Importing gNMI Client CA Root Certificate

This topic describes the steps to import the gNMI Client's CA root certificate in to the gNMI server. This enables password less connections between the client and the server.

Before you begin

It is assumed that your infrastructure is set up with a gNMI client. Its configuration is beyond the scope of this document.

About this task

Importing the gNMI client's CA Root Certificate for password less connection between the gNMI Server and Client.


From within the SLX-OS context, run the crypto import gnmiclientca command and pass appropriate information for this command.
SLX #  crypto import gnmiclientca directory /root/certfolder/AV2/certs file ca.cert.pem host 10.x.x.x user root password pass protocol SCP


The CA certificate of the gNMI client is imported from the remote server.