Message:Initialization error: <messsage>.
Message Type:DCE
Probable Cause: Indicates that the route management (RTM) has encountered an error during initialization.
Recommended Action: Reload or power cycle the switch.
Message: RTM(<messsage>): Max route limit(<maximum limit>) reached.
Message Type:DCE
Probable Cause: Indicates that the route management (RTM) has reached its maximum capacity.
Recommended Action: Reduce the number of routes or next hops using the clear ip route command.
Message: Clear Routes success.
Message Type: DCE
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause:Indicates that IP routes are cleared by the route management (RTM).
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: System <messsage> Route Limits exceeded. Current Profile Routes Limit <routes limit>. Configured Routes <configured routes>.
Message Type: DCE
Probable Cause: Indicates system limits have exceeded.
Recommended Action:execute clear on all vrfs.
Message: System Next-Hop limits exceeded. Current Profile Nexthop <profile nexthop>. Configured Next-Hops <configured nexthops>.
Message Type: DCE
Probable Cause: Indicates that the route management (RTM) has reached its maximum nexthop capacity.
Recommended Action: Reduce the number of routes or next hops using the clear ip route command.
Message: <messsage>
Message Type: DCE
Probable Cause:Indicates Graceful Restart Done.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: [ IPv6 | IPv4 ] Hosts have reached the high threshold limit of <high-threshold-value>.
Message Type: INFO
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: The number of IPv6/IPv4 hosts in the ARP table has reached the user configured high threshold limit.
Recommended Action: Reduce the number of hosts stored in the table.
Message: [ IPV6 | IPv4 ] Hosts have dropped below the low threshold limit of <low-threshold-value >.
Message Type: INFO
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: The number of IPv6/IPv4 hosts in the ARP table has dropped below the user configured low threshold limit.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: Nexthops have reached the high threshold limit of {high-threshold-limit}
Message Type: INFO
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: The number of nexthop entries has reached or exceeded the user configured high threshold level.
Recommended Action: Reduce the number of entries stored in the table.
Message: Nexthops have dropped below the user configured low threshold limit of {low-threshold-limit}
Message Type: INFO
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: The number of nexthop entries has dropped below the user configured low threshold level.
Recommended Action: No action is required.