TCAM profiles

TCAM profiles enable you to optimize TCAM resources according to your system requirements.



TCAM profiles other than default are supported only on devices based on the DNX chipset-family. For a list of such devices, see "Supported Hardware".

TCAM is used by various forwarding applications. A TCAM profile supports a specified group of forwarding applications.

The following TCAM profiles are supported:

TCAM Profile Scaling (on SLX 9540 and SLX 9640)

For SLX 9540/SLX 9640 devices, the following table displays maximum TCAM entries by features and TCAM profile.

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TCAM-entries available per profile (DNX chipset-family devices)

* For shared limits, the TCAM is filled using first-come first-served.

** DB is shared with L2 and L3 control protocol features.

NS = not supported.

RL = rate limiting.

BD = bridge domain.

TCAM Profile Scaling (SLX 9150/SLX 9250)

For SLX 9150/SLX 9250 devices, the following table displays maximum TCAM entries by features. The only TCAM profile supported is default.

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Maximum TCAM entries by features

* For shared limits, the TCAM is filled using first-come first-served.

** DB is shared with L2 ctrl protocol, L3 protocol, and so forth.

NS = not supported.

RL = rate limiting.

BD = bridge domain.

Table 1. TCAM Profile Feature Support (SLX 9740)
TCAM Profile Feature Default IPv6 Optimised
INGRESS Ingress L2 MAC ACLs Supported Supported
Ingress IPv4 ACLs (ACLs, PBR, RACL, RL, RACL-RL, v4Broadcast ACL) Supported Supported
Ingress IPv6 ACLs (ACLs, PBR, RL, RACL, RACL-RL)​ Supported Supported
VLL(PWE + VXLAN) Supported
Tunnel Supported Supported
App telemetry Not Supported Not Supported
XC stat Supported Supported
EGRESS Egress Ipv6 acl Not Supported Supported
Egress L2 ACL (ACL, RL) Supported Supported
Egress IPv4 ACL Supported Supported

For scale information, refer Scale and Standards Matrix document for this version.