EM Messages


Message: <FRU ID> is overheating: Shutting down.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that a field replaceable unit (FRU) is shutting down due to overheating. Overheating is mainly due to a faulty fan and can also be caused by the switch environment.

Recommended Action: Verify that the location temperature is within the operational range of the switch.

Execute the show environment fan command to verify that all fans are running at normal speeds. Replace fans that are missing or not performing at high enough speeds.


Message:System fan(s) status <fan FRU>.

Message Type: LOG | FFDC

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that a compact system has overheated and may shut down. All the fan speeds are dumped to the console.

Recommended Action: Verify that the location temperature is within the operational range of the switch.

Execute the show environment fan command to verify that all fans are running at normal speeds. Replace fans that are missing or not performing at high enough speeds.


Message: <FRU ID> has unknown hardware identifier: FRU faulted.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that a field-replaceable unit (FRU) header cannot be read or is invalid. The FRU is faulted.

Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.

Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the switch does not have hardware problems


Message: <FRU ID> failed to power on.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU) failed to power on and is not being used. The FRU ID value is composed of a FRU type string and an optional number to identify the unit, slot, or port.

Recommended Action: Reseat the FRU. If the problem persists, replace the FRU.


Message: <FRU Id> has faulted. Sensor(s) above maximum limits.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that an interface module in the specified slot or the switch (for compact switches) is being shut down for environmental reasons; its temperature or voltage is out of range.

Recommended Action: Check the environment and make sure the room temperature is within the operational range of the switch. Execute the show environment fan command to verify fans are operating properly. Make sure there are no blockages of the airflow around the chassis. If the temperature problem is isolated to the interface module itself, replace the interface module.

Voltage problems on a interface module are likely a hardware problem on the interface module itself; replace the interface module.


Message: <FRU Id> has faulted. Sensor(s) below minimum limits.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that the sensors show the voltage is below minimum limits. The switch or specified interface module is being shut down for environmental reasons; the voltage is too low.

Recommended Action: If this problem occurs on an interface module, it usually indicates a hardware problem on the interface module; replace the interface module.

If this problem occurs on a switch, it usually indicates a hardware problem on the main board; replace the switch.


Message: Unit in <Slot number or Switch> with ID <FRU Id> is faulted, it is incompatible with the <type of incompatibility> configuration, check firmware version as a possible cause.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that an interface module inserted in the specified slot or the switch (for compact switches) is not compatible with the platform configuration (includes the firmware version). The interface module is faulted.

Recommended Action: If the interface module is not compatible, upgrade the firmware or replace the interface module and make sure the replacement interface module is compatible with your management module type and firmware.


Message: <FRU Id> powered down unexpectedly.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that the environmental monitor (EM) received an unexpected power-down notification from the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU). This may indicate a hardware malfunction in the FRU.

Recommended Action: Reseat the FRU. If the problem persists, replace the FRU.


Message: Received unexpected power down for <FRU Id> but <FRU Id> still has power.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that the environmental monitor (EM) received an unexpected power-down notification from the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU). However, the specified FRU still appears to be powered up after 4 seconds.

Recommended Action: Reseat the interface module. If the problem persists, replace the interface module.


Message: Received unexpected power down for <FRU Id>, but cannot determine if it has power.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that the environmental monitor (EM) received an unexpected power-down notification from the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU). However, after 4 seconds it could not be determined if it has powered down or not.

Recommended Action: Reseat the interface module. If the problem persists, replace the interface module.


Message: <FRU Id> failed <state> state transition, unit faulted.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that a switch interface module or compact switch failed to transition from one state to another. It is faulted. The specific failed target state is displayed in the message. There are serious internal Network OS configuration or hardware problems on the switch.

Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.

Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the switch does not have hardware problems.


Message: Failed to update FRU information for <FRU Id>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that the environmental monitor (EM) was unable to update the time alive or original equipment manufacturer (OEM) data in the memory of an field-replaceable unit (FRU.

Recommended Action: The update is automatically attempted again. If it continues to fail, reseat the FRU.

If the problem persists, replace the FRU.


Message: Unable to read sensor on <FRU Id> (<Return code>).

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that the environmental monitor (EM) was unable to access the sensors on the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU).

Recommended Action: Reseat the FRU. If the problem persists, replace the FRU.


Message: Warm recovery failed (<Return code>).

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that a problem was discovered when performing consistency checks during a warm boot.

Recommended Action: Monitor the switch. If the problem persists, reload or power cycle the switch.


Message: Cold recovery failed (<Return code>).

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that a problem was discovered when performing consistency checks during a cold boot.

Recommended Action: Monitor the switch. If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.


Message: A problem was found on one or both CID cards (<The return code is for internal use only.>), run the CIDrecov tool to get more information and recovery options.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that a problem was found either accessing one (or both) of the CID cards or with the content of the data stored there. The content problem could be a corrupted data set or a mismatch between the two CID cards.

Recommended Action: Execute the CIDrecov command to get details of the problems found and how to recover.


Message: A CID card has been inserted, a CID verification audit will be run to detect any mismatches or other problems.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the second CID card was enabled. Because the data may not match, the CID verification audit will be run.

