Message: Trace dump<optional slot indicating on which slot the dump occurs> automatically transferred to address ' <FTP target designated by user> '.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that a trace dump has occurred on the switch or the specified slot, and the trace dump files were automatically transferred from the switch to the specified FTP server.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message:Trace dump<optional slot indicating on which slot the dump occurs> was not transferred due to FTP error.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that a trace dump has occurred on the switch or the specified slot, but the trace dump files were not automatically transferred from the switch due to reasons such as an FTP error, wrong FTP address, FTP site is down, and network is down.
Recommended Action: If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: FTP Connectivity Test failed due to error.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the connectivity test to the FTP host failed because of reasons such as a wrong FTP address, FTP site is down, or network is down.
Recommended Action: Execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: FTP Connectivity Test succeeded to FTP site ' <FTP target configured by users> '.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: INFO
Probable Cause: Indicates that a connectivity test to the FTP host has succeeded.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: Notification of this MM has failed. Parameters temporarily out of sync with other MM.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause: Indicates that the active management module was unable to alert the standby management module of a change in the trace status. This message is only applicable to modular switches
Recommended Action: This message is often transitory. Wait a few minutes and try the command again.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: Unable to load trace parameters.
Message Type: FFDC | LOG
Severity: CRITICAL
Probable Cause: Indicates that the management module is unable to read the stored trace parameters.
Recommended Action: Reload the switch or the chassis.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: Unable to alert active MM that a dump has occurred.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the standby management module is unable to communicate trace information to the active management module. This message is only applicable to modular switches.
Recommended Action: Execute the show ha command to verify that the current management module is standby and the active management module is active.
If the message persists, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: Traced fails to start.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: ERROR
Probable Cause:
Indicates that the trace daemon (traced), which is used for transferring the trace files has failed to start. The trace capability within the switch is unaffected. The system automatically restarts the traced facility after a brief delay.
Recommended Action: If the message persists, reload the switch or the chassis.
Execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.
Message: Trace dump manually transferred to target ' <optional string to indicate which slot the trace dump is transferred> ': <result>.
Message Type: LOG
Probable Cause: Indicates that the trace dump files were transferred manually to the specified slot.
Recommended Action: No action is required.
Message: The system was unable to retrieve trace information from slot <Slot number of the interface module on which the attempt was made>.
Message Type: LOG
Severity: WARNING
Probable Cause: Indicates that the system was unable to retrieve trace information from the specified slot because there is no communication between the main system and the slot.
Recommended Action: Check that the interface module is enabled and retry the command. If the interface module is already enabled, execute the copy support command and contact your switch service provider.