the interface module
Message: Interface module in <slot string> is inconsistent with the hardware settings.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that a occurred while some hardware changes (such as changing the domain ID) were being made on the previously active management module
Recommended Action: No action is required. This interface module has been re-initialized. Because re-initializing an interface module is a disruptive operation and can stop I/O traffic, you must stop and restart the traffic during this process.
Message: Busy with emb-port int for chip <chip number> in minis <mini-switch number> on interface module <slot number>, chip int is disabled. Interrupt status=0x<interrupt status>.
Message Type: FFDC | LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that too many interrupts in the embedded port caused the specified chip to be disabled. The probable cause is too many abnormal frames; the chip is disabled to prevent the management module from becoming too busy.
Recommended Action: Make sure to capture the console output during this process.
Check for a faulty cable, small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver, or device attached to the specified port.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the interface module or switch does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
For a modular switch, execute the power-off and power-on commands to power cycle the interface module.
For a compact switch, reload or power cycle the switch.
If the message persists, replace the interface module or the switch.
Message: bport <interface module port number> port int is disabled. Status=0x<interrupt status>; Port <port number> will be re-enabled in a minute.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the port generated an excessive number of interrupts that may prove unrecoverable to the switch operation. The port is disabled to prevent the management module from becoming too busy. The interface module port number displayed in the message may not correspond to a user port number.
Recommended Action: Make sure to capture the console output during this process.
Check for a faulty cable, small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver, or device attached to the specified port.
For a modular switch, execute the power-off and power-on commands to power cycle the interface module.
For a compact switch, reload or power cycle the switch.
If the message persists, replace the interface module or the switch.
Message: bport <interface module port number> port is faulted. Status=0x<interrupt status>; Port <port number> will be re-enabled in a minute.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the port generated an excessive number of interrupts that may prove fatal to the switch operation. The port is disabled to prevent the management module from becoming too busy. The interface module port number displayed in the message may not correspond to the user port number.
Recommended Action: Make sure to capture the console output during this process.
Check for a faulty cable, small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver, or device attached to the specified port.
For a modular switch, execute the power-off and power-on commands to power cycle the interface module.
For a compact switch, reload or power cycle the switch.
If the message persists, replace the interface module or the switch.
Message: bport <interface module port number> port int is disabled. Status=0x<interrupt status>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the port generated an excessive number of interrupts that may prove fatal to the switch operation. The port is disabled to prevent the management module from becoming too busy. The interface module port number displayed in the message may not correspond to the user port number.
Recommended Action: Make sure to capture the console output during this process.
For a modular switch, execute the power-off and power-on commands to power cycle the interface module.
For a compact switch, execute the reload command to reload the switch.
Execute the diag systemverification command to determine if there is a hardware error.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If there is a hardware error, the power-off or power-on command fails on the modular switch, or the errors are encountered again, replace the interface module or the switch.
Message: bport <interface module port number> port is faulted. status=0x<interrupt status>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the port generated an excessive number of interrupts that may prove fatal to the switch operation. The port is disabled to prevent the management module from becoming too busy. The interface module port number displayed in the message may not correspond to the user port number.
Recommended Action: Make sure to capture the console output during this process.
For a modular switch, execute the power-off and power-on commands to power cycle the interface module.
For a compact switch, execute the reload command to reload the switch.
Execute the diag systemverification command to determine if there is a hardware error.
Execute the diag post command to ensure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If there is a hardware error, the power-off or power-on command fails on the modular switch, or the errors are encountered again, replace the interface module or the switch.
Message: Interface module port <port number> in <slot string> failed to enable.
Message Type: FFDC | LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause:Indicates that the specified interface module port could not be enabled.
Recommended Action: Make sure that the interface module is seated correctly. If the interface module is seated correctly, reload or power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the interface module does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If the message persists, replace the interface module.
Message: <slot string> Initializing.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified slot chassis has started initializing the ports.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <slot string> Initialization completed.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified slot chassis has completed initializing the ports.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: <slot string>, retry <Retry Number>, internal port retry initialization, <List of internal ports retrying initialization>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified slot chassis had internal ports that are not online. Initiated a retry on ports that failed to go online.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: Switch timed out initializing the chips.
Message Type: LOG | FFDC
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the switch has failed to initialize the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips.
Recommended Action: Reload power cycle the switch.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the switch does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If the message persists, replace the switch.
Message: Retry <Retry Number>, internal port retry initialization, <List of internal ports retrying initialization>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the switch had internal ports that are not online. Initiated a retry on ports that failed to go online.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: Init Failed: Switch DISABLED because internal ports were not ONLINE, <list of internal port number not ONLINE>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the switch initiation failed because one or more of the internal ports were not online. The switch is faulted.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the switch does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
Additional fault messages precede and follow this error providing more information. Refer to other error messages for recommended action.
If the message persists, replace the switch.
Message: Interface module in <slot string> was reset before initialization completed. As a result the interface module is faulted.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the interface module was reset before the initialization completed.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands. If the message persists, replace the interface module
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the switch does not have hardware problems.
Message: All ports on the interface module in <slot string> will be reset as part of the firmware upgrade.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that a recent firmware upgrade caused the interface module firmware to be upgraded and resulted in a cold upgrade. As part of the upgrade, all data path elements were reset.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: Internal port offline during warm recovery, state <port state> (0x<port ID>).
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that an internal port went offline during warm recovery of the switch. The switch will reboot and start a cold recovery.
Recommended Action: Execute the copy support command and reload the switch.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If the problem persists, replace the switch.
Message: Interface module in <slot string> faulted, boot failed; status 0x<boot status> 0x<1250 0 boot status> 0x<1250 1 boot status>
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the interface module failed to boot properly.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands. If the message persists, replace the interface module.
Message: Switch faulted; internal processor was reset before switch init completed.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the switch internal processor was reset before the initialization completed.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch. If the message persists, replace the switch.
Message: All ports on the switch will be reset as part of the firmware upgrade.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause:Indicates that a recent firmware upgrade caused the switch internal processor firmware to be upgraded and resulted in a cold upgrade. As part of the upgrade, all data path elements were reset.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: Link timeout in internal port (slot number>, port <port number>) caused interface module fault. Use power-off/power-on commands to recover it.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that link timeout occurred in one of the back-end internal ports.
Recommended Action: Power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands.
Message: (<slot string>,bitmap 0x<object control flags(bitmap)>) ports never came up ONLINE (reason <reason for port disable>, state <status of the interface module>). Disabling slot.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the back-end (non-user) ports have not come online within the time limit.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the interface module does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If the message persists, replace the interface module.
Message: (<slot string>,bitmap 0x<object control flags(bitmap)>) No disable acknowledgment from ports (state <status of the interface module>). Disabling slot.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the system has timed out waiting for the disable acknowledgment messages from the user ports.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands.
Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the interface module does not have hardware problems.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
If the message persists, replace the interface module.
Message: <slot string> CEE initialization completed.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause:Indicates that the specified slot has completed initializing the Converged Enhanced Ethernet (CEE) ports.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: Faulting chip in <slot string>, miniS = <mini-switch number>,port = <port number> due to BE/BI port fault.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause:Indicates that all ports on the chip have been disabled due to a fault on the chip.
Recommended Action: Execute the diag systemverification command to determine if there is a hardware error.
Execute the diag post command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled.
Message: Inconsistent FPGA image version detected, reload the switch for recovery.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) image version is incompatible with the software version.
Recommended Action: Reload the switch. If the message persists, replace the switch.
Message: Inconsistent FPGA image version detected, faulting the interface module in <slot string>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) image version is incompatible with the software version.
Recommended Action: Power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands. If the message persists, replace the interface module.
Message: mini SFP+ (SN: <mini SFP+ serial number>) is only supported in certain high port count interface modules, not interface module in <slot number of interface module that has the mini SFP+> with ID <Interface module ID of interface module that has the mini SFP+ that does not support it>
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the mini (form factor) enhanced small form-factor pluggable (SFP+) transceiver is supported only by a certain type of interface module, but it can be inserted in other interface modules.
Recommended Action: Replace the mini SFP+ transceiver with an SFP or SFP+ transceiver.
Message: <slot number of interface module that has the SFP> error on SFP in slot <Port number into which the SFP is inserted>/Port <The type of error 'checksum' or 'data access' for general problems accessing the i2c accessible data> (<A detailed error code>). Reseat or replace the SFP.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that checksum in an area on the small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver does not match with the computed value or there is problem accessing the data.
Recommended Action: Reseat the SFP transceiver. If the problem persists, replace the SFP transceiver.
Message: Buffer optimized mode is turned <buffer optimized mode> for slot number>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that the buffer optimized mode is changed for the specified slot chassis.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: Incompatibility with an active 12x40G LC detected, faulting the interface module in <slot string>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that this line card (LC) is incompatible with one or more existing 12x40G LCs.
Recommended Action: Power cycle all active 12X40G LCs and then power cycle the interface module using the power-off and power-on commands. Then power on all 12X40G LCs. After completing these steps, all LCs can interoperate with one another.
Message: Media is not supported on this platform (slot <slot number>, port <port number>).
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the media on the specified port is bad or incompatible with this platform.
Recommended Action: Replace a different media on the specified port.
Message: The media is not verified for this platform (slot <slot number>, port <port number>).
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the media on the specified port is not verified with this platform.
Recommended Action: Extreme recommends to use a supported media on this platform. You can still use an unsupported media at your own risk.
Message: <slot NIF init failed. Code:<result>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that linecard NIF init failed.
Recommended Action: No action is required.