Recommended Action: If an EM-1020 follows, execute the CIDrecov command to get details of the problems found and how to recover. If not, no action is required.


Message: A CID card access problem has been encountered, please run the CIDrecov tool to get more information and recovery options.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that a problem was encountered while accessing one (or both) of the 2 CID cards or with the content of the data stored there.

Recommended Action:

Execute the CIDrecov command to get details of the problems found and how to recover.


Message: Chassis fan airflow-direction <fan-direction> change is failed.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates failure to change the fan airflow direction.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Platform is not supported for changing the fan-airflow direction.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the platform is not supported for changing the configuration.

Recommended Action: No action is required..


Message: HIL Error: <function> failed to access history log for FRU: <FRU Id> (rc=<return code>).

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates a problem accessing the data on the Chassis ID (CID) card field-replaceable unit (FRU) or the World Wide Name (WWN) card storage area on the main logic board.

The problems were encountered when the software attempted to write to the history log storage to record an event for the specified FRU. This error can indicate a significant hardware problem.

The FRU ID value is composed of a FRU type string and an optional number to identify the unit, slot, or port. The return code is for internal use only.

Recommended Action: If the problem persists, reload or power cycle the switch.

If the problem still persists, perform one of the following actions:
  • For compact switches, replace the switch.
  • For CID cards, run the CIDrecov tool to get more information.


Message: <FRU Id>, a problem occurred accessing a device on the I2C bus (<error code>). Operational status (<state of the FRU when the error occurred>) not changed, access is being retried.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the inter-integrated circuit (I2C) bus had problems and a timeout occurred.

Recommended Action: This is often a transient error.

Watch for the EM-1048 message, which indicates that the problem has been resolved.

If the error persists, check for loose or dirty connections. Remove all dust and debris prior to reseating the field-replaceable unit (FRU). Replace the FRU if it continues to fail.


Message: <FRU Id> ejector not closed.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that the environmental monitor (EM) has found a switch interface module that is inserted, but the optical ejector switch is not latched. The interface module in the specified slot is treated as not inserted.

Recommended Action: Close the ejector switch (completely screw in the optical (middle) thumbscrew on the switch fabric module(SFM)) if the field-replaceable unit (FRU) is intended for use. Refer to the appropriate Hardware Reference Manual for instructions on inserting the switch interface modules.


Message: <FRU Id> is faulted due to a PCI scan failure.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that the interface module in the specified slot has been marked as faulty because the peripheral component interconnect (PCI) scan during interface module validation failed.

Recommended Action: Power cycle or reseat the interface module.

Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the switch does not have hardware problems.

If the problem persists, replace the interface module.


Message: MM in <FRU Id> is reloading.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the standby management module has been detected to be in the reload process. The high availability (HA) feature will not be available. This message occurs every time the other management module reloads, even as part of a clean warm . In most situations, this message is followed by the EM-1047 message, and no action is required for the management module; however, if the was not intentional, it is recommended to find the reason for the .

Recommended Action: If the standby management module was just reloaded, wait for the error to clear (execute the show slots command to determine if the errors are cleared). Watch for the EM-1047 message to verify that this error has cleared.

If the standby management module state changes to faulty or if it was not intentionally reloaded, check the error logs on the other management module (using the show logging raslog command) to determine the cause of the error state.

Reseat the field-replaceable unit (FRU). If the problem persists, replace the FRU.


Message: <FRU Id> is set to faulty, rc=<return code>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU) has been marked as faulty for the specified reason.

Recommended Action: Reseat the FRU.

Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the switch does not have hardware problems.

If the problem persists, replace the FRU.


Message: <FRU Id> is not accessible.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU) is not present on the switch.

If the FRU is a Chassis ID (CID) card, then the default WWN and IP addresses are used for the switch.

Recommended Action: Reseat the FRU card.

If the problem persists, reload or power cycle the switch.

Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the switch does not have hardware problems.

If the problem still persists, replace the FRU.


Message: <FRU Id> is no longer faulted.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified power supply is no longer marked faulty; probably because its AC power supply has been turned on.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Chassis fan airflow-direction changed to <fan-direction>

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates change of fan airflow direction.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Chassis fan airflow-direction changed to <fan-direction>

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates an automatic change of fan airflow direction.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: Important FRU header data for <FRU Id> is invalid.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause:Indicates that the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU) has an incorrect number of sensors in its FRU header-derived information. This could mean that the FRU header was corrupted or read incorrectly, or it is corrupted in the object database, which contains information about all the FRUs.

Recommended Action: Reseat the FRU. If the problem persists, replace the FRU.


Message: Cannot power <FRU Id> <state (on or off)>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU) could not be powered on or off. The FRU is not responding to commands.

Recommended Action: Reseat or replace the FRU.


Message: <FRU Id> is being powered <new state>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that an automatic power adjustment is being made because of the (predicted) failure of a power supply or the insertion or removal of a port interface module.

The new state can be one of the following:
  • On - A port interface module is being powered on because more power is available (either a power supply was inserted or a port interface module was removed or powered down).
  • Off - A port interface module has been powered down because of a (predicted) failure of the power supply.
  • Down - A newly inserted port interface module was not powered on because there was not enough power available.

Recommended Action: Refer to the Hardware Reference Manual of your switch for the number of power supplies required for redundancy.


Message: Error status received for interface module ID <id value> for <FRU Id>, <interface module incompatibility type: platform>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified interface module is incompatible.

Recommended Action: If the interface module ID listed is incorrect, the field-replaceable unit (FRU) header for the interface module is corrupted and the interface module must be replaced.

If the error is due to platform, the interface module ID listed is not supported for that platform (management module) type. Remove the interface module from the chassis.


Message: MM in <FRU Id> is booting up.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the firmware in the specified management module is now in the boot process. This message usually follows the EM-1033 message. The new standby management module is in the process of reloading and has turned off the MM_ERR signal.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: <FRU Id> I2C access recovered: state <current state>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the inter-integrated circuit (I2C) bus problems have been resolved and the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU) is accessible on the I2C bus.

Recommended Action: No action is required. This message is displayed when the EM-1029 error is resolved.


Message: FRU <FRU Id> insertion detected.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the field-replaceable unit (FRU) of the specified type and location was inserted into the chassis.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: FRU <FRU Id> removal detected.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the field-replaceable unit (FRU) of the specified type and location was removed from the chassis.

Recommended Action: Verify that the FRU was intended to be removed. Replace the FRU as soon as possible.


Message: <FRU Id>: Inconsistency detected, FRU re-initialized.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that an inconsistent state was found in the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU). This event occurs when the state of the FRU was changing during a . The FRU is reinitialized and traffic may have been disrupted.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: <FRU Id or Switch name> with ID <Interface module Id> may not be supported on this platform, check firmware version as a possible cause.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that the interface module inserted in the specified slot or the switch (for compact switches) is not compatible with the switch configuration software. The interface module will not be completely usable.

The interface module may only be supported by a later (or earlier) version of the firmware.

Recommended Action: Change the management module firmware or replace the interface module. Make sure the replacement is compatible with your switch type and firmware.


Message: <FRU Id> is being powered off (based on user configuration) upon receiving a HW ASIC ERROR, reason:<Fault reason>.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that the interface module has been powered off because a hardware application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) error was detected, and you have selected to power off the problem interface module when such a condition occurred.

Recommended Action: Execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.


Message: High Availability Service Management subsystem failed to respond. A required component is not operating.

Message Type: FFDC | LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that the high availability (HA) subsystem has not returned a response within 4 minutes of receiving a request from the environmental monitor (EM). This event usually indicates that some component has not started properly or has terminated. The specific component that has failed may be indicated in other messages or debug data. There are serious internal Network OS configuration or hardware problems on the switch.

Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.

If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider/


Message: <FRU slot identifier> is being powered off.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified interface module has been intentionally powered off.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: <FRU slot identifier> is being powered on.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified interface module has been intentionally powered on.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: <FRU Id> is being faulted (<return code>) because it was so faulted before .

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified interface module or fan was faulted prior to the most recent , and that state and reason code are being carried forward.

Recommended Action: Reseat the FRU.

Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the switch does not have hardware problems.

If the problem persists, replace the FRU.


Message: Unit in <Slot number or Switch> with ID <FRU Id> is faulted(<Fault>). <Current attempt number> of <Total number of attempts> total attempt(s) at auto-recovery is being made. Delay is <Delay time in seconds> seconds.

Message Type: CFFDC | LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that a fault that has been determined to be auto-recoverable has happened and recovery is being attempted.

Recommended Action: If auto-recovery does not happen gracefully in a reasonable time frame, follow the user guide to recover the blade.


Message: Unit in <Slot number or Switch> with ID <FRU Id> is faulted(<Fault>). <Current attempt number> attempt(s) at auto-recovery were made without success.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: CRITICAL

Probable Cause: Indicates that a fault that has been determined to be auto-recoverable has happened but recovery failed.

Recommended Action: Follow the user guide to recover the blade.


Message: <Fru slot identifier> offline diagnostic mode is turned on.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified interface module is in offline diagnostic mode.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: <Fru slot identifier> offline diagnostic mode is turned off.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: INFO

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified interface module is not in offline diagnostic mode.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: <FRU Id> sysFPGA is out of date(<sysFPGA running version>,<sysFPGA latest version>).

Message Type: LOG

Severity: WARNING

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified FRU's sysFPGA image is out of date.

Recommended Action: No action is required.


Message: <FRU Id or switch for compact switches> has failed the POST tests. FRU is being faulted.

Message Type: LOG

Severity: ERROR

Probable Cause: Indicates that the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU) has failed the Power-On Self-Test (POST). Refer to the /tmp/post[1/2].slot#.log file for more information on the faults. To view this log file you must be logged in at the root level. The login ID is switch name for compact systems.

Recommended Action: On modular systems, reseat the specified FRU.

On compact switches, reload or power cycle the switch.

If the problem persists:
  • Execute the diag systemverification command to verify that the switch does not have hardware problems.
  • On modular systems, replace the specified FRU; For compact switch, replace the switch.