
Scaled REST Request Timeout

When the scaled EFA tenant REST request (which takes more than 15 minutes) is executed, the REST request fails with an error service is not available or internal server error has occurred, please try again later.

Run the show command to verify the successful completion of failed REST request.

Scaled DRC Timeout

When a lot of tenant configuration is drifted in a scaled setup, the tenant configuration Drift and Reconciliation (DRC) will take more than 10 mins (timeout value). Therefore, the efa inventory drift-reconcile execute --ip <device-ip> command fails with the status tenant-dr-timeout as the time taken to reconcile the scale drifted tenant configuration is beyond the timeout (10 mins).

Run the efa inventory drift-reconcile execute --ip <device-ip> command for the same device once again to check the correct status of the DRC